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Presentation on theme: "Melanoma INTERACTIVE CANCER CASES DISCUSSION Rome, April 3-4, 2009."— Presentation transcript:


2 Antonio DR: 65 aa. Anamnesi: - ipertensione (in trattamento) Non- fumatore Lieve ipercolesterolemia (220 md/dl)

3 1999 Asportazione di “nevo displastico” della spalla sx Es. ISTOLOGICO: “melanoma maligno a cellule epitelioidi, ulcerato. Margini liberi per 2 cm. Spessore sec. Breslow = 2,1 mm. Livello sec. Clark= IV” TAC torace-addome: negativa

4 Stadio sec AJCC 1992 pT3N0M0 (stadio IIa) *
* American Joint Commitee on Cancer Staging (AJCC) 1992

5 Buzaid et al, J Clin Oncol 15: 1039-1051, 1997

6 McCain had Stage IIA melanoma in 2000
“Melanoma History Suggests McCain Has 22% Odds of Not Surviving a First Term” Lancet 372: 1462, 2008 (Correspondence by J. Alam)

7 ? Quale sarebbe stato il tasso di sopravvivenza a 5 anni stimato secondo AJCC 2002? A) Invariato B) 80% C) 20% D) circa 50%

8 Pincipali differenze AJCC 2002 vs 1992
Thickness thresholds of 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 mm Level of invasion is used only for defining T1 melanomas Ulceration included as a second determinant of T and N staging

9 Optimal cut-off for thickness
Buzaid et al, J Clin Oncol 15: , 1997

10 Limits of Clark’s level of invasion
Buzaid et al, J Clin Oncol 15: , 1997

11 Prognostic value of ulceration

12 Stadio sec. AJCC 2002 AJCC Cancer staging manual, 6th edition, 2002

13 Survival rates according to the AJCC 2002 staging system
Balch et al, JCO 19: , 2001

14 !5 yrs survival curves for the stage groupings for patients with localized melanoma
Balch et al, JCO 19: , 2001

15 Da valutare: Appropriatezza dei margini chirurgici
Staging linfonodale (SLNB) Imaging Terapia adiuvante

16 Can J Surg 46: , 2003

17 NEJM 350: , 2004

18 Principles of surgical margins for wide excision of primary melanoma
American Society of Plastic Surgeons Principles of surgical margins for wide excision of primary melanoma Tumor thickness Recommendend clinical margins in situ cm ≤ 1 mm cm mm cm mm cm > 4 mm cm

19 3rd interim analysis of the MSLT-I trial
1400 pts. Breslow mm

20 Morton et al, NEJM 355: , 2006

21 Incidence of positive SLN according to thickness
Wong, Ann Surg Oncol 13: , 2006 ≥ 4 mm % Gershenwald, Ann Surg Oncol 7: , 2000 Gutzmer, J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 6: , 2008

22 In situ (0) not indicated
Recommendations on the use of SLNB Stage indication In situ (0) not indicated IA (≤ 1 mm) consider in case of adverse prognostic features (high mitotic index, linfovascular invasion, > 0.75 mm) IB (≤ 1 mm, Clark ≥ IV ulcerated or >1 mm) use encouraged

23 ? Ritenete che le indagini radiologiche eseguite fossero sufficienti a definire lo stadio? A) No B) Si

24 Stage I (≤ 2mm, no ulceration)
Routine imaging not recommended Stage II (> 4 mm ± ulceration) As clinically indicated Stage III (N+) Extend of imaging left at the discretion of the physician Pelvic CT for inguinophemoral lymphoadenopathy Stage IV (M+) LDH + chest X-ray recommended Abdominal/pelvic CT ± PET should be considered Brain CT or MRI in symptomatic patients

25 should not be staged by imaging
Stage I and IIA should not be staged by imaging Stage IIB* and over Chest x-ray and liver US or CT scan chest, adbomen ± pelvis Liver function tests, LDH, full blood count * It may be reasonable to omit

26 Yankovitz, Cancer 110: , 2007

27 ? Ritenete che in questo caso un trattamento adiuvante con IFN-a avrebbe garantito un vantaggio in termini di PFS e OS? A) No B) Si

28 Main trials on low-intermediate dose IFN in stage IIb-III patients
Cascinelli (WHO trial, Lancet 2001): N. 444, 3MU 3dd/w for 3 yrs No improvement in DFS or OS Grobb (French trial, Lancet 1998): N. 449, 3MU 3dd/w for 18 mos Improved PFS, trend for OS (not confirmd at 41 mos) Hancock (AIM-HIGH trial, JCO 2004): N. 674, 3MU 3dd/w for 2 yrs Eggermont (EORTC 18952, Lancet 2005): N 1388, 10 MU 5dd/w for 4 wks followed by 10MU 3 dd/w for 1 y

29 Adjuvant HD IFN in stage IIb-III melanoma
Kirkwood (ECOG 1684, JCO 1996): HDI vs observation Benefit in DFS and OS at 7 yrs Benefit in OS disappeared at 13 yrs Kirkwood (ECOG 1690, JCO 2000): HDI vs observation Benefit in DFS not in OS Kirkwood (ECOG 1694, JCO 2001): HDI vs GMK vaccine HDI better for DFS and OS (only 2y FU and no observation arm)

30 Toxicities of Adjuvant HD IFN
Overall G3-4 toxicity: 78% Fatigue,Flu-like symptoms, myalgias, fever 20-25% Depression % Suicidal ideation % Autoimmune disorders % (hypo-hyperthiroidism, vitiligo, LES, rheumatoid arthritis ecc) Associated with improved PFS and OS.

31 “ On the basis of the published data, adjuvant HDI therapy does not seem to reduce risk of death from melanoma in those patients at highest risk of this outcome” (Nature Clin Pract Oncol 5: 4-5, 2008) “ Among all the trials of adjuvant therapy for intermediate or high risk melanoma reported to date, no therapy has ever achieved the durable RFS and independently significant OS benefits that have been observed with HDI” (Nature Clin Pract Oncol 5: 2-3, 2008)

32 JCO 20: , 2002

33 “Although ECOG 1684 and ECOG 1690 (HDI vs observation) reported statistically significant benefit for DFS…our analysis confirmed this only for EOTC 1684. For OS, ECOG 1684 trial reported benefit for IFN-a, but our analysis did not confirm it. JCO 20: , 2002

34 Stage 0, IA no adjuvant therapy recommended Stage IB, IIA clinical trial or observation Stage IIB-C, III IFN, clinical trial or observation Patients rendered free of disease after surgery (stage III in-transit metastasis or stage IV) consideration of adjuvant treatment is appropriate

35 “Decision on the appropriateness of adjuvant IFN should be made on an individual basis, after discussion with the patient, including an explanation of the potential benefits and side effects”

36 Marzo 2005 TAC TORACE: “multiple lesioni polmonari bilaterali, noduli sottocutanei in regione mammaria sx e nodulo in regione ascellare sx” BIOPSIA NODULO SOTTOCUTANEO: Metastasi da melanoma

37 ? Quale dei seguenti parametri ematochimici ritenete abbiano valore prognostico nel melanoma metastatico? 1) Albumina 2) Emoglobina 3) Transaminasi 4) LDH

38 Retrospective, 400 pts JCO 16: , 1998

39 AJCC 2002

40 Trattamento melanoma metastatico
Chemioterapia ORR 5-20% Immunoterapia (HD IL-2) ORR 10-25% (CR 6%) Biochemioterapia ORR 10-30%

41 ? Ritenete che una polichemioterapia offra un vantaggio di sopravvivenza rispetto ad una mono-chemioterapia? A) NO B) SI

42 Different polychemiotherapy regimens have not shown prolongation of survival in comparison with dacarbazine. Objective response rates 5-28% were obtained with single agent dacarbazine, while the polychemiotherapy schedules achieved slightly higher response rates (12-37%) Lancet Oncol, 4: , 2003

43 “The increased response observed with biochemiotherapy (chemo ± IFN ± IL-2) associated with increased toxicity and no significant improvement in survival”.

44 However… “.. In certain clinical situations, an increased response rate may be an important therapeutic outcome, perhaps leading to better symptom control or rendering a tumor mass operable. This needs to be balanced against the increased toxicity associated with the approach”

45 Marzo 2005:quale trattamento?
Dacarbazina 250 mg/m2/d for5 q21dd Somministrati 6 cicli con SD Principale tossicità: piastrinopenia G3

46 Settembre 2005 TAC torace-addome-encefalo:
“ Comparsa di multiple localizzazioni cerebrali a carico di entrambi gli emisferi”

47 R Dacarbazine Temozolomide 305 PATIENTS (250 mg/m2/d for 5 days, q21d
(200 mg/m2/d for 5 dd q28d) JCO 18: , 2000

48 Median PFS: 1.9 vs 1.5 mos (p= 0.012) Median OS: 7.9 vs 5.7 mos (p= 0.06) JCO 18: , 2000

49 Settembre 2005 WBRT 30 gray in 10 frazioni (gg 1-5, 8-12) + Temozolomide 75 mg/m2/d dal g1 per 6 settimane (come glioblastoma) Dopo 4 settimane: temozolomide 200 mg/m2/die per 5 gg q28 per 3 cicli

50 Dicembre 2005 TAC torace-addome-encefalo:
“Comparsa di lesioni epatiche multiple. Aumentate di volume lesioni polmonari” Il paziente viene arruolato in un trial clinico per trattamento con Talidomide Progressione di malattia a marzo 2006

51 Nuove possibilità terapeutiche
Drug Target Sorafenib Raf, VEGFR, PDGFR Bevacizumab VEGF Bortezomib proteasome inhibitor Ipilumumab CTLA-4 mAb Vitaxin v3 integrin mAb Oblimersen bcl-2 antisense MS histone deacetylase inhibitor

52 ORR 13.5 vs 7.5 DFS 2.6 mos vs 1. 6 mos (HR= 0.75; p= 0.02) OS 9 vs 7.8 mos (HR= 0.87, p= 0.077)


54 Stage migration (the Will Rogers phenomenon)

55 “ When the Okies left Oklahoma and moved to California, they raised the average intelligence level in both states” R: {1, 2 } media= 1.5 S: {99,10000,20000} media= 10033 STAGE MIGRATION R: {1, 2, 99 } media= 34 S: {10000,20000} media= 15000

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