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Training for School Board Members

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Presentation on theme: "Training for School Board Members"— Presentation transcript:

1 Training for School Board Members
PILOT DPAS II Training for School Board Members

2 Our Process - necessary for the Superintendent and all Administrators
Training I Overview of DPAS II Review the main components and timelines Review forms Training II Work through the process

3 Accountability Legislation – An Overview DPAS II
Only effective for those districts participating in the pilot For any administrator participating in the pilot, any rating received on a Summative Evaluation during the pilot period shall not be included in the determination of a pattern of ineffective administration

4 Who is an Administrator in this Regulation?
An administrator is a professional employee of a board in a supervisory capacity involving the oversight of an instructional program.

5 Administrator Inexperienced – less than three years of service as an administrator Experienced – three or more years of service as an administrator Role Experienced - three or more years of service as an administrator in that role

6 Linking DPAS II Evaluations
Superintendent Assistant Superintendent District Office Directors/Supervisors School Administrators Principals/Assistant Principals Teachers/Specialists

7 Evaluator Credentials
Evaluators must complete DPAS II training developed by DOE. Evaluators will receive a certificate of completion which is valid for five years and is renewable upon professional development focused on DPAS II as specified by DOE.

8 FORMATIVE PROCESS Consists of Goal setting Conference Self-Evaluation
Survey of Staff Supervised by the Administrator Formative Conference/Reports

9 Appraisal Criteria Component I – Assessment on Leader Standards
Component II – Assessment on Goals and Priorities Component III – Assessment on School and District Improvement Plan (Strategic Plan) Component IV – Assessment on Measures of Student Improvement DSTP Accountability Ratings District adopted norm or criterion referenced assessments Assessments selected by districts to measure quality and equity of student learning across content areas Other measures of student performance that are used by teachers in the school are standards based and DSTP- like

10 Summative Evaluation Four Components Equally Weighted and Assigned a Rating of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory ISLLC Standards Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Goals and Priorities Satisfactory Unsatisfactory School Improvement Plan Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Student Performance Overall Summative rating Effective Needs Improvement Ineffective

11 Summative Evaluation Rating
Effective – received Satisfactory in all four of the components. Needs Improvement received one Unsatisfactory Component rating out of the 4 components. (Summative rating may be delayed until the DSTP data is available.) Ineffective – received two or more Unsatisfactory Component rating out of the four.

12 Let’s Break It Down!

13 Assessment of Leader Standards Component I
2. Aggregated assessment on the DPAS II Surveys from (in summative evaluation) Those individuals who the administrator supervises, The administrator himself/herself, The supervisor

14 Assessment of Goals and Priorities Component II
Adequate progress on the administrator’s professional goals (These are to be collaboratively agreed upon in the formative meeting.)

15 Assessment of the School Or District Improvement Plan - Component III
There is growth in the goals and objectives in the school or district improvement plan. The school plans link to the district plans.

16 Assessment on Measures of Student Improvement - Component IV
A satisfactory rating on this component means the administrator demonstrates acceptable performance by: DSTP results show performance has improved. Based on formula for school accountability rating, there are consistent indicators of improvement in school accountability And by Meeting at least four of the additional 5 criteria below: Makes progress on targets for school improvement on the DSTP There is improvement on goals established for the equitable distribution of learning outcomes based on gender, race, SES, special education status and language proficiency There is consistent evidence of improvement on district adopted norm and criterion referenced assessments. There is improvement in the per cent of student who are meeting the targets for school or district accountability. There is improvement on student attendance or graduation rate.

17 Improvement Plan Developed for an administrator who receives an overall rating of Needs Improvement or Ineffective on the Summative Evaluation or an Unsatisfactory on any component on the Summative Evaluation regardless of the overall rating. An Improvement Plan shall also be developed if performance on the Formative Process is Unsatisfactory.

18 Improvement Plan Contents
Identification of the specific deficiencies and recommended areas of growth. Measurable goals for improving the deficiencies to satisfactory levels. Specific resources necessary to implement the plan, including opportunities to work with curriculum specialists or other administrators with relevant experiences. Procedures and evidence that must be collected to determine that the goals of the plan were met. Timelines for the plan, including intermediate check points to determine progress. Procedures for determining satisfactory improvement.

19 Improvement Plan Developed collaboratively by the administrator and evaluator. If can not be developed collaboratively, the evaluator has the authority to determine the plan. The administrator is responsible for implementation and completion of the IP. Upon completion the administrator and evaluator shall sign the documentation that determines the satisfactory or unsatisfactory completion of the plan.

20 Challenge Process Administrator can challenge any rating on the Summative Evaluation or the Formative Process. Must submit additional information within ten working days of the date of administrator’s receipt of the Summative Evaluation. This is part of the appraisal record. It is forwarded to supervisor of the evaluator. Within ten days of receiving the challenge, the supervisor will review all documentation and issue a written decision. If denied the decision, the supervisor shall state reasons for denial. The decision of the supervisor of the evaluator is final.

21 Questions and Short Break

22 Working together toward a plan that works!

23 Evaluators are responsible for Effective Feedback that is…..
Descriptive Specific First Hand Not Opinion Timely Behavioral Patterns Factual Honest

24 Tips for Receiving Feedback
Listen openly. Take time to digest. Acknowledge valid points. Accept compliments. Paraphrase what you heard. Show that you understand even if you don’t agree with the speaker’s interpretation. Ask for clarification. Request feedback.

25 School Leadership Standards
Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards

26 Uses of the ISLLC Standards
Preparation for next generation of school administrators. Mentoring of new administrators. Professional development of practicing administrators. Administrator evaluation.

27 Leader Standards Component I
Wanted: School Administrator “Must be more powerful than a locomotive, faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bounce – blue uniform with tights and cape furnished.” Apply Any School District

28 Understanding of Effective Leadership
Heavy reliance on research based on linkages between educational leadership and productive schools, especially in terms of outcomes for children and youth. Emphasis on strong educators, anchoring their work on central issues of learning and teaching as well as school improvement Focus on school leaders who are moral agents and social advocates for the children and the communities they serve. Making the valuing and caring connections with others as individuals and as members of the educational community

29 The Changing Nature of Society
The emergence of a more diverse society- racially, linguistically, and culturally. Changing economy, more information based with global emphasis. The decrease of social capital and the increase of poverty. The use of trend data.

30 An Evolving Model of Schooling
Rethinking teaching and learning to successfully engage and challenge all students. A new emphasis on caring centered and community focused conceptions of schooling. Stakeholders external to the school are playing significantly enhanced roles in education.

31 Central Themes A Vision for Success A Focus on Teaching and Learning
An Involvement of All Stakeholders A Demonstration of Ethical Behavior

32 Student Centered Reform
The bottom line of schooling, after all, is student learning. Everything principals do- establishing a vision, setting goals, managing staff, rallying the community, creating effective learning environments, building support systems for students, guiding instruction, and so on must be in service of student learning. (Institute for Educational Leadership, 2000, p.4) Superintendent oversees that happens in ALL schools and is consistent with District Plan and Goals

33 Standards Core Values

34 Standard 1 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.

35 Standard 2 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional development.

36 Standard 3 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.

37 Standard 4 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing the community resources.

38 Standard 5 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.

39 Standard 6 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural contexts.

40 Component II – Assessment of Goals and Priorities
What has been accomplished in the district plan to date? What other factors should be addressed that are not included in the district plan? What are the priorities for this evaluation year? What is reasonable to accomplish?

41 Component III – Assessment of the District Strategic Plan
How are we using the plan? How well has the district communicated the plan? How are we doing? Has the board allocated appropriate resources and support for the plan? Are we addressing our priorities?

42 DATA The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it’s the same problem you had last year. - John Foster Dulles

43 Tools for Understanding Problems and Improving Results
Data helps you: Refine the definition of a problem by quantifying its frequency or impact. Verify which potential causes of a problem are actual causes. Monitor whether changes you have made to fix a problem have had the desired impact.

44 Tools for Measuring Student Performance
Standardized Assessments – (norm and criterion referenced) Year to Year Cohort Progress Curriculum –embedded assessments ( performance assessments, portfolios, and student assessment) District Assessments Other Factors

45 Delaware’s AYP Intermediate Targets
How is our district meeting AYP? Elementary Middle High Which schools are meeting AYP? Which schools did not make AYP? How are your schools doing on the State Progress Determination? What role did our superintendent play? What are the next steps for improvement?

46 DSTP Reading (1998 – 2005) Percent of 3rd graders who
Met or Exceeded the Standard

47 No Name Elementary School % of 3rd grade students who met or exceeded the standards

48 Questions to Ask? What does the data tell us?
What problems or challenges do they reveal? What can we do about what the data reveal? What strategies should we brainstorm? What research should we consult? What are data telling us about how effective our current efforts are in helping us achieve our goals?

49 Goals and Priorities The key: Linking Learning and Improvement
Using your District Strategic Plan & Goals Make learning something that an entire district does. Apply that learning to achieve continuous improvement. What is accomplishable this year?

50 SMART Goals Strategic and Specific Measurable Attainable
Results-oriented Time bound

51 Strategic Goals Linked to strategic priorities that are part of a larger vision of school success for the entire district. These goals will have both broad based and long term impact because focused on the specific needs of the students for whom the goal is intended.

52 Measurable Being able to know whether actions made the kind of difference we wanted Being able to measure a change in results because of these actions. Should occur in a number of different ways using a variety of tools and strategies. Yielding consistent patterns gives greater confidence that actions have made a difference.

53 Attainable A goal must be within the realm of our influence or control and doable given current resources. Must know your starting point (baseline). Must know how much time you have to accomplish the goal. Must know what kinds of resources you have to make the necessary changes.

54 Results-Based Define what is expected.
Communicate a desired end point. Answer the question, “So What?” Not process but results. Should come in the form of student achievement in a particular area, a percentage of students who improve in a certain area, or as a demonstration of learning that can be defined and measured.

55 Time-Bound Helps to determine attainability.
Helps to keep the goal a priority. Gives the goal urgency. Requires periodic check on how well or how swiftly progressing toward the goal. Keeps goal dynamic part of improvement process.

56 Example Within the next two years, increase by 50% the number of 6th and 7th grade students scoring proficient or advanced levels in reading and math. (Currently, only one third of students score at this level.)

57 The Process

58 Create an Evaluation Plan
Reflect the Priorities and Goals discussed previously Reasonable and Obtainable Should have Mutual Agreement Clearly defined Superintendent AND Board Responsibilities Stages of Progress Have a mid term review and adjustments if necessary A final review that is fair and honest

59 Goal Setting Conference 1
Goal Setting Conference Board schedules conference with Administrator prior to August 15th Conference held Goals reviewed and agreed upon SIP plan reviewed and agreed upon Goals and plans signed by both parties If revision needed, resubmitted to the board and process begins again.

60 FORMATIVE FEEDBACK FORM for Leader Standards
Name _______________ Position ____________________________ Appraiser ____________ Date of Conference __________________ This form may be used to record the content of conferences held and to note any goals or performance expectations agreed upon, and any other pertinent information either party feels should be recorded. Component I: Assessment on Leader Standards Standard 1: Standard 2: Standard 3: Standard 4: Standard 5: Standard 6: Narrative:

61 Plan Develop a plan mutually with S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Strategic and Specific Measurable Attainable Results-oriented Time bound

62 Mid Year Conference Board and Superintendent discuss progress toward goals. Discussion of unforeseen issues. The Board makes suggestions and necessary, mutually agreed upon adjustments are made. Board provides the administrator with two copies of the summary of the Mid Year Conference within a week of the conference. Superintendent signs and returns one copy to the supervisor.

63 Mid Year Conference Administrator____________ Date____________
This will serve as a summary of the MId Year Conference held on______ Accomplishments and Commendations: Narrative: Areas for Growth and Improvement:

64 Mid Year Conference Scheduled in January or February
Board Schedules conference and reviews strategies and documentation submitted. Superintendent Submits strategies and documentation of what has been done or is being done to meet the goals established at the goal setting conference and on the School Improvement Plan

65 Evaluator Self- Assessment Survey
Prior to Summative Conference

66 Distribute the Leader Standards Survey
Inexperienced or Administrators on an Improvement Plan distribute Survey to those staff members he/she Supervises by March 1. Experienced Administrators distribute Survey to those he/she supervises by April 1. ……………………………………………………… Surveys are to be sent anonymously to Board.

67 Summative Appraisal: Board Analyzes Data from Surveys
Important to carefully consider any outlying responses. Important to compare superintendent’s self-assessment with other surveys. Look for trends and patterns. Helps establish targets for professional development for the superintendent.

68 Preparing for the Summative Conference
Superintendent supplies Board with all documentation of all four components a week prior to the conference. Survey results are compiled for review.

69 Documentation Any additional documentation of Leader Standards
Documentation of Goals Progress on District Improvement Plan Measures of Student Improvement - Testing data Other documentation as necessary

70 Summative Conference Provides documentation of Leader Standards
Goals and Priorities Adjustments made Student Assessment Data

71 Board Meets with Superintendent
Reviews and discusses documentation Analyzes documentation Completes summative form Lists accomplishments Recommendations Provides an end of the year Summative Evaluation within a week of the conference Administrator will sign and return.

72 Questions….. Feedback What else do you need from us to be successful?

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