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Weather Study Guide.

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1 Weather Study Guide

2 2 points each (matching)
Section 1: Vocabulary 2 points each (matching)

3 What are all the particles of air pressing on a surface?

4 Air pressure

5 What is the layer of air that surrounds our planet?

6 The atmosphere

7 What is another name for the amount of water vapor in the air?

8 humidity

9 What is the name of the layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth where most weather occurs?

10 Troposphere Layer closes to the earth Weather happens in this layer
Live and breathe air in this layer Air temperature decreases as you go higher

11 What is the 2nd closest layer of the atmosphere to the Earth?

12 Stratosphere Airplanes travel in this layer to avoid bad weather
Contains most of the atmosphere’s ozone Ozone protects living things from harmful rays of the sun Temperature increase with height

13 What is the 3rd closest layer of the atmosphere to the Earth which is also the coldest layer?

14 Mesosphere Temperature decreases with height
Coldest layer of the atmosphere

15 What is the hottest, outermost layer of the atmosphere?

16 Thermosphere Hot, outermost layer
Temperature increase quickly with height

17 What is the way that the atmosphere traps heat to warm land and oceans called?

18 Greenhouse Effect

19 What are huge bodies of air called?

20 Air Masses

21 What do we call the place where two air masses meet?

22 A front

23 What are the high, wispy clouds that signal cool, fair weather?

24 Cirrus

25 What are the puffy clouds that often signal clear, warm days?

26 Cumulus

27 What are the tall, dark clouds that signal thunderstorms?

28 Cumulonimbus Dense cumulus cloud with a hazy outline
Usually producing heavy rain, thunderstorms, or hailstorms

29 What are the low, grey clouds often occurring along warm fronts sometimes bringing rain or snow?

30 Stratus Dark gray clouds that form a low layer
Sometimes bring rain or snow showers

31 Section 2: Science Concepts
5 points each

32 What are the four layers of the atmosphere?

33 The four layers of the atmosphere are:
Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere

34 What instruments do meteorologists use to forecast weather?

35 Anemometer Measures wind speed
The cups catch the wind, turning a dial attached to the instrument. The dial shows the wind speed.

36 Barometer Measures air pressure

37 Hygrometer Measures the amount of humidity in the air.

38 In which layer of the atmosphere does most weather occur?

39 troposphere

40 What is the cloud type that usually brings heavy rain?

41 cumulonimbus

42 What does warm air do when affected by cooler air?

43 Warm air can be characterized as forced upward by cooler air and it exerts low pressure.

44 Describe the water cycle.

45 The water cycle consists of four different events that constantly repeat themselves. (Be able to describe each one).

CONGRATULATIONS!! You did it!!! If you did well on this study guide, you should do well on the test. 

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