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Update on Water activities

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1 Update on Water activities
EIONET CCIVA Tuesday 22/5/2012 Brussels

2 Update on Water activities
ClimWatAdapt & on-going studies Blueprint Expert Group Climate Change & Water

3 ClimWatAdapt and on-going DG ENV assessments.

4 Vulnerability of Water Resources & Adaptation
Driving forces Pressures State Potential Impacts Exposure Climate scenarios Natural variability Precipitation Snow cover Evaporation Sea level rise Etc. Water availability Soil moisture River flow Water temperature Salt intrusion Etc. costs/benefits (health, assets, production, land, jobs, biodiversity, ecosystem services, etc.) from water stress, flooding, etc. Sensitivity Production Consumption Demography Etc. Land-use Processes Flood defenses Storage capacity Etc. Withdrawals Location ecosystems, population, activity, assets Etc Adaptation

5 Water and Adaptation Modelling ClimWatAdapt project (2010-2011)

6 ClimWatAdapt Scenarios
Socio-economic and land use: SCENES. Main drivers (socio-economic, electricity production, technological changes, …) Climate: ENSEMBLES Long-term annual average bias-corrected temperature and precipitation data (baseline, 2025s and 2050s), 11 GCM-RCM combinations, SRES A1B scenario Change in annual precipitation between 2050s and baseline

7 Adaptation measures inventory

8 Water withdrawals Future? Year 2005

9 Water availability 2050s ( ) Baseline ( )

10 FP6 SCENES Scenario «Economy First» 2050
FP6 SCENES Scenario «Sustainability Eventually» 2050 Example of ClimWatAdapt results: Summer Water Exploitation Index (excl cooling water) The main message from this bold exploratory scenario exercise is that despite strong improvements in water efficiency in all sectors, water stress would remain a problem in numerous EU catchments, including in central and western Europe. This pleads for a more integrated analysis of the potential of increasing water availability, water retention and water savings taking fully into account the uncertainties linked to economic developments in various sectors and climate change. Low stress (WEI < 20%) Medium stress (20% < WEI < 40% High stress (WEI > 40%) Source: DG Environment, ClimWatAdapt database, 2011

11 ClimWatAdapt policy recommendations:
Knowledge Gap Additional research: focus uncertainty and adaptive capacity. Integration into CLIMATE-ADAPT and WISE. Economic analysis under WFD: forecasts about future water use and related investments) Embed EU and national forecast systems in CLIMATE-ADAPT. • Define and agree on EU wide set of vulnerability indicators to measure the success of implemented adaptation measures. Mainstreaming Ecosystem-based approach / transfer into all EU policies targeting land use changes (CAP, Energy, Transport) Climate proofing measures in 2nd RBMPs Funding priority to “green” or “soft” measures and multi-objectives measures Start assessment of long-term radical measures transboundary water management adaptation strategies. Support actions at EU level to foster the uptake and implementation of technical adaptation measures.

12 Knowledge Integration:
ClimWatAdapt results integrated in the Clearinghouse

13 Current work Modelling of the cost-effectiveness of measures in the context of the Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s waters Natural water retention measures Water efficiency measures Preparatory Action Climate of the Carpathian Region Litterature review on the potential climate change effects on drinking water resources across the EU and the identification of priorities among different types of drinking water supplies

14 Natural Water Retention Measures
Slow down or reduce the flow of water downstream, leading to a more natural flow regime within a catchment, alleviate the effect of droughts, and to prevent floods, desertification and salination by: improving soil’s water storage capacity limiting soil erosion increasing groundwater recharge conserving water in natural systems decreasing flow velocity, controlling runoff reducing flood peaks

15 Outcome Report on litterature review on costs, benefits and policy implication of measures To be circulated for comments To be integrated into WISE catalogue of measures Quantitative modelling at EU level (JRC) First results to be presented at Green Week Included into Blueprint Scenarios

16 JRC modelling Approach
JRC modelling: Provide a first quantitative pan-European overview of the effects of ‘green’ measures on discharge Encouraging Member States to further explore the use NWRM, foster communication between stakeholders JRC modelling Approach Building scenarios of land use agricultural practice water retention, etc. Multi -models Land use model Climate models Hydrological model, etc. Assessment of effectiveness of measures at EU level (flood risk prevention, low flows)

17 Water scarcity and droughts
GAP analysis on water scarcity & droughts Identification of the extent of water scarcity & droughts in Europe and assessment of existing and potential selected measures for tackling water scarcity & droughts. Water efficiency in Buildings Leakage reduction in water distribution networks 5-8 pilot studies in water-scarce parts of Europe to analyse and quantify factors of relevance for leakages at a river basin level. Identification of best practices for reducing water-losses in the EU or other countries. Recommendations on policy options for water efficiency in distribution systems. Activities to halt desertification in Europe 3-5 pilot projects on innovative technologies, techniques or practices in order to contribute to the exchanges of good practice and innovation at the local level for halting desertification in Europe. Water pricing in agriculture Case studies on water pricing policies for the agricultural sector in selected river basins. Recommendation on best practices. Water saving in agriculture Clarification on the current situation of agricultural water use in Europe, and compilation of conclusions from a range of studies on possibilities for water saving in agriculture. 17

18 Preparatory action — Climate of the Carpathian basin
Objective approved by the European Parliament: 2010 Budget allocation: Analysis of the vulnerability of water and ecosystems of the region to climate change impacts and other man-made pressures Identifying potential adaptation measures, focusing on adaptive water management and ecosystem-based approaches.. Benefits National or Regional adaptation strategies in the Carpathian Region Danube Climate Adaptation Strategy Contribution to the forthcoming EU Information System (Clearinghouse) on Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation

19 Preparatory Action Climate of Carpathian Region (1/2)
CARPIVIA project To gather information on vulnerability of environmental resources to climate change in the Carpathian region, and on that basis identify and assess potential adaptation measures, with a focus on ecosystem based approaches To identify knowledge gaps to be filled in by additional field research or case studies (executed by a parallel project contract) To contribute to on-going national or regional adaptation strategies or related policy processes, and the EU Knowledge Base on Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation (a.o. EU Adaptation Clearinghouse) runs until 2013, complemented by the CarpathCC project started in 2012

20 Preparatory Action Climate of Carpathian Region (2/2)
CarpathCC project: 6 in-depth studies for in-depth assessments of vulnerability of environmental resources and ecosystem-based adaptation measures: In-depth study on the key climate change threats and impacts on water resources In-depth study on the impacts of climate change threats on ecosystems In-depth study on the impact of climate change on ecosystem based production systems In-depth study on adaptation measures Supporting stakeholder interaction Integral vulnerability assessments in focal areas

21 A Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s waters
EG CC & Water 21/5/2012

22 What is the Blueprint? The Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water Resources will present the policy response to the challenges presented in the State of Water Report, long-term aim: to ensure sufficient availability of good quality water for sustainable and equitable water use. Closely linked to EU 2020 Strategy and Resource Efficiency Roadmap.

23 Why a Blueprint? Improving the implementation of current EU water policy Fostering the integration of water and other policies When necessary, seeking the completion of the current policy framework

24 Synthesis of policy recommendations building on on-going assessments
Impact Assessment « Fitness Check» EU water policy instruments Outlook of sustainability and vulnerability of EU water resources Policy Options Nov 2012 Blueprint To Safeguard EU Waters Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation

25 From Objectives to Policy Options
Foster integration of water into sectoral policies Achievement Good Ecological Status Increase the use of economic instruments Adressing Water Stress Achieve a more efficient water governance Foster integration of water into sectoral policies, by ensuring that impact of socio-economic activities and regulations on the state of water resources is fully taken on board Increase the use of economic instruments for a better allocation of resources and internalisation of external costs. Achieve a more efficient water governance and effective working relationships between institutions, and fully integrate water quality, quantity and hydromorphology issues in management actions. Improve knowledge and tools available to water managers[N1]  and managers of all sectors dependent on water, enabling effective decision making and reducing administrative burden.  [N1]Knowledge and tools also for framers, industries, tourist sector etc. are needed Resilience to Extreme Events Improve knowledge and tools

26 Unlocking Measures Focus on measures serving multiple benefits
Unlocking barriers : Technical / Innovation Knowledge (costs, benefits and impacts of measures) Economic incentives Financial resources Regulations

27 Pressures Drivers State Responses Impacts

28 Identifying specific problems to be solved through the Blueprint
Level 3 Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 2

29 Next Steps 15/3 – 7/6: 12-weeks public consultation on Policy Options
Discussion options at 3rd EU Water Conference on May Discussion at Informal ENV Council 7-8 July 18 July : Impact Assessment Board November: Publication Blueprint

30 Expert Group Climate Change & Water

31 Expert Group Climate Change & Water
Main objective: Discuss how Member States and others Institutions are going about implementing the WFD-CIS Guidance document No. 24 “RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT IN A CHANGING CLIMATE” Share experiences and best practice Look at emerging issues (to be taken into account for the 2nd and 3rd RBMP).

32 Preliminary assessment River Basin Management Plans (RBMP)
Most of the MS included significant information on climate change into the RBMP, however in a different level of detail Climate change issues have not influenced much the RBMP actions yet There is an indication in some plans that climate check of measures has already been done or preparations for it are started for the next RBMP cycles

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