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CPS Beechdrops (Epifagus virginiana) are leafless

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Presentation on theme: "CPS Beechdrops (Epifagus virginiana) are leafless"— Presentation transcript:

1 CPS Beechdrops (Epifagus virginiana) are leafless
plants that lack chlorophyll. Beechdrops get their nourishment from the roots of beech trees, which reduces the amount of nutrients available to the trees themselves. This interaction is best described as — A. predatory B. parasitic C. commensalistic D. mutualistic CPS

2 CPS According to this food web, which of these is an omnivore?
A. Caterpillar B. Mouse C. Ant D. Fly larva

3 Which molecule provides most of the energy used to drive chemical reactions in cells?

4 PHOTOSYNTHESIS To create Light
Purpose: Plants use light to create sugars

5 Scientists Van Helmont: plants gain most of mass from H2O.
Priestly: Plants release O2. Ingenhousz: Used Priestly’s experiment and found that plants need sunlight to make O2.


7 What is photosynthesis?
The process in which plants convert light energy into chemical energy (food glucose). Happens in the chloroplast

8 Photosynthesis Equation
It will be on every quiz and your unit test! Carbon dioxide + water + E → glucose + oxygen 6CO2 + 6H2O + E → C6H12O6 + 6O2 (reactants) (products) light enzymes takes in produces Light Enzymes

9 Chloroplast Thylakiod: sac like membranes
Stroma: space between thylakiods Grana: stack of thylakiods

10 Within the chloroplast pictured above are disc like structures arranged in stacks called grana. The stack like membranes contains pigments that absorb light energy. The individual disc-like shaped structures labeled A are called ____. CPS A A. chlorophyll B. thylakoids C. stroma D. Golgi apparatus B

11 Which word summary word equation best describes a process that directly requires light energy?
CPS A. water + carbon dioxide  glucose + oxygen B. glucose + glucose  maltose + water C. glucose  alcohol + carbon dioxide + ATP D. water + glucose  oxygen + carbon dioxide  ATP

12 Vein

13 Water then travels to each cell through a process known as OSMOSIS.
Water enters the plant through the roots and travels up to the leaf through the veins. Water then travels to each cell through a process known as OSMOSIS.

14 Stomata are the little “holes” on a plant leaf that regulates the gas exchange in plants.

15 Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through the stomata.
Carbon dioxide then travels to each cell through a process known as Diffusion.

16 Which structure regulates gas exchange during the processes of photosynthesis and respiration?
CPS A. Q B. R C. S D. T

17 Products and Reactants in Photosynthesis
Reactants- Carbon Dioxide and Water Products- Glucose and Oxygen There is NO ATP gain during photosynthesis! *****Remember the ATP Cycle*****

18 Light and Pigments Photosynthesis depends on pigments -proteins that absorb some light and reflect others. Examples: chlorophyll and carotene

19 Carotene reflects orange light.
Light and Pigments Chlorophyll absorbs blue, violet, and red light, but reflects green light. This is why plants are green. Carotene reflects orange light.

20 Photosynthesis overview:
Figure 8-7 Photosynthesis: An Overview Section 8-3 LIGHT O2 Sugars(glucose) CO2 Light- Dependent Reactions Calvin Cycle H2O (REACTANTS) (PRODUCTS)

21 Figure 8-5 Chlorophyll Light Absorption
Chlorophyll b Chlorophyll a V B G Y O R

22 The 2 Steps to Photosynthesis
1. Light-dependent reactions 2. Calvin Cycle (AKA: Light-independent reactions)

23 Step 1: Light-Dependent Reactions *requires light*
Purpose: To make oxygen used by other organisms Location: Thylakoid membranes

24 Step 1: LDR Reactants Products 6H2O Light Energy 6O2

25 Step 1: LDR H2O is broken up by light into H+ and O2.
How it works: H2O is broken up by light into H+ and O2. O2 is released through stomata

26 Purpose: To make glucose from CO2
Step 2: The Calvin Cycle (Light-Independent Reactions) * does not need light* Purpose: To make glucose from CO2 Location: STROMA

27 Step 2: Calvin cycle Reactants Products 6CO2 Glucose

28 Calvin Cycle How it works:
6 CO2 enter the cycle and are converted into glucose. With TWO turns of Calvin Cycle, you make ONE glucose.

29 What are the two steps of Photosynthesis listed in the correct order?
CPS A. Glycolysis & Krebs cycle B. Calvin cycle & L.D.R. C. L.D.R. & Kreb’s cycle D. L.D.R & Calvin cycle

30 Which compound is a product of photosynthesis and a reactant for cellular respiration?
CPS A. carbon dioxide B. water C. glucose D. energy

31 Why are photosynthesis and cellular respiration often considered opposites?
A. Photosynthesis produces twice as many ATP molecules as cellular respiration does. B. Water is released during photosynthesis and consumed during cellular respiration. C. Photosynthesis occurs during the day, and cellular respiration occurs at night. D. Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis and used during cellular respiration CPS

32 BIG PICTURE Plants release oxygen Animals bring in oxygen
Plants create glucose Animals eat glucose Animals breathe out water Plants bring in water

33 BIG PICTURE Oxygen Glucose Carbon Dioxide water
Plants and animals work together to create the carbon cycle: Oxygen Glucose Carbon Dioxide water

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