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Accessible College Services

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Presentation on theme: "Accessible College Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accessible College Services
An eLearning Professional Development Resource A Presentation for Colleges Deerhurst May 12/13, 2009 Presented by: Karen Coffey, Project Manager Brian Bell, The Wired Schoolhouse

2 Agenda Introduction Overview of AODA
Highlights of the Customer Service Standard The Enabling Change Partnership Project Background to ASC Development Implementation Resources and Q&A

3 At the end of this session you will be able to answer the following questions:
What is this new resource? Why was it developed? How was it funded? Who had input in the development? How was this tool designed? What are some of the features of this resource? Who can access this resource? How do I access this resource? How much it will cost your institution?

4 An Overview to the AODA, 2005 It starts with the ODA, 2001

5 the relationship to each other
AODA and ODA: the relationship to each other Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 is about planning Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 is about accessibility standards ODA no standards, limited enforcement AODA enforceable standards with timelines for compliance

6 AODA, 2005 Standards completed or being completed in key areas of daily living Customer Service Built Environment Employment Information & Communication Transportation

7 Current Status of AODA Accessible Customer Service
* (SDC) established in 2006 * Ontario Regulation 429/07 came into force January 1, 2008 * Applies to all organizations and businesses in Ontario with at least one employee Accessible Transportation * SDC established in 2006 * Public review completed in September 2007 * Final proposed standards posted on MCSS website with supporting documents

8 Accessible Information & Communication
* Expected to remove barriers in access to information and communication * SDC established in April 2007 * Public review completed in February 2009 Employment Accessibility * Proposed standards expected to remove barriers in employment practices * SDC established in 2007, standards are underway * Public review to be completed May 22, 2009 Accessible Built Environment * Proposed standards to address access into and within building and outdoor spaces * SDC established in October 2007 * Public review expected in 2009

9 Customer Service Regulation Highlights
Requirements include: * Establishing policies, practices and procedures on providing goods and service to people with disabilities * Establish policies on assistive devices, service animals, support persons, admission fees and service disruptions * Ensure policies, practices and procedures are consistent with the key principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity * Communicate with a person with a disability in a manner that takes into account the nature of the disability

10 * Set up a process to receive and respond to feedback
* Ensure certain staff receive training on how to serve people with disabilities, including staff involved in developing customer service policies, practices, and procedures and people who deal with the public or other third parties on behalf of the provider

11 What funding is available to assist organizations to comply with these new standards?

12 The Enabling Change Partnership Program

13 The Enabling Change Partnership Project
In June 2008 we submitted an application for funding to cover the costs of developing an on line training program on how to provide customer service to individuals with disabilities. Our proposal was one of 14 that was accepted in October. It was the only college proposal accepted. Project began in January. Provides funding for strategic partnership projects that will make a significant impact on improving accessibility for people with disabilities and promote compliance with the AODA and accessibility standards


15 Accessible Services for Colleges
An on line training resource designed to help Ontario’s 24 Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Comply with the Customer Service Standards by January 1, 2010

16 Who had input into this project?

17 Project Structure Steering Committee Membership
Accessibility Directorate Colleges Ontario Algonquin College George Brown College Working group

18 Advisory Committee Membership HRCC SASCC CCDI HLLR CPALO
Faculty/French representation Disability expert Northern representation Human Resources Coordinating Committee Student Access and Success Coordinating Comm. CCDI, Heads of Libraries, and Learning, Comm. of Registrars, Admission and Liaison Officers

19 How was this tool designed?
What are some of the features of this resource? Who can access this resource? How do I access this resource? How much it will cost your institution?

20 How was this tool designed? Instructional Design Plan
Development How was this tool designed? Instructional Design Plan TWS retained to create eLearning module: requires raising awareness of disabilities among staff and providing them with the appropriate means of serving the disabled. Needed to evaluate different learner groups and learning styles (learner profiles) Are four instructional architectures; guided discovery is best suited for this project - provides resources and experiences that promote learners’ construction of new knowledge and skills Learning Objectives: measurable behaviours. Are Terminal and Enabling Objectives: Terminal Objective Serve customers with disabilities to an acceptable standard of performance Enabling Objectives • Demonstrate awareness of a variety of disabilities • Identify the service techniques appropriate to specific disabilities • Identify resources related to service for customers with disabilities

21 Content Matrix

22 Typical Storyboard Page

23 What are some of the features of this resource?
available in both Flash and HTML (maximum interactivity / maximum accessibility) available in French and English three separate modules; one for each user group available 24/7 full verbatim audio, photographs, video, scenarios, glossary, roll-overs, cc SCORM 2004 compliant / W3C compliant

24 Who can access this resource. How do I access this resource
Who can access this resource? How do I access this resource? How much will it cost your institution? access controlled by individual colleges are fundamentally three ways to access the course via a web site executable file (identical to MCSS implementation) via a college Learning Management System via a third party LMS Cost depends upon implementation dirt cheap (posting a file on a web site) internal labour, management and overhead external vendor

25 How do I manage the training data?
key issue - What are you going to do with the data? you might choose not to can export data from LMS (either internal or external)

26 Implementation From the outset, this project was designed to allow maximum flexibility. Colleges will need to decide for themselves how they wish to implement this training. This resource can be used as a stand alone training session, similiar to WHMIS, or it can be incorporated into a workshop training session. Colleges who wish to use this resource will have full access to all the files that make up this resource.

27 Colleges that wish to use this resource must decide how they wish to implement it
It can be used as stand alone PD or incorporated into a workshop setting Colleges will have full access to all the files that make up this resource

28 Project will be available at the end of May
Colleges can plan the implementation over the summer Provide training in the fall which will allow time to meet the compliance deadline of January 1, 2010.

29 Resources

30 Accessibility Standards for Customer Service: Summary of Requirements
RESOURCES IN SUPPORT OF THE ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE Accessibility Standards for Customer Service: Summary of Requirements Highlights in clear language what organizations need to know about the standard to comply. Guide to the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Explains the formal meaning of the regulation and provides some examples to help describe its interpretation. Compliance Manual: Accessibility Standards for Customer Service A "how" to manual that offers compliance assistance information to obligated organizations.

31 Training Resource: Accessibility Standards for Customer Service
A resource to assist organizations meet the training requirements of the customer service standard. Serve-Ability: Transforming Ontario's Customer Service An e-learning course to help you better serve customers with different disabilities and help organizations meet the legal obligations under the customer service standard. Questions and Answers about the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Direct link to the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07 Go to click on "Current Consolidated Law" and do a keyword search for "429/07"

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