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Biography of Francisco de Zurbaran by Brian Byun Painting of Saint Luke by Zurbaran. This is widely believed to be a self-portrait.

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Presentation on theme: "Biography of Francisco de Zurbaran by Brian Byun Painting of Saint Luke by Zurbaran. This is widely believed to be a self-portrait."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biography of Francisco de Zurbaran by Brian Byun Painting of Saint Luke by Zurbaran. This is widely believed to be a self-portrait.

2 About Francisco de Zurbaran  Personal Information Born on Nov. 7, 1598 in Fuente de Cantos Married three times and had children Apprenticed to painter Pedro Diaz de Villanueva in Seville. In 1618, he attended Juan de las Roela’s school. Died on Aug. 27, 1664 The Immaculate Conception

3 Accomplishments  He made many paintings for numerous churches, monasteries, and cathedrals. St. Francis kneeling

4 The Qualities of ZURBARAN  He was known for his ascetic and celestial style  Created realistic portraits by using the chiaroscuro effect.  Well known for religious paintings. Painting by Zurbaran using the chiaroscuro effect.

5 The HOT facts!!!  Zurbaran was a good friend of Diego Velasquez  His first wife was 9 years older than him  He entered his third marriage 6 days ago in the year 1644 Painting of St. Hugh

6 Conclusion on Zurbaran  Francisco de Zurbaran was well known for his detailed religious artworks for monasteries and churches.  He used the chiaroscuro effect very well, allowing him to paint realistic paintings.  He was apprenticed to the painter Pedro Diaz de Villanueva at the age of 16.

7 Bibliography  Stokstad, Marilyn. "Zurbaran, Francisco de." World Book Advanced. 2009. 10 Feb. ?id=ar617735 ?id=ar617735  “Zurbaran, Francisco de.” Art Directory. 2009. 10. Feb.

8 Bibliography: Image Sources  Slide 1: nselfportrait.jpg nselfportrait.jpg  Slide 2: _Inmaculada_Concepcion.jpg _Inmaculada_Concepcion.jpg  Slide 3: ml ml  Slide 4: _Zurbar%C3%A1n_062.jpg _Zurbar%C3%A1n_062.jpg  Slide 5: et/artset11_27_06.php et/artset11_27_06.php  Slide 9:

9 About the AUTHOR  Brian Byun came back to Korea just a couple weeks ago for the exhibition of his great artworks in the Seoul National Museum of Art.  Class: 7E Self-portrait of Brian Byun

10 T H E E N D

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