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UNIT 2 REVIEW GAME Labor Unions 123456 Types of Workers 123456 Union Strategies 123456 Miscellaneous 1234XX Business Organizations 123456.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 2 REVIEW GAME Labor Unions 123456 Types of Workers 123456 Union Strategies 123456 Miscellaneous 1234XX Business Organizations 123456."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 2 REVIEW GAME Labor Unions 123456 Types of Workers 123456 Union Strategies 123456 Miscellaneous 1234XX Business Organizations 123456

2 The first organization of national labor unions; craft union only. AFL - American Federation of Labor

3 Union made up of all workers in an industry. Industrial union

4 Association of workers organized to improve wages and working conditions for its members. Labor Union

5 Union made up of skilled workers in a specific trade or industry. Craft Union

6 Provide (1) negative of labor unions. Increase prices

7 The first national union organizing skilled and semi- skilled workers. CIO – Congress of Industrial Organizations

8 Category of workers employed in crafts, manufacturing, and non-farm labor. Blue-collar worker

9 Refers to office workers, salespeople, and professionals – highly trained White Collar Worker

10 People whose jobs require some training. Semi-skilled workers

11 People whose jobs require no specialized training. Unskilled worker

12 Highly educated individuals with college degrees and usually additional education & training. professionals

13 Person who has learned a trade of craft through a vocational school or apprenticeship. Skilled worker

14 Process by which unions and management negotiate the terms of employment. Collective bargaining

15 A deliberate work stoppage by workers to force an employer to give into demands. strike

16 When unions urge the public not to purchase the goods and services produced by the company. boycott

17 When workers on strike signs that state their complaint with the company. picketing

18 When a neutral person steps in and tries to get both sides to reach an agreement. mediation

19 When 2 sides submit the issues they cannot agree on to a 3 rd party for a final decision. arbitration

20 What is the smallest level of organized labor. Local union

21 When a company closes the doors to the business and prevents workers from returning. Lockout

22 What is the highest level of organized labor. Federation

23 What are right to work laws? Laws passed by the government to prevent unions from forcing workers to join.

24 Business owned by a single owner. Single proprietorship

25 File this form with the government to start a partnership. Articles of Partnership

26 Receive this from the government to start a corporation. Charter

27 Courts can seize personal property to satisfy claims against a firm. Unlimited liability

28 Business must be reorganized after death of owner. Limited life

29 Group of people who control a corporation. Board of directors

30 Ownership of a corporation is sold in… Stock

31 Category of workers employed in crafts, manufacturing, and or non-farm labor. Blue-collar worker

32 Refers to office workers, salespeople, and professionals – highly trained White collar worker

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