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NOUNS fjc/12/09.

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Presentation on theme: "NOUNS fjc/12/09."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOUNS fjc/12/09

2 What is a noun? A noun is a naming word.
It can be the name of a person, place or thing.

3 A noun is the name of a person:
boy girl clown dancer dentist

4 A noun is the name of a place:
garage classroom zoo seaside

5 A noun is the name of a thing:
book airplane flower stethoscope golf ball

6 Match the Noun Game nutmeg optician clown pen trumpet eagle hoe stetson lance mechanic 1. Which noun is a musical instrument you have to blow? trumpet

7 2. Which noun is a bird of prey?
nutmeg optician clown pen trumpet eagle hoe stetson lance mechanic eagle

8 3. Which one is a type of hat worn by cowboys?
nutmeg optician clown pen trumpet eagle hoe stetson lance mechanic stetson

9 4. Which noun is used to take weeds out of a flower bed?
nutmeg optician clown pen trumpet eagle hoe stetson lance mechanic hoe

10 5. Which noun is a long wooden spear used by a horseman?
nutmeg optician clown pen trumpet eagle hoe stetson lance mechanic lance

11 6. Which noun is a person who fixes cars?
nutmeg optician clown pen trumpet eagle hoe stetson lance mechanic mechanic

12 7. Which noun is a person who makes us laugh?
nutmeg optician clown pen trumpet eagle hoe stetson lance mechanic clown

13 8. We use this to write. pen nutmeg optician clown pen trumpet eagle
hoe stetson lance mechanic pen

14 9. What do we call a person who looks after our eyes?
nutmeg optician clown pen trumpet eagle hoe stetson lance mechanic optician

15 10. This is a type of seed which is used in cooking.
nutmeg optician clown pen trumpet eagle hoe stetson lance mechanic nutmeg


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