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Learning Style and Intelligence

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1 Learning Style and Intelligence
Chapter 3

2 What is learning style?

3 Your learning style is your learning preference
Your learning style is your learning preference. How do you like to learn?

4 Knowing about your learning style helps you to:
Be more productive at school and on the job Increase achievement Be more creative Improve problem solving Make better decisions Learn more effectively

5 Learning Style Visual Auditory Kinesthetic/Tactile

6 Learning Style Memory Exercise
15 items will be passed around. Can you remember them?

7 How did you remember the items?
Did you remember what you could see, feel, hear or touch? What is your strongest preference?

8 Learning Style Exercise: The Paper Airplane

9 What worked best for you?
Auditory Visual Or kinesthetic?

10 Visual Learners Learn through seeing and reading
Prefer written directions Often good readers

11 Visual Learners Learn Best With:
pictures illustrations photos graphs diagrams maps

12 Visual Learning Techniques
Mental photograph or video Flash cards Highlighting Draw pictures to remember Use pictures or symbols in the margin to remember Draw a map or outline

13 Auditory Learners Learn through listening and talking
Remember what they hear better than what they see

14 Auditory Learners: Prefer to listen to instructions
Often like to talk on the phone or listen to music Learn best if they can hear and see the assignment

15 Auditory Learning Techniques
Discuss what you have learned with others Participate in study groups Recite aloud Teach others what you have learned Use flash cards and say the items Use music in the background if it does not distract you or use it as a break from studying

16 Kinesthetic/Tactile Learners
Learn through doing Remember hands on activities Use their hands to build, create, plant, draw or decorate

17 Kinesthetic/Tactile Learners:
Learn the assignment best by using physical activity

18 Kinesthetic/Tactile Learning Techniques
Read while walking or pacing Study outside when practical Take notes on lectures Highlight or underline Write summaries Outline chapters Think of practical applications

19 How does learning style affect career choice?
For example, an architect would probably have a strong preference for visual learning. What would be the common learning preferences for most athletes?

20 Activity: Complete the Learning Style Quiz in the Textbook

21 Brainstorm: Learning Techniques
Four groups: Auditory Visual Tactile/kinesthetic Combination types What learning techniques match these preferences? Write them on the board.

22 Productivity Environmental Preference Survey (PEPS)
Elements of learning style Environmental Emotional Sociological Physical Notice how these factors affect productivity at school as well as on the job.

23 Environmental Sound Light Temperature Design (formal or informal)

24 Emotional Motivation Persistence Structure

25 Sociological Alone/peer Authority Independent learning
Online learning Instructor guided learning Face to face courses

26 Physical Auditory Visual Tactile Kinesthetic Intake Time of day

27 How do these factors affect productivity at school and on the job?


29 Written Exercise Understanding your Peps Learning Style Inventory
What is your ideal environment for learning and working?

30 Your Personality and Your Learning Style

31 For review, what is your personality type?
Extravert or Introvert? Sensing or Intuitive? Thinking or Feeling? Judging or Perceptive?

32 Learning Strategies for Different Personality Types

33 Extraverts Learn best when in action Value physical activity
Like to study with others

34 Extravert Learn by talking. Discuss what you have learned with others.
Like variety and action. Take frequent breaks and do something active.

35 Caution! Extraverts can get so distracted by activity and socialization that the studying does not get done.

36 Introverts Learn best by pausing to think Value reading
Prefer to study individually Need quiet for concentration

37 Introvert Find a quiet place to study by yourself.
Plan to study for longer periods of time so you can concentrate. Find places with minimal distractions such as the library. Turn off the phone.

38 Caution! This type may miss out on sharing ideas with others and the fun and social life of college.

39 Sensing Seeks specific information Memorizes facts
Values what is practical Follows instructions Likes hands-on experience Wants clear assignments

40 Sensing Good at mastering facts and details.
Think about practical applications to motivate yourself. Ask, “How can I use this.”

41 Caution! This type may miss the big picture or general outline by focusing too much on the facts and details. Make a general outline to see the relationship and meaning of the facts.

42 INtuitive Seeks quick insights Uses imagination to go beyond the facts
Values what is original Likes theories Reads between the lines Independent thinkers

43 INtuitive Good at learning concepts and theories
Ask yourself, “What is the main point?”

44 Caution! Since this type focuses on general concepts and theories, they are likely to miss the details and facts. To learn the details, organize them into broad categories that have meaning for you.

45 Thinking Wants objective material to study Logic guides learning
Likes to critique new ideas Finds flaws in an argument Learns by challenge and debate Wants logical presentations

46 Thinking Thinking types are good at logic.
Ask yourself, “What do I think of these ideas?” Debate or discuss your ideas with others. Allow time to think and reflect on your studies.

47 Caution! These types construct logical arguments and defend them. They may need to learn to respect the ideas of others, especially feeling types.

48 Feeling Wants to be able to relate to the material personally
Personal values are important Likes to please instructors Learns by being supported and appreciated Wants faculty who establish personal rapport with students

49 Feeling Search for personal meaning to motivate yourself.
Help others to learn. Whenever possible, choose classes that relate to your personal interests. Find a comfortable environment for learning.

50 Caution! This type may neglect studies because of time spent in helping others. They may find it difficult to pay attention to material that is not personally meaningful.

51 Judging Find ways to organize the material to learn it easier.
If possible, select instructors who present material in an organized way. Set goals and use a schedule to motivate yourself. Use a daily planner or to-do list.

52 Caution! This type tends to be structured and controlled which can limit creativity. They may be in conflict with others who are less organized. They may be overachievers who get stressed easily.

53 Perceptive Good at looking at the possibilities and keeping the options open. Allow time to be thorough and complete your work. Have fun while learning. Study in groups with a mixture of perceptive and judging types.

54 Caution! This type may work on too many projects at once.
Work on managing your time to meet deadlines.

55 Personality ANOTHER LOOK




59 Likes quiet time for thinking Likes problem solving Skeptical Analytic
NT THINKER Likes quiet time for thinking Likes problem solving Skeptical Analytic Logical Curious

60 Enjoys studying with others Enjoys helping others learn Enthusiastic
NF GIVER Enjoys studying with others Enjoys helping others learn Enthusiastic Romantic Intuitive Intensive Authentic

61 Organize the material to learn it Try highlighting or flash cards
SJ ORGANIZER Organize the material to learn it Try highlighting or flash cards Responsible Helpful Hard-working Loyal Traditional

62 Study in a variety of ways Keep on the move Develop games to memorize
SP ADVENTURER Study in a variety of ways Keep on the move Develop games to memorize Study with fun people Playful Optimistic Daring Impulsive

63 Group Activity: Divide into 4 GROUPS

64 Group Activity: Make a list of adjectives that describe your favorite teacher. Have the recorder write your responses on the board.

65 Here are some typical responses. Are yours similar?

66 SJ

67 SJ Responsible Dependable Fair Practical Role model Prepared
Dedicated In Control Experienced Organized Take Charge Step by step Specific Precise To the Point Rewards for Good Work

68 SP

69 SP Unpredictable Laid Back Opportunities Exploration Fun! Entertaining
Sense of Humor Flexible Interesting Variety On the Go Patient Different Perspectives Try New Things

70 NF

71 NF Open Creative Calm Honest Empathic Personal Mentor Tutor
Compassionate Enabler Tolerant Helpful Role Model Supportive

72 NT

73 NT Knowledgeable Clear Logical Thinking Creative Competent Freedom
Analytical Inquisitive Problem Solving Precise Lab Experiences Praises Ingenuity Challenging Thorough Authoritative Intelligent

74 What if your personality does not match the teacher’s personality?

75 Choose a different teacher..

76 What else? Adapt Tolerate Appreciate Understand Communicate

77 Group Activity: Adapting to Different Teaching Styles

78 Free Write Describe your learning style.
How does your personality affect your learning style? How does learning style affect career choice? For example, if you are a judging type who is good at details and organization, what career would match this type?

79 Multiple Intelligences

80 Multiple Intelligences
Developed by Howard Gardner Defined as the human ability to solve problems or design or compose things valued in at least one culture Broadens the scope of human potential

81 Learning Style Intelligences put to work Measured by your performance
You can develop these areas and become competent in each one

Verbal/Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Musical Visual/Spatial Bodily/Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal Naturalist Existential

83 Three Factors Heredity Personal Life History
Cultural and historical background Key Idea: You can develop your multiple intelligences.

84 Life History Crystallizers promote the development of the intelligence. Paralyzers inhibit the development of the intelligence. What are some factors that affected your intelligences early in life?

85 Your textbook provides an opportunity to explore your multiple intelligences. Use the access code to take the MI Advantage.

86 Choose Your Career with Multiple Intelligence in Mind

87 Build on Your Strengths
Musical Listening to music Singing or playing an instrument Recognizing musical patterns Musical Smart Careers Disc Jockey Music Teacher Music Retailer Music Therapist Singer Song Writer Music Critic Music Lawyer

88 Build on Your Strengths
Interpersonal Communication Social skills Helping others Resolve conflicts People Smart Careers Cruise Director Mediator Human Resources Dental Hygienist Nurse Psychologist Social Worker Marketer Counselor

89 Build on Your Strengths
Logical-Mathematical Math aptitude Interest in science Problem solving Logical thinking Number Smart Careers Engineer Accountant Computer Analyst Physician Detective Researcher Scientist Economist

90 Build on Your Strengths
Spatial Visualization Navigation Reading Writing Picture Smart Careers Architect Artist Film animator Mechanic Pilot Webmaster Interior decorator Graphic artist Photographer

91 Build on Your Strengths
Careers Athlete Carpenter Craftsperson Mechanic Jeweler Computer game designer Firefighter Forest ranger Physical therapist Bodily- Kinesthetic Hand and eye coordination Athletics Dance Drama Cooking Learning by doing Body Smart

92 Build on Your Strengths
Linguistic Reading Writing Vocabulary Spelling Good listener Good memory Word Smart Careers Journalist Writer Editor Attorney Curator Newscaster Politician Librarian Comedian

93 Build on Your Strengths
Careers Career counselor Wellness counselor Therapist Criminologist Intelligence officer Entrepreneur Researcher Actor Artist Intrapersonal Self-aware Understand emotions Independent Self-motivated Self Smart

94 Build on Your Strengths
Careers Park ranger Dog trainer Landscaper Meteorologist Veterinarian Animal health technician Ecologist Wilderness guide Environmental lawyer Naturalist Aware of natural surroundings Preserve the environment Nature Smart

95 Build on Your Strengths
Existential Questioning Purpose of life Religious beliefs Curiosity Smart Careers Counselor Psychologist Psychiatrist Social worker Ministry Philosopher Artist Scientist Researcher

96 Emotional Intelligence
Interpersonal + Intrapersonal The ability to recognize, control, and evaluate your emotions while realizing how they affect other people

97 Emotional Intelligence
Two Parts: Understanding yourself, your goals, intentions, responses and behavior Understanding others and their feelings

98 Emotional Intelligence

99 Emotional Intelligence
Express yourself Work as part of a team Concentrate Remember Make decisions Deal with stress Overcome challenges Deal with conflict Empathize with others

100 How Can You Develop Emotional Intelligence?

101 Developing Emotional Intelligence
Use empathy. Think about how your actions affect others. Be intellectually curious. Give others credit for their accomplishments. Work on stress management. Take a college course on verbal and nonverbal communication. Take responsibility for your actions.

102 These intelligences work together in complex ways to make us unique individuals.

103 Textbook Activity: Learning Style Applications

104 Keys to Success: Create Your Success

105 Create Your Success We make decisions and choices that create the future. Our behavior leads to our success or failure.

106 Sometimes we blame others
My parents did it to me. My teacher gave me a poor grade. My boss gave me a poor evaluation.

107 When we take responsibility for our actions, we create our success.

108 Ask these questions: How did I create this situation?
How can I make the best of it? What can I do about it now? If I didn’t create it, how do I choose to react to it?

109 Caution! Sometimes you do not create it all.
You can still choose your attitude and reaction to what has happened.

110 Steven Covey Author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
Chooses to use the word: response-ability Suggests that we use resourcefulness and initiative to create the future we want

111 5 Minute Quick Write Create Your Success

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