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What can we discover by exploring nature?

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Presentation on theme: "What can we discover by exploring nature?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What can we discover by exploring nature?

2 Henry & Mudge Vocabulary Words Amazing Words galaxy tranquil shivered
drooled lanterns snuggled Amazing Words galaxy tranquil wildlife underneath identify detective fascinating slimy

3 Henry & Mudge High Frequency Words Spelling Words love mother father
straight bear couldn’t build Spelling Words stop mask strap twin nest breeze hand state brave browse ask straight clip skeleton stream

4 Big Question: What can we discover by exploring nature?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

5 Henry & Mudge Monday Morning Warm-Up
We can learn about animals everywhere in the world. We can learn how stars move in the sky. What else can we discover by exploring nature?

6 Daily Fix-It we saw a bird’s nesst in a tree. went on a camping trip

7 we saw a bird’s nesst in a tree. We saw a bird’s nest in a tree.
Daily Fix-It we saw a bird’s nesst in a tree. We saw a bird’s nest in a tree. went on a camping trip We went on a camping trip.

8 List activities that make
Henry & Mudge Monday Journal Topic List activities that make you feel tranquil.

9 Henry & Mudge Tuesday Morning Warm-Up
Today we will read about a boy and his dog who explore nature on a camping trip. What do people do when they camp?

10 Daily Fix-It 3. A nice breeze my dad and I

11 A nice breeze fanned our faces. my dad and I My dad and I went hiking.
Daily Fix-It 3. A nice breeze A nice breeze fanned our faces. my dad and I My dad and I went hiking.

12 Henry & Mudge Tuesday Journal Topic Write about what you might
see and feel while camping outside overnight.

13 Henry & Mudge Wednesday
Morning Warm-Up There are many things to learn about the forest. Some animals and plants look different close-up and far away. What else can we discover by exploring nature in the forest?

14 Daily Fix-It The stap on my backpack. That stem of water

15 That stream of water was cold.
Daily Fix-It The stap on my backpack. The strap on my backpack broke. That stem of water That stream of water was cold.

16 Henry & Mudge Wednesday
Journal Topic Use synonyms in pairs of sentences about going camping.

17 Henry & Mudge Thursday Morning Warm-Up
How do stars make pictures in the sky? You can see some star pictures during autumn and some others before the fall season.

18 Daily Fix-It 7. Jen’s bike 8. she and jim

19 Jen’s bike had a flat tire.
Daily Fix-It 7. Jen’s bike Jen’s bike had a flat tire. she and jim She and Jim walked home.

20 List wildlife in a park or
Henry & Mudge Thursday Journal Topic List wildlife in a park or your backyard.

21 Henry & Mudge Friday Morning Warm-Up
This week we read about exploring nature. Henry and Mudge found wildlife and a galaxy of stars. If they looked underneath rocks, could they identify fascinating insects?

22 Daily Fix-It 9. Henry and Mudge 10. The cooking does Henry’s mother

23 Henry and Mudge went camping. 10. The cooking does Henry’s mother
Daily Fix-It 9. Henry and Mudge Henry and Mudge went camping. 10. The cooking does Henry’s mother Henry’s mother does the cooking.

24 Henry & Mudge Friday Journal Topic Write about traveling
through the galaxy.

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