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Presentation on theme: "FAMILY MEALS: FEEDING BODY AND SOUL"— Presentation transcript:

Trying to get everyone together for a meal – especially everyday – may seem like an impossible task. But the benefits of eating together make family mealtime a tradition worth pursuing as often as possible; sharing a meal nourishes the soul as well as the body. This lesson could be divided into three smaller lessons. Each lesson has a title slide (all capital letters). Section 1: Family Meals: Feeding Body and Soul (overview and introduction) Section 2: Family Meals: Feeding the Soul Section 3: Family Meals: Feeding the Body Section 4: Strong Body and Soul: You can make it Happen!

2 What do you think? Family Meals can… Improve family eating habits
Develop family traditions Strengthen family traditions Develop cooking skills Prevent children from taking drugs Prevent children from starting to smoke What do you think about family meals? Lets do some “value voting”—thumbs up or thumbs down—do you think family meals can… Improve family eating habits? Develop family traditions? Strengthen family traditions? Develop cooking skills? Prevent children from taking drugs? Prevent children from starting to smoke? What about teaching manners, problem solving, learning about each other, sharing family devotions and planning family activities and discussing family needs. All of these topics will be discussed during this program.

3 Objectives: Participants will:
Understand the benefits of eating together as identified in current research. Plan to use family mealtimes as a way to strengthen the family. Understand the components of planning and be able to plan a nutritious meal Be able to identify strategies to incorporate family meals into busy lifestyles. Teachers note: At the end of this session…participants will be able to meet these objectives.

4 Are families eating together?
Studies show 40-43% of families eat most meals together. Most families place a high importance on family meals. Numerous studies have been conducted to look at the trends in family meals…are families eating together? What about your family? Think about how many meals you eat together each week including breakfast, lunch and dinner. Poll audience 21 times? 14-20 times? 7-14 times? 3-6 times? 2 or less? There are many anecdotal reports regarding changes in family meal patterns over time…but family meals are not extinct. Iowa study…42% ate most meals together and 48% said that they are not eating together as much as they would like (250 participants at Iowa State University Extension programs from August 1995 – May 1996). CURRENTLY DOING OUR OWN OHIO STATE STUDY– STATISTICS TO BE ADDED. In 2000 Gillman et al. reported from the ongoing Nurses’ Health Study II that 17% of 9-14 year old participants ate dinner with family members never or some days, 40% on most days and 43% every day. More than half of the 9 year-olds at family dinner every day but only 1/3 of the 14-year olds did so (Archives of Family Medicine). In 1999, research from the National Pork Producer’s Council showed that 9 out of 10 family cooks (89%) think a shared family meal is important. In The Kitchen Report (1999) they showed families reporting: 25% eating together 7 days a week 36% eat together 5-6 days a week 27% eat together 3-4 days a week 12% eat together 1-2 days a week Similar study conducted by Kraft Foods, Inc., and Yankelovich Partners in 1999 showed that seven in 10 American families are still sitting down to dinner at least five times a week (1000 respondents). More than 50% of families would like to spend more time eating together and feel dinner time could be a more relaxed experience. These studies reveal that family meals are of high importance to parents but barriers in today’s society limit the number of family meals…what are some of these barriers???…

5 Barriers to family meals
Conflicting schedules Age of children Two worker families Working mother Second job Shift work Working late Teen jobs Don’t have time to eat together as a family? There are too many reasons not to make family meals a priority in your family. These barriers were noted in the Iowa study. Teacher’s note: Time permitting you may want to ask for other barriers.

6 What does research tell us about the benefits of family meals?
A search of the literature shows that eating together can have a positive effect upon the character and social development of children (Center on Substance Abuse, 2001), nutritional intake of the entire family (Fisher 2001, Fisher 2002, Steiner 1996, Gillman 2000, Coon 2001, Carter 2000 and Cutting 1999), development of family traditions (Steiner, 1996 and Compan 2002) and the culinary skills of family members. We have only begun to scratch the surface of the significance and importance of family meals. But, one thing for sure…it’s more important than ever for families to sit down for a meal together. Let’s look at some of this research… (Refer to Family Life Month Fact Sheet 403 for additional information).

7 Improving family eating habits
More fruits, vegetables and grains Less fried foods Less soda Less saturated fats Less trans fats More fiber and calcium More macronutrients A study published in the Archives of Family Medicine found that children who ate with their parents frequently had the highest intake of important nutrients. Gillman et al. collected nutritional data and dietary patterns data of children eating together with their family. They looked at 8677 girls and 7525 boys, aged 9-14 years, who were part of ongoing Nurses’ Health Study II. Their results showed that eating family dinner was associated with healthful dietary intake patterns, including more fruits and vegetables, less fried food and soda, less saturated and trans fat, lower glycemic load, more fiber and macronutrients from food. Yet, eating together did not show any effect on the intakes of whole dairy products, red meat or snack food. (2000 study) (Speaker’s Note – If you are teaching this class, and not familiar with some of the nutrition terminology, partner with an Extension Educator specializating in nutrition). Vauthier et al.(1996) in France concluded that dietary intakes are “greatly influenced by characteristics within the family unit such as the number of meals eaten together.” The paper concludes that individual behaviors are highly influenced by familial characteristics and this provides “justification for health promotion programs that target the family as a unit for intervention.”

8 Developing cooking skills
Greater confidence in meal preparation More cooking skills Healthier food choices A study conducted at Brigham Young University looked at food choices and confidence in food preparation skills of 465 college students. The results show that past experience with food preparation and home cooked meals lead to greater confidence, cooking skills and healthier food choices. The students’ confidence in preparing foods was highest if their family prepared many foods and if students had experience in meal preparation. In addition, the students’ current intake of some foods was related to the frequency of eating family meals together. (Stocks and Brown, 2000)

9 Promoting Social skills and family belonging
Parents teach table manners and social skills Family values Sense of community Family rituals Family traditions Parents as role models Teacher’s Note: This slide has a lot of information, you may choose particular areas to emphasize if time is limited. Coon et al. (2001) looked at the relationship between the presence of television during meals and children’s food consumption patterns. They recruited 91 parent-child pairs from the suburbs of Washington, D.C. The children were in the fourth, fifth or sixth grades. The conclusions were that the dietary patterns of children from families in which television viewing is a normal part of meal routines may include fewer fruits and vegetables and more pizzas, snack foods and soda than the dietary patterns of children from families in which television viewing and eating are separate activities. Similar results were found in a study by Carter et al. (2000), which looked at children’s meals eaten while watching television. Their recommendations are that “childhood obesity prevention programs…should consider targeting dinner-meal television watching, especially in minority households.” Cutting et al. (1999) examined the relationship of parental characteristics and the eating behaviors of pre-school children. Their premise was that obese parents are more likely to have obese children since parents provide both genes and environment for their children. Their research design involved 75 pre-school children and parents recruited from local day care centers. The findings revealed that heavier mothers have heavier daughters; maternal disinhibitation was related to higher free access to intake of snack foods by the daughters. Another study at Pennsylvania State University (2001 Journal of Nutrition) compared the diet quality and weight status of girls with their mother’s nutrient intakes and the mother’s child-feeding practices. Findings reveal that mothers’ use of controlling feeding practices are not effective in fostering healthier diets among girls and that mothers’ own eating may be more influential than their attempts to control the intake of their daughters. Fisher (1999; 2001) at the Center for Children’s Nutrition Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine studied 200 pairs of girls and their mother. Her results suggest that by simply being a good role model and making milk more available in the home, mothers can increase the amount of calcium their daughters consume. Other research by Fisher et al. on this subject showed that “mother’s milk and soft drink intakes may affect their daughter’s calcium adequacy in early childhood by influencing the frequently with which their daughters consumer these beverages”. Additional research by Fisher et al. at Baylor College of Medicine demonstrated that the parents own fruit and vegetable intake may encourage fruit and vegetable intake in their daughters, leading to higher micronutrients intakes and lower dietary fat intakes. Conversely, pressure to eat may discourage fruits and vegetable intake among young girls.

10 Staying connected Family meals allow parents to stay involved with their children’s lives, friends and activities. A Report in Tufts (1997) from research at the Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center noted that family meals allow parents to stay involved with their children’s lives, friends and activities. Teacher’s Note: This is especially true for parents of pre-adolescents/adolescents who may distance themselves from parents.

11 Avoiding substance abuse
Children who ate with adult family members at least 5 times a week are less likely to use drugs than adolescents who ate with parents only 3 times a week. The more often a teen eats dinner with his or her family, the less likely that teen is to: Smoke Drink Use illegal drugs Findings of the National Center on Addictions and Substance Abuse (CASA, 1998) at Columbia University’s Annual Teen Survey demonstrate a negative correlation between the frequency of the teen eating dinner with family and the likelihood of the teen smoking, drinking or using illegal drugs. CASA’s research continues to show that the battle against substance abuse is going to be won across the dinner table. In the survey, teens that ate dinner with their parents 6-7 times a week rather than twice a week or less were: 4 times less likely to smoke cigarettes 3 times less likely to smoke marijuana and 1/2 as likely to drink alcohol. Similar results were repeated in the 1999 and 2000 studies. According to a study of more than 500 teens from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, the more that families sat down together for a meal the more adjusted the teenage children were. Researchers found that those who ate with adult family members an average of 5 times a week were less likely to use drugs or fall victim of depression than adolescents who ate with parents only 3 times a week. The study also concluded that students were more motivated to do well in school and had better relationships with other youth. A study reported in the APA Monitor (American Psychology Association publication) also reported that children who ate dinner an average of five days a week were less likely to take drugs, were more motivated at school and had better relationships with peers, than other teens who ate meals with their families only 3 days per week.

We’ve spent a fair amount of time talking about the research associated with family meals. What is there about sitting down together around the table that is good for personal development or individual growth? Feeding the soul is the process of reinforcing the core values of our family unit, a time of sharing and nurturing our children and ourselves to develop the traits and characteristics that are priorities to us. Let’s look at some specific benefits of shared mealtime.

13 “The dinner table is not only a place of sustenance and family business, but also a place for the teaching and passing on of our values.” -Dr. Kevin Ryan Center of Advancement of Ethics and Character Dr. Kevin Ryan from the Center of Advancement of Ethics and Character suggests that families should make a big deal out of eating together. The issues shared around the dinner table are life lessons.

14 Strong families have routines
rou·tine n. 1. A prescribed and detailed course of action to be followed regularly; standard procedure. 2. A set of customary and often mechanically performed procedures or activities. (The American Heritage Dictionary) Webster defines routine as The first example of a routine is the schedule that you keep. What happens when the alarm doesn’t go off in the morning? Things are out of kilter, because the routine is not followed. Examples of daily routines: ●Morning breakfast routines can be cereal, milk and juice. ●Relaxing on Friday night by eating out. ● A Sunday afternoon picnic in the park. ●The things that your family does that are special to you. (Teacher’s note – Time permitting, ask participants if they have family routines that they would like to share). The second kind of routine is as simple as learning to ride a bike. Many people have done it, but we have a memory of when it happened first for us. Other examples would be first date, first prom, first child, etc. These routines have been shown in research to provide structure and strength to families. Let’s take a look at five specific areas they touch on.

15 Enriching family life Relating: communicating, caring, problem solving, time alone and together balance Changing: adapting to stages, crisis or events As we talk about these, I hope that you can transfer the issues into your family life. What are your strengths? What things might you improve upon? RELATING: The first is the opportunity to relate to others. Sitting around the table we can share problems, choices, options and weigh the priorities for individual and family. Many problems are solved as we make decisions with the help and guidance with family and friends. In reality, everyone will occasionally miss a family meal. That’s okay, try to balance the time spent with each family member. CHANGING: A child going off to school or moving away to college, a change in employment, a move or any life event that causes change can be grounded if we maintain some of the rituals that help us feel like a family. Regular mealtimes are a prime example of this.

16 More on Enriching… Healing: acts of forgiveness and recovery from loss
Believing: affirming family values, faith, life experiences Celebrating: special events, holidays, accomplishments HEALING: Let’s say the family pet dies or a friend is really sick. When these issues arise, I know I can count on support from my family to get me through the tough times. I can also work through issues with the support of my family, together we can prepare meals for the sick or visit them in the nursing home. Telling stories is another way to focus on the positive. When I’ve been hurt through unkind words or deeds or depressed because of events, the family can help speed recovery along. We first learn of forgiveness through the family unit, no one is perfect and should not be afraid to ask for forgiveness when things happen… I’m sorry I knocked down your block tower or I’m sorry the laundry didn’t get done (let me show you how to do it if the child is old enough). BELIEVING: If you had to write down the five things that are most important to you about your family, what would they be? I’m guessing that many of us would say that my family would be there for me. Bedtime stories, time shared with extended family in need, special family hobbies like kite flying or fishing all bring with them special feelings of family unity. CELEBRATING: We all do a pretty good job of celebrating special days or events. These are what people most often think of when we think of a tradition or a ritual in life. Celebrations unite us, motivate us, and educate us a family in different stages of life. Just don’t forget the daily events that are really the fabric of family life. Each thread is woven to make a strong piece of cloth in life. It’s the daily actions like eating together that give our family bonds in relationships and skills for life.

17 Feeding the soul Reconnect after a busy day
Carry on a conversation and expand vocabulary Provide feelings of safety and security Share in chores and responsibilities Teach thankfulness Teach manners and social graces Improve eating habits There was a national poll of teenagers funded by the White House in the spring of 2000 that found more than 1/5 of American teens rated “not having enough time with parents” as their top concern. Mealtime is a great way to reconnect with those who can attend. Two or more family members make it worth spending the time together (CFLE Newsletter-White House Conference). As an infant in a high chair, being pulled to the table to participate in “family time” is important in setting the expectations as the child grows. Normal conversation between family members increases the communication skills and expands language usage as the child grows and develops. Where do you sit at your table? Do you sit in the same place? Most of us do because ‘that’s our seat,’ our place in the family unit. That place provides security within our family because I know that it will be there for me, and I know my family will expect me to be there and participate in the meal. It also forms a bond between siblings for life, this is the longest life relationship we have, and many memories are formed around the dinner table. Setting the table, shopping and preparing the food, serving the food, safely storing the food and cleaning up the kitchen are all tasks that need to be accomplished to have a meal. There’s plenty of room to share in the chores. Children need to have chores to teach responsibility…they are part of a unit, part of a family who needs and depends on their help. Gratitude is something that is shown as well as talked about. Who have you complimented today? Who are you thankful for? Appreciation for what we have is a trait that families need to emphasize and recognize on a daily basis. It is contagious, and we should all strive to give three sincere compliments every day. Like the principle that it’s better to “compliment the good, instead of always pointing out the bad.” Manners and social graces….how to use the correct silverware and cloth napkins. How to share by passing the food, talking about appropriate subjects and not making body noises at the table are examples of teaching opportunities available.

We have established that family meals are important because of all of the social and emotional aspects that we’ve talked about, now let’s look at the nutritional side of family meals. Handouts: Copy of the USDA MyPyramid materials or US Dietary Guidelines Materials

19 Starting with the basics…
Web site: Rather than have a one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition, the USDA decided to provide individuals with more information to make it easier for them to know how much they should eat from the different food groups and provide more nutritional information. You can access your own personal information from the web site by using: The new pyramid was unveiled in the spring of 2005 and named MyPyramid. The symbol includes a person-type figure climbing stairs on the side of the pyramid with the program’s slogan “Steps to a Healthier You.” The slogan along with MyPyramid reminds us that to stay healthy we need to eat nutritionally and be physically active. It is recommended that adults should engage in at least 30 minutes of moderately-intensive physical activity on most, preferably all days of the week. With the majority of Americans overweight, the main emphasis of the new dietary guidelines is on weight management. In order to lose weight we need to consume fewer calories than we expend. Another big change in the new pyramid is the horizontal stripes! MyPyramid has vertical color bands symbolizing the different food groups. The basic food groups – grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and meat & beans – are the same but emphasis on them is different. The different colors in MyPyramid indicate the food group: orange for grains, green for vegetables, red for fruits, blue for dairy, purple for meat, and beans. There is a very small yellow band which stands for oils. The width of the bands represents the updated dietary guidelines’ recommendations of how much you should eat from each food group. The narrowing of each food group from bottom to top reminds us that we need to eat in moderation. The wider base indicates we should be eating more foods with little or no solid fats, added sugars, or caloric sweeteners. Providing the information needed the MyPyramid web site will give you a recommendation on how much you should eat from each food group. Activity: Could build your own vertical pyramid with food: Using a whole-wheat tortilla add lettuce, some grapes halved, sprinkle of olive oil (could also sprinkle vinegar), slice of mozzarella cheese, slice or turkey or black beans. Roll up tortilla and you have a vertical real-food pyramid.

20 Building-a-breakfast Pyramid
Hard cooked egg Milk Orange Whole grain cereal Peanut butter Low-fat yogurt parfait with granola and fruit Whole grain bread Breakfast continues to be an important meal of the day. Ben Franklin once said “I eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” Eating breakfast has been proven to increase learning and academic achievement, improve student attention, reduce visits to the school nurse. (Making the Grade presentation given by Thomas Yazvac, Principal, Springfield Local Elementary, New Middletown, Ohio, 2000) Breakfast should include at least three or four of the food groups and here are a few different examples. It doesn’t have to be a scrambled egg and toast or french toast breakfast.

21 Building-a-lunch… Mayonnaise, mustard to taste Ham slice Swiss cheese
Kiwi slices Carrot sticks 2 pieces of whole wheat bread Reduced fat ranch dressing Turkey Glass of low-fat milk Low-fat cheese Side of fruit Tomatoes, lettuce, tortilla wrap Lunch provides that extra energy we need to get through the rest of the day. In Building-a-Lunch the convenience of the ready to eat raw vegetables can help make it easy to have a nutritious lunch with the addition of some fruit, which is quick and easy. Lunches should include food from at least four to five of the food groups. Here are some examples of lunches you can put together that are quick and easy and delicious. The lunch menu on the left includes whole wheat bread from the Grains group, carrot sticks from the Vegetable group, kiwi slices from the Fruit group, Swiss cheese from the Dairy group, ham slice from the meat group, mayonnaise and mustard from the Fats, Oil, and Sweets group. How many groups are represented in the menu on the right? (6) Suggested activity: You could have the participants match the food in the lunch menu to the correct food group.

22 Building-a-dinner… Key Food Groups 1600 calories 2000 calories Grains
5 ounces (3) 6 ounces (3) Vegetables 2 cups 2.5 cups Fruits 1 ½ cups Oils 5 teaspoons 6 teaspoons Dairy 3 cups Lean Meat/Beans 5 ounces 5.5 ounces At the end of the day, take a look at what you have already eaten, THEN plan an evening meal. Review what you have eaten throughout the day. Ask yourself: Are there food groups missing? Do you have the correct amount from each food group? And don’t forget to review the calories you need for the day. If you need help with this go to web site which will also give individual proportions. Some of you have be on special dietary plans for Diabetes or other problems, please follow the calorie and dietary recommendations from your Dietician. After locating the amounts your body still needs from the different food groups, you can then plan your dinner meal to fit your needs. If you are planning for a family, you can all eat the same foods but will be eating different amounts of the foods according to your individual needs. Have participants figure out from that what food groups/nutrients are missing. Ask questions. “What groups do we need in our dinner meal because we have not fulfilled requirements for the day?” “We need foods from what groups?” “If we followed a 2000 calorie eating pattern approximately how much would we need from the groups we have not met the recommendations for?” In planning or building our dinner menu we will start with food from one of our needed food groups and then add foods from the other food groups we still need amounts from to complete our daily requirements. Working together as a group…What are some foods we could use to make a dinner meal, what would complete the requirements we need for this day from each food group? (Look at other slides on Breakfast and Lunch and use a meal from each to plan what we need to add to make the day meet our food recommendations.) Have group use one of the calorie levels depending on the average needs in the group. Optional activity – Time permitting: Write down what you consumed for breakfast and lunch today. What is missing? What should be included in your dinner menu? For example: If you are short on one food group, start there! Design your meal around the missing components. Then add vegetables (at least one) and fruit.

23 Eating out? You can still build a healthy meal when eating out…by choosing carefully. It is easy to overeat and occasionally one can choose less healthy foods. Handout: Fact Sheet – “Setting an Example When Eating Out as a Family” FLM-FS-6-03. It is easy to eat the wrong kinds of food and to overeat. This fact sheet has a chart on the front that can help you in choosing healthy choices when eating out. Many restaurants have limited vegetables and fruits available. If you eat out often you will need to check to see if you are getting your needed servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Restaurant portions are usually larger than the serving we need to complete our recommended requirements. Many restaurant portions are 2 to 3 times the serving size we should be eating. Remember you have to know how much you should be eating and follow your recommendations so you can avoid overeating. It is best to avoid “super sizing” your fast food meal. We will discuss portion sizes in upcoming slides. Make some family guidelines on what your family will eat when eating out but allow a time such as every fifth time you eat out for ordering food you like but may not be the best nutrition choices (such as French Fries). Think moderation and balance when eating out and making choices from menus.

24 Incorporating snacks Healthy snacking is important to plan too!
Purchase healthy foods to snack on and have them ready to eat. If potato chips, candy and pop are all that’s in your house, then that is what we are going to reach for. If there are apples, raisins, grapes, etc., that’s what we’ll reach for instead. Try to have on hand lots of fruits and vegetables as they make great, quick, easy and nutritious snacks. Can you name some fruits and vegetables for snacks? If you don’t have fresh fruit, you can eat dried fruit or canned fruit in lite syrup. Whole grain crackers, whole grain cereals, dairy products and nuts can make great snacks. Suggested handouts: Materials from the National Cancer Institute and their 5-A-Day promotion of consuming 5 or more fruits and vegetables everyday. For more information: Watch out for unconscious eating…many of us eat snacks unconsciously. Sometimes we are stressed, sometimes we are bored and reach for snack foods…but before we know it…the bag is empty without even thinking or realizing it. THINK about what you are eating!

25 Portion distortion Just because we are eating healthy, doesn’t mean we can eat all we want. Portions add up! Did you know that restaurant portions are often 2 or 3 times the recommended serving! Teacher’s Note: Have food samples to share with audience. Example: spaghetti and ice cream and meat sizes. What is the recommended amount we should eat of spaghetti? (Show the food sample.) Would you be disappointed if you were served that portion? (Show the ice cream portion.) This ½ cup of ice cream is the serving size we should eat of ice cream. Most of us eat four times this amount. This means that instead of the 150 calories in the ½ cup serving as listed on the label, we are eating 600 calories. Serving size makes a difference!

26 Portion recommendations:
1 tablespoon 3 ounces 8 ounces Handouts on portion sizes and children’s portion sizes…use handout as guideline for exercise. To help you with portion recommendations, these will assist you with the portion you should eat. Use your hand as comparison for portion sizes. Meat group uses ounces to indicate how much meat you should eat. In the 2000 calorie recommendations 5.6 ounces are the meat recommendations. About 3 ounces of meat would be equals to the palm of your hand or a deck of cards. 8 ounces equals one cup and is a serving size for milk ½ cup is the usual serving size for vegetables 1 cup is the serving size for most cereals. Check the nutrition facts label on the cereal box. You can also use a deck of cards, dice, tennis ball, etc. to show proportions. 1/2 cup 1 cup -West Virginia Universtiy, “Dining with Diabetes”

27 Making home recipes healthier
Reduce sugar by 1/3rd Reduce fats by 1/3rd Change solid fats to oils whenever possible Use whole grain flours or substitute part whole grain flour for regular flour Make substitutions when possible The good news is that we can continue to use grandma’s favorite recipe, but reduce fat and calories. Modifications can be made to favorite recipes without losing the flavor and quality. Handout: “Preparing Healthy Food - How to Modify a Recipe” HYG Discuss handout on modifying recipes. Use lower fats for example, use low-fat sour cream instead of regular. 2005 Food Guidelines recommend using oils and avoiding solid fats which usually have trans-fats or higher in saturated fat. Try using olive oil, canola oil or polyunsaturated oils in recipes calling for shortening, margarine, or butter.

We’ve heard the research, are convinced it’s important for families and know the importance of nutritious meals. With today’s busy lifestyles, how do you make it happen?

29 Parents as role models Meal time practices
A “do as I say” parenting style is not as effective as a “do as I do” style. Children are “copy cats.” They like to do what others are doing. From birth, when children are forming habits and learning to talk and carry on conversations, with others. Children will copy what they see adults doing, especially at mealtime. For example a parent who says, “I never drink milk” is teaching their child not to drink milk. Important skills of table setting, table manners, social skills and choosing healthy foods at meals and snacks are taught by example around the family dinner table. Think about your actions and eating habits. Who is watching? What do they see? Think about what you are eating and how you interact around the table. Remember that family routines are learned at family meals. A “do as I say” parenting style is not as effective as a “do as I do” style. Handout: “Do as I Do: Parents as Nutritional Role Models” FLM-FS-7-03 (found on

30 More about parents as role models
Meal Time Practices Quantities of food Types of food Milk Fruits and vegetables Snacks Social skills Food preparation skills Manners There are three basic ways that parents may influence their children at meal times: the quantities of food offered, second the types of food offered and third – social skills before meals and around the table. First let’s look at quantities of food. We’ve learned that the amount of food served at meals is important. Consider the ages and activity levels of your children when planning meals. As a parent, watch your portion sizes too. Don’t feel that your family has to join the clean plate club at every meal. Think about the amount of food you are preparing for your family, and plan on using leftovers. Remember to eat a variety of healthy foods including low fat dairy products, and five a day of fruits and vegetables. Choose snacks wisely, choose low-calorie, low-fat, high nutrient products. Social skills can be developed during food preparation and family meals. Begin by teaching your children to always wash their hands before handling food, after going to the bathroom and before each family meal. Divide food preparation into tasks such as shopping, preparation and cleanup. Even a toddler can help with table setting, washing vegetables or putting dishes in the dishwasher. There could be a weekly mealtime task list posted on a chalkboard, piece of paper on the refrigerator or tasks could be decided during a family meeting. Organizing things ahead of time will help you get through the week. (Share ideas or calendar props that could be used.) Good manners around the dinner table also translates to good manners in public. Teach your children by example. Manners are a way to show respect for other people. Children who learn good manners may be more confident in public.

31 Your personal picnic basket promise
Make family mealtimes a priority It’s been said before, but worth repeating. Family meals don’t just happen by themselves. A little planning can help to make family meals a priority in your home. What are some strategies that you currently use or would like to do in getting your family to have family meals?

32 Strategies Set habits when children are young.
Get rid of distractions. Television Computer Telephone Newspapers, magazines, mail Family meals don’t just happen by themselves. A little planning can help to make family meals a priority in your home. Start when your children are young to set good habits. Include every family member from the toddler to the teen at family meals. Remember that children learn by watching others; even tiny ones are influenced by other family members’ habits. For example, include the high chair at the family table. Get rid of distractions. Giving your full attention to mealtime conversation is important to bring a family closer together. Turn off the television and computer, let the answering machine pick up the phone, and clean newspapers, magazines and mail from the dinner table.

33 Strategies Encourage pleasant mealtime conversations.
Conversation jar or cards Placemats Involve family members in meal planning, preparation and cleanup. When a family gets together at mealtime, they share more than just food. It’s a time for sharing daily activities, problem solving (not major conflicts or heated discussions), celebrating successes and planning as a family. Children can improve their ability to interact with others when they participate in family discussions. Regular contact with family members provides a sense of belonging and feeling of support. It’s a special time for talking and listening. By learning to express ideas, children become more self-confident and may be more successful in school. Beginning each meal with a family tradition such as a daily thought or devotion, sets the stage for a pleasant meal. You may want to try a jar filled with discussion starters or the Family Meals placemats as a starting point. All family members may contribute ideas to the conversation jar (give/show examples of placemats) Don’t forget to involve every family member in planning, preparation and cleanup.

34 Eating together At least five meals a week May be any meal
Eating away from home Relative’s or friend’s home Restaurant Car Picnic at sports practice or event Families are encouraged to eat together at least five times a week. This may be any meal of the day, and includes meals eaten at home and away from home as a family. It can be breakfast, lunch, dinner or anytime your family gathers to share a meal. While eating the family meal around the dinner table is a good choice, if you can’t be at home you can still have pleasant conversation, a nutritious meal and family time. This could be at a relative or friend’s home, restaurant, car or picnic. Is there one of these areas that your family could improve on? Pick one or two goals that you might try.

You can make it happen!

36 Credits Pat Brinkman, Extension Educator, Fayette County
Shari Gallup, Extension Educator, Licking County Linnette Goard, Extension Educator, Lorain County Melinda Hill, Extension Educator, Wayne County Cindy Oliveri, Extension Educator, Regional Office Cheryle Jones Syracuse, Extension Educator, Ashtabula County References— Carter, J.B., Cullen K.W., Baranoski T. (October, 2000). BMI Related to Number of Meals Eaten Watching TV as Reported by 4th and 6th Grande Students: Demographic Differences. Abstract from the American Dietetic Association Meeting, Denver, CO. USDA, (2001). Daughters follow mom’s lead when choosing beverages. USDA/ARS Consumer News—Nutrition and Your Children, Volume 2. Department of Human Development in Nutrition, (1998). Development of Eating Behaviors Among Children and Adolescents. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. Pediatrics Vol. 101, No.3, Supplement, pp Lee, Y., Mitchell, D.C., Smiciklas-Wright, H., and Birch, L.L. (2001). Diet Quality, Nutrient Intake, Weight Status, and Feeding Environments of Girls Meeting or Exceeding Recommendations for Total Dietary Fat of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatrics Vol. 107, No. 6, p. e95. National Pork Producers, (1996). Eat Dinner Together. National Pork Information Bureau. Vauthier, J.M., Lluch, A., Lecomte, E., Artur, Y., and Herbeth, B. (1996). Family resemblance in energy and macronutrient intakes: the Stanislas Family Study. International Journal of Epidemiology, Vo. 25, Crooks, M., Uthoff, S., and Steiner, P., Families Surveyed in Iowa say, “yes” to Family Mealtime” Iowa State University Extension. Burlington, Iowa. Gillman, M.W., Rifas-Shiman, S., Frazier, A.L., Rockett, R.H., Camargo, C.A., Field, A.E., Berkey, C.S., Colditz, G.A., (2000). Family Dinner and Diet Quality Among Older Children and Adolescents. Archives of Family Medicine, Vol. 9, pp Stocks, J.C., Brown, L.B., (2002). Food Choices and Confidence in Food Preparation are related to Cooking Experiences and Family Meals. Brigham Young University. The Gallup Organization, The American Dietetic Association National Center for Nutrition and Dietetics, The International Food Information Council and the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, (1995). Food, Physical Activity and Fun: What Kids Think. Cutting, T.M., Fisher, J.O., Grimm-Thomas, K., and Birch, L.L., (1999). Like mother, like daughter: familial patterns of overweight are mediated by mothers dietary disinhibition. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 69, No. 4, Fisher, J.O., Mitchell, D.C., Smiciklas-Wright, H., Birch, L.L., (2001). Maternal Milk Consumption Predicts the Tradeoff between Milk and Soft Drinks in Young Girls’ Diets. Journal of Nutrition, 131: Fisher, J. O., Mitchell, D. C., Smickilas-Wright H., Birch L.L.(2002). Parental influences on young girls’ fruit and vegetable, macronutrient, and fat intakes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association,102 (1): Coon, K.A., Goldberg, J., Rogers, B.L., and Tucker, K.L., (2001). Relationships Between Use of Television During Meals and Children’s Food Consumption Patters. Electronic article, Pediatrics Vol. 107 No.1. Curran, D. (1983). Traits of a Healthy Family. Harper Collins. Scholastic Parent and Child (2000). What’s for Dinner Mom? Too busy to eat together as a family? There are too many reasons not to. For additional information on nutrition and family meals contact your County Extension Office and request a copy of the fact sheets in this series.   Raising Healthy Children in an Overweight World FLM-FS-5-03. Setting an Example When Eating Out as a Family FLM-FS-6-03. Do As I Do: Parents as Nutritional Role Models FLM-FS-7-03. What Research Tells Us About Family Meals FLM-FS-4-03 and FLM-MR-4-03. OSU Extension embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all educational programs conducted by Ohio State University Extension are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, age, gender identity or expression, disability, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or veteran status. Keith L. Smith, Associate Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Director, OSU Extension TDD No (Ohio only) or


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