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® Chapter 4-6

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1 Chapter 4-6

2 Chapter Four Christian Intervention–Becoming an Intercessor/Prayer Warrior
Every believer should include something eternal in every day. Believers have priestly responsibilities including prayer (see 1 Pet. 2:9). Church leaders should model the role of a prayer warrior. What could happen through a daily, personal quiet time with God? The postmodern culture desperately needs each believer to become a prayer warrior.

3 Becoming a Prayer Warrior
Most believers are blessed to know a prayer warrior. Every believer should be such a blessing. Five characteristics for those who wish to become prayer warriors:

4 1. Prayer Warriors Remain Connected to the Vine.
Becoming a prayer warrior begins and matures through our relationship with Jesus. Jesus is the vine and His followers are branches (see John 15:1-11). Jesus alone embodies the complete will and purpose of God.

5 Pruned to bear fruit (see John 15:2).
A believer’s purpose is to bear fruit. Fruit of the Spirit: “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Gal. 5:22-23). Eternal fruit of helping people meet Jesus Believers will be pruned to bear more fruit. We should be willing to be pruned.

6 Abide in Jesus. Jesus says, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me” (John 15:4). John 15:7 adds, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you.” Abiding in God’s Word shows us how to pray effectively.

7 Jesus as our example. Do not replace God’s Word with the opinions or teachings of other people. Theological errors often develop because it is easier to ask someone their opinion than research the biblical text. Read carefully. Listen carefully.

8 Ask whatever you wish. The privilege of asking is determined by abiding in Christ. To ask “whatever you wish,” you must abide in the Word (see John 15:4-6). Love and joy are missing from the postmodern culture (see John 15:9-11).

9 2. Prayer Warriors Remain Grounded in the Bible.
Helps detect decoys and false teaching. Below are seven characteristics of biblical prayer: Recognize the struggle between emotion and knowledge. Emotion and knowledge struggle in almost every prayer and spiritual warfare movement worldwide. We can focus too much on emotion or knowledge.

10 The issue is to discover, teach, and practice biblical truth.
In Genesis 4:7, the Lord warns Cain that “sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” “For where jealously and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder” (Jas. 3:16). Luke explains that jealousy caused conflict with kingdom activities (see Acts 13:45).

11 Balance is needed between God’s sovereignty and human responsibility.
Even professional ministers succumb to using manipulation to advance their personal agenda. Now they are unhappy and are begging God to rescue them. Or worse, they are making life and ministry miserable. People must train their emotions or they will be led captive to every passing impulse or reaction. Be careful that knowledge doesn’t replace faith. It is very important for believers to approach prayer, spiritual warfare, and ministry with loving, biblical knowledge instead of untrained emotional reaction.

12 Pray in Jesus’ name. Jesus instructs believers to “ask in My name” (John 14:13-14). Praying in Jesus’ name means asking anything that is consistent with His character, nature, and personality. If people do this, Jesus serves as the mediator for that request. Jesus paid our sin debt. Praying in Jesus’ name flows from a believer’s heart. Unbelievers do not have access.

13 Intercede with righteous prayer.
James 5:16 (NKJV.) reads “...pray for one another. . .The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Religion often calls for people to act good. Christianity calls for us to become holy (see 2 Tim. 1:9).

14 Practice persistent prayer.
Luke 11:5-13 teaches more about the intercessor than intercession. This is not an example of changing God’s mind to agree with us. 1) It is a legitimate need, 2) He persisted on behalf of others, 3) He persevered. Prayer is not an excuse for our cowardice or laziness. Luke 18:1 (KJV) says to pray without fainting. Prayer warriors pray unceasingly.

15 Include evangelistic prayer.
Evangelistic prayer intercedes for lost people. Pray to have a broken heart for lost people (see Luke 15). If we who believe in prayer are not praying for lost people, who will? “There has never been a mighty revival without mighty praying.”-Torrey

16 Agonize in prayer. Praying in Jesus’ name is hard.
Agonize (strive) together in prayer (see Rom. 15:30). In Luke 22:44, the same word describes Jesus’ prayer in the garden. Act 12 records the story of the church praying on Peter’s behalf.

17 Pray in unity. Praying in Jesus’ name brings unity.
Matthew 18:19-20 describes the importance of unity in prayer. God honors unified prayer. Praying in unity does not mean compromising theological truth.

18 Prayer Warriors Listen for the
Lord to Speak. The Bible often mentions the Lord speaking (see 1 Kings 19;Acts 16:7). Much of our prayer is more talking than listening. Prayer warriors must carefully seek to hear the Lord’s voice. Include Bible study time during every personal and corporate prayer time. It is difficult for believers to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit from the voices of Satan or our own desires.

19 4. Prayer Warriors Pray in Truth.
In John 8:44, Satan is described as “a murderer…and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him…for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Satan consistently seeks to undermine and dismiss the truth. Notice how he slowly raises our tolerance of evil. Our prayer is empowered by walking in the truth.

20 You shall know the truth (see John 8:32).
The nature and source of truth should become the core of our cultural debate. Satan wants us to believe that truth is not attainable. Satan tries to convince humans to exchange the truth of God for a lie. Notice how Satan lures the believer into the powers of darkness.

21 What is truth? The prevailing relativism has many people looking for truth. Truth is exclusive of error. Ravi Zacharias writes that “all truth is God’s truth, and truth cannot be in conflict with itself.” In John 12:48, the Word of God is shown as the standard by which humans will be judged.

22 ▪ The Truth shall set you free (see John 8:32).
Discovering and choosing the truth has become a difficult decision for the individual. Jesus is the Truth. The truth that sets people free is Jesus. It is not education, technology, social reform, or even autonomy from rules. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (see John 14:6). Jesus is not one of many ways, part of the truth, or some of the life.

23 Satanic influence in the culture wants humans to believe that truth is not attainable. This eventually can cause even believers to pray without faith. Truth is not dependent upon opinion polls.

24 5. Prayer Warriors Create a Prayer Plan that Helps Them.
Some prayer plans become hollow rituals. In Matthew 6:9-13 and John 17, Jesus provides a model, not a ritual prayer for believers.

25 A prayer plan can provide direction and focus in the believer’s prayer life. It can help to maximize and organize our prayer time. The believer’s desire should be to encounter the God who answers prayer.

26 Prayer Warriors Help with a Comprehensive Prayer Ministry.
A comprehensive prayer ministry will cover every ministry of the church with prayer. It will not happen automatically. It requires leadership. Great Commission Praying to support Matthew 28:18-20.

27 Three Goals in a Great Commission Prayer Ministry
Personal Prayer Goal (see 1 Thess. 5:17). Renew a personal passion for Jesus through praying unceasingly. 2. Corporate Prayer Goal (see Matt. 21:13; Luke 19:10). Reclaim the church as a house of prayer with a passion for lost people. 3. Kingdom Prayer Goal (see 2 Chron. 7:14; Matt. 28: 18-20). Respond to God’s call to unite believers in focused prayer for global evangelization and awakening.

28 A Suggested Process for a Great Commission Prayer Ministry
Select (through prayer) a prayer coordinator Select (through prayer) a prayer council Pastor presents a sermon series on prayer Pastor hosts a prayer banquet Refocus the Wednesday night prayer meeting

29 9. Provide ongoing training
Provide a prayer room Create a prayer chain or watchman network Provide many ways to involve people and call them to prayer 9. Provide ongoing training Participate in Campus Prayer Journeys/See You at the Pole Cover the community with regular Prayer Journeys/ Prayer Walks Encourage individual prayer through resources available

30 Launch new prayer groups
Create praying affinity groups for people in your congregation and community Develop prayer lists 16. Participate in North American and International Seasons of Prayer for missions and missionaries Create Lighthouses of Prayer Schedule a prayer time during worship services Work with the state and associational prayer coordinators

31 Conclusion The postmodern world needs more believers to become prayer warriors. Become a prayer warrior by abiding in Christ, staying grounded in the Word, and by praying in truth. Create a prayer plan that works for you and for your congregation. Include the personal, corporate, and kingdom goals. Help your congregation cover every ministry and person in the church and in the community with prayer. The next two chapters present more information about using the PrayTimer software for personal and corporate use.

32 Chapter Five Maximizing Personal Prayer Time
Personal prayer time. Renew your relationship with the Lord. Prayer allows you to be involved in making an eternal difference. Use tools to maximize your prayer time. Exceed your “comfort zone” of prayer. Consider using some kind of daily intercession schedule to remind you of prayer needs. It is not essential to use any software or schedule to pray effectively. Pray longer than you plan your prayer time

33 First, Plan A Daily Prayer Time.
The discipline of a daily prayer time requires commitment. Everything in our daily schedule tries to reduce or delete our time with God. Set a time for prayer least likely to be interrupted. This is one reason many prefer an early morning prayer time. This requires the discipline of going to bed early enough to get the needed sleep. It requires replacing our entertainment-driven habits with the desire to make an eternal difference. Give the Lord time when your mind is sharp and you are refreshed.

34 Second, Adapt the ACTS acrostic.
Many believers find they need to schedule additional prayer times as the prayer request lists grow longer. Second, Adapt the ACTS acrostic. The purpose is to pray for as many specific requests as possible in a day. Personal and corporate prayer times can include all four ACTS components.

35 Adoration – This is often overlooked during prayer time.
“Worship” in Matthew 28:17 means to bow the knee. Praise and adore the Lord for who He is (see Matt. 6:9). Cherish His presence and allow Him to work in and through your life (see Matt. 22:32-34). Be still and know (see Ps. 46:10).

36 Confession – Do this daily (see Matt. 6:12).
Ask the Lord to “search your heart” (see Ps. 139:23-24). Accept His forgiveness and cleansing (see 1 John 1:9; Jer. 31:34). Personal confession time is different from corporate confession time.

37 Thanksgiving - Give thanks for all things (see Phil. 4:6-7).
Thanksgiving differs from adoration. Thank God for specific things, such as blessings, people, open doors, and serving Him. Thank Him for His goodness, loving kindness, and faithfulness (see Ps. 100:4-6).

38 Supplication - We are called as believers to intercessory prayer.
We are to pray for others (see Heb. 10:19-25; Rev. 1:4-6). Spend time praying for specific people, including people in states, countries, and involved in events, (see Acts 12:5; Rom. 10:1). Pray for those in authority (see 1 Tim. 2:1-6). Pray for lost people (see John 17:20). The PrayTimer prayer lists are helpful for specific daily supplication.

39 Third, Include Prayer List Categories.
You cannot cover all of your prayer requests in 5 minutes a day. Prayer list categories allow believers to remember important requests. Prayer categories can help believers pray consistently with the Great Commission. Personal Spiritual and Physical Needs Believers Unbelievers

40 Include a Category for Believers
Many prayers in the New Testament were for believers. Paul modeled and taught this practice (see Eph. 1:15-19; 1 Thess. 3:11-13). Believers should intercede for each other daily. Include missionaries in your daily prayer time.

41 Include a Category For Unbelievers
Evangelistic praying should include prayer for unbelievers. Prayer on behalf of lost people is taught by Jesus (see John 17:20). Do not presume that people are saved. If we who believe in prayer are not praying for lost people, then who is praying for them?

42 Pray for unbeliever’s HEARTS to be changed
Pray for receptive and repentant Hearts (see Luke 8:5-12). Pray for their spiritual Eyes and ears to be opened to the truth of Christ (see 2 Cor. 4:4; Matt. 13:15). Pray for them to have God’s Attitude toward sin (see John 16:8). Pray for the person to be Released to believe (see 2 Cor. 10:3-4; 2 Tim. 2:25-26).

43 Pray for a Transforming life (see Rom. 12:1-2).
Pray for God to Send them into His harvest field (see Matt. 9:35).

44 Pray for Believers and Unbelievers Involved in Evangelistic Missions Events
These events allow God to use His people to influence the lost world for Christ. Prayer for events focuses on praying for everyone involved in those events. A biblical mission event will always be evangelistic. Three ways to pray biblically for outreach events: 1. Pray for people before the event. 2. Pray for people during the event. 3. Pray for people after the event.

45 Pray for Believers and Unbelievers in States, Provinces, and Countries
Jesus wept over the people in the city of Jerusalem (see Matt. 23:37-39). God must intervene person-by-person, state-by-state, and country-by-country. Intercession helps soften hard hearts so that unbelievers accept Jesus. Pray for revival and spiritual awakening (see 2 Chron. 7:14).

46 Pray for the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest fields (see Luke 10:2).
Pray for state denominational leaders to increase in God’s wisdom, conduct themselves honorably in all things, and grow in favor with God and man (see Luke 2:52). Pray for open doors for the gospel to be taken to the lost (see Col. 4:2-6).

47 Include a Category for Personal, Spiritual, and Physical Needs
Jesus prayed for Himself (see Luke 22:39-45). Jesus prayed for personal, physical, and spiritual needs. An important personal need is for each believer to share Jesus with unbelievers. God honors prayers for divine encounters. Praying for personal, spiritual, and physical needs is not selfish, as long as you are seeking God’s face; not just God’s hands.

48 Biblical examples of personal prayer needs:
Pray in repentance and belief in Christ (see Mark 1:15). Pray we can forgive everyone (see Luke 11:4). Pray in confession of sin (see 1 John 1:9). Pray that we will not be led into temptation (see Luke 11:4b). Pray for our daily bread (see Luke 11:3.

49 Include Other Categories
Under these categories, you can create a number of additional sub-categories. Create a category for people in your profession or interest group. It is overwhelming to realize how many people we should be praying for. If we who believe in prayer are not praying consistently, then who is praying?

50 Schedule How Often to Pray for Each Request
The number of prayer requests require prayer warriors to set up a prayer schedule. Some requests, like the National Day of Prayer, are only once a year. PrayTimer provides an import file to place missionary birthdays on your schedule.

51 Create a Daily Intercession Schedule
These suggestions can be adapted to your personal or congregational preferences. Schedule daily prayer requests to maximize your prayer time. The purpose is to help every believer to pray for as many specific prayer requests as possible on any given day, week, month, or year. Use these suggestions to include specific prayer requests for individuals by name.

52 Conclusion Begin seeking ways to maximize and expand your personal prayer time. Plan a time for daily prayer. Seek to bring balance to your corporate and personal prayer time. Consider creating category lists to help you pray specifically for unbelievers, believers, and personal spiritual and physical needs.

53 Chapter 6 PrayTimer® Software Instructions
The PrayTimer® CD-ROM is available at the back of this book. For more information and updates visit

54 The software provides calendar options in daily, weekly, and monthly calendar views. It provides tools for individuals, prayer coordinators, and church staff to manage, print, and distribute personal, congregational, or small group prayer requests. Page-by-page instructions are included in this chapter.

55 Motivation for Personal Prayer
A personal prayer time begins with the motivation to grow in Christ. Otherwise, the software is just a toy or another program. Growing in Christ requires at least three actions on our part:

56 First, choose God’s will over our will.
Jesus agonized over the impending pain of the cross (see Luke 22:42). Jesus agreed that God’s will was (and is) better than individual will. We must choose God’s will. Jesus stands at the door of our heart and knocks (see Rev. 3:20). When the Holy Spirit moves into our heart, He rearranges the furniture (desires, attitudes, self-made theology). Choose to exchange your will for God’s will.

57 Second, growing in Christ requires a change of heart.
It is difficult to give the Lord access to every room in your heart. The New Testament refers to the “heart” as the seat of human will and emotions (see Matt. 22:37). There are several benefits to allowing the Spirit to change our hearts.

58 First Benefit: Purity The culture views purity as an embarrassing word. Jesus told His followers, “Blessed are the pure in heart” (see Matt. 5:8). Believers need daily time with God for cleansing. In Matthew 12:34(NKJV), Jesus gives an indicator of a contaminated heart, “...out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”

59 Second Benefit: Pray Unceasingly
1 Thessalonians 5:17 encourages believers to pray unceasingly. Hebrews 4:12 refers to the Word of God discerning the attitudes and actions of the heart. Learn the Word of God.

60 Third Benefit: Sharing with Others
Romans 10:9-10 says that people must believe in their heart and confess with their mouth. We more easily confess to others that Jesus is Lord when He fills and overflows us. Fourth Benefit: Comfort Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:27). Our time with God provides peace that passes understanding. There is great comfort in knowing God is in control.

61 Third, growing in Christ requires fellowship with God.
The heart must become obedient to God, through His Son, Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Devote yourself to learn more about God and to fellowship with Him (see Acts 2:42). Publicly identify yourself as a follower of Jesus’ teachings.

62 Every believer should be active in church (see Heb. 10:25).
Satan will provide many excuses about why you do not need to join or attend church.

63 Instructions for the PrayTimer® Software
Visit for updated versions, updated download files, a Quick Start Guide, online help files, answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and printable copies of each. Load, open, and overview the software.










73 Conclusion Effective prayer requires a commitment that flows from a relationship with Jesus Christ. The challenge is to keep prayer as a priority of our lives without becoming a lifeless ritual. It does not matter what process or material you use. Renew a personal passion to pray unceasingly.

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