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America Becomes a World Power AP US History Spring 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "America Becomes a World Power AP US History Spring 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 America Becomes a World Power AP US History Spring 2011

2 Essential Question: What factors contributed to the US becoming a world power at the end of the 19th century?

3 Introduction Entire history of U.S. could be viewed from an expansionist perspective: Seven Years War Treaty of Paris, 1783/Federal Constitution LA Purchase and Jacksonian Democracy Manifest Destiny Spread of Slavery and the Civil War Conquest of Native Americans Post-Civil War Industrial Revolution (ok, this one is pretty thin!)

4 Current World Status? Still Imperialist??

5 The American View of the World
Basic Belief: Stay out of corrupt European affairs: (alliances, wars, etc (Washington) American Isolationism Geographic Isolation Political Isolation Preoccupation at Home

6 Interest in Foreign Affairs/Outside World
Lack of Preoccupation at Home Outlet for Energy and Ambition Need for Markets and Raw Materials Large Number of Immigrants “White Man’s Burden” Modern Weapons Popularity

7 The 5 “Ds” of … Expansionism?
Destiny Defense Dollars Democracy Deity

8 1. Commercial/Business Interests (Dollars)
U. S. Foreign Investments:

9 1. Commercial/Business Interests American Foreign Trade: 1870-1914

10 2. Military/Strategic Interests
D E F N S Alfred T. Mahan’s The Influence of Sea Power on History:

11 3. Social Darwinist Thinking
The White Man’s Burden The Hierarchy of Race

12 4. Religious/Missionary Interests American Missionaries in China, 1905
DEITY American Missionaries in China, 1905

13 Spanish American War

14 War Was a Turning Point in US History
Prior to 1898: No overseas possessions After 1898: Control of several Pacific and Caribbean nations World Power!

15 Background: Cuba

16 Background With Puerto Rico, Cuba was the only remaining Spanish colony in the Western Hemisphere Economic/Social Problems in Cuba (revolt in 1868) 1895 2nd Cuban Revolution (they had so many problems, they revolted twice!) McKinley Tariff Act Spanish Policy

17 American Reaction to the Revolution
Investments Sympathy US companies begin to sell arms to Cubans All results in public demand for intervention

18 Spanish Misrule in Cuba

19 De Lôme Letter Dupuy de Lôme, Spanish Ambassador to the U.S.
Criticized President McKinley as “weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd, besides being a would-be politician who tries to leave a door open behind himself while keeping on good terms with the jingoes of his party”.

20 “Yellow Journalism” & Jingoism William Randolph Hearst
Joseph Pulitzer Hearst to Frederic Remington: You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war! William Randolph Hearst

21 War With Spain The USS Maine
Battleship sent to Havana to protect American citizens in Cuba as a show of American power to, The Maine is destroyed by a “mysterious” explosion below the deck Newspapers report that the Spanish were responsible

22 The U.S.S. Maine

23 “Yellow” Journalism

24 Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain!
Funeral for Maine victims in Havana

25 US Ultimatum to Spain Cease-Fire Armistice to Rebels
Abolition of Concentration Camps Implied Independence

26 Spain’s Response Spain can’t comply without granting independence, although they agree to armistice April 11, 1898: McKinley to Congress Teller Amendment

27 The Spanish-American War (1898): “That Splendid Little War”
The best way to “secure the independence of Cuba” is to… Attack the Philippines!

28 The Spanish-American War (1898): “That Splendid Little War”

29 Theodore Roosevelt Charges Up San Juan Hill
The “Rough Riders” Theodore Roosevelt Charges Up San Juan Hill

30 Emilio Aguinaldo July 4, 1946?? Philippine independence
Dewey Smuggled Him into MANILA Leader of the Filipino Uprising. July 4, 1946?? Philippine independence

31 William H. Taft, 1st Gov.-General of the Philippines
Great administrator

32 Our “Sphere of Influence”

33 The Treaty of Paris: 1899 Cuba was freed from Spanish rule, but…
Spain gave up Puerto Rico, Guam The U.S. paid Spain $20,000,000 for the Philippines. The U.S. becomes an imperial power!

34 Cuban Independence? Teller Amendment (1898) Platt Amendment (1903)
Cuba was not to enter into any agreements with foreign powers that would “endanger” its independence. The U.S. could intervene in Cuban affairs to maintain a “suitable” from of govt. U.S. acquires rights to naval base Guantanamo Bay as coaling station. Cuba cannot borrow $$ without U.S. approval. Senator Orville Platt

35 Results of the Spanish American War
A fierce debate over the Treaty of 1899 Imperialists: Racism: White Man’s Burden Competition with Others: they’ll take them if we don’t Need bases to protect shipping and trade Have the power to do it

36 Results of the War Anti-Imperialists Racism: No more “colored people”
Unconstitutional: “No where Expressly granted” Contrary to U.S. Ideals Anti-colonial Self Determination

37 Treaty Ratified Republican 38 Republican 2 Democrat 11 Democrat 22
Senate vote on the Treaty of Paris,1899 For (57) Against (27) Republican 38 Republican 2 Democrat 11 Democrat 22 Populist 8 Populist 3 Imperialist or Isolationist??

38 The U.S. as a World Power

39 U.S. Intervention

40 The Roosevelt Corollary
1906 Dominican Republic Extension of Monroe Doctrine

41 Roosevelt Corollary “That’s a live Wire, Gentlemen”

42 Another View “Tell Your Troubles to the policeman”

43 Roosevelt “Takes” Panama
“at last, a revolution which will help the whole world"

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