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Satchkin Patchkin Part 1

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1 Satchkin Patchkin Part 1
Home Reading Satchkin Patchkin Part 1

2 Picture Vocabulary


4 tidy untidy

5 Is your room always tidy? Who makes your room tidy?

6 What can you say about this girl? Is her room tidy?

7 How can you make your room tidy?


9 to cry

10 Is it good when someone cries very loudly?

11 a latch

12 What do people use a latch for?

13 a silver bell

14 Are you mean? Is it good to be mean? mean

15 a voice

16 fat lean

17 find out suddenly slowly remember another The farmer lived in ….. house on the hill. Mother Farthing …... walked home after a day in town. 3. “I don’t …… what milk tastes like.” 4. ……. the farmer heard a loud noise – “Bump! Bump! Bump!” 5. He wanted to …… who was at the door.

18 Who said it? “The moon looks like milk tonight.” Mother Farthing

19 Who said it? “When did I last drink milk?” Satchkin Patchkin

20 “What do you want at this time of night?”
Who said it? “What do you want at this time of night?” The farmer

21 Who said it? “Who will lift the latch?” Satchkin Patchkin

22 Who said it? “Go away whoever you are!” The farmer

23 Say who 1. was a little magic man; 2. lived in an untidy house;
3. was lean and mean; 4. had little money to pay a rent; 5. had a voice thin and clear as a silver bell; 6. had a lot of cows and a lot of milk

24 Answer the question

25 Where did Satchkin Patchkin live?
Answer the question Where did Satchkin Patchkin live?

26 What was there in the garden?
Answer the question What was there in the garden?

27 Why wasn’t the poor woman happy?
Answer the question Why wasn’t the poor woman happy?

28 Answer the question Who heard the woman?

29 What did the moon look like?
Answer the question What did the moon look like?

30 Answer the question What did Satchkin Patchkin ask the farmer for?


32 – девочка на диване – игрушки в коробке - много вещей - messy room - messy room - cry – latch - silver bell - mean - voice - микрофон - tidy room – карикатура – коробка - уборщица crying children

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