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Title: Evolution of Socialism

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1 Aim: What Philosophical changes to the economy did the Industrial Revolution help to spur on?
Title: Evolution of Socialism Do Now: Write down what you know about the Industrial Revolution and how it affected both employers and their workers. Focus on the conflict that arose between the two classes: Bourgeoisie v. Proletariats.

2 Key things to keep in mind:
Industrial Revolution Unfair treatment Unlivable/working conditions No representation = no unions Class distinctions: Bourgeoisie (middle class/rich/bosses/factory owners) vs. Proletariats (working class, poor, etc.) = Rich got richer, while the poor got….. well, you get the point. The rich utilized laissez-faire capitalism to their great advantage

3 Communist Manifesto Reading
Bourgeois oppresses Proletariat Bourgeois Upper Class Proletarians Working Class Ancient Rome: Patricians, Knights Middle Ages: Feudal Lords, Vassals, Guildmasters Ancient Rome: Plebeians, Slaves Middle Ages: Journeymen, Apprentices, Serts

4 Today’s Focus: We will examine how the ideas of social reform emerged as a result of the uneven distribution of wealth caused by the Industrial Revolution.

5 OBJECTIVE I Quietly please (Shhh!!!): Carefully review/actively read the handout – Yes, MARK IT UP!!! Comparing & contrasting varying economic & related political systems: Capitalism vs. Socialism vs. Communism.

6 OBJECTIVE I (continued)
Transfer the graphic organizers pictured below onto a blank piece of paper. Complete reading on capitalism, socialism, and communism and complete the organizer. Characteristics Capitalism Socialism Communism Is ownership private or public? How is society organized? Social Objectives Economic Objectives Political System

7 OBJECTIVE II: Ideological Differences
Economic Ideologies Communism Socialism Capitalism Laissez Faire Political Ideology Totalitarianism Democracy

8 Ideology Rock-Paper-Scissors
Directions/Rules Find a partner Play 3 rounds of rock-paper-scissors (1 round=best out of three shoots) At the end each round, the loser must give the winner one piece of their candy Odds and Ends In game, candy=money and winning=hard work (therefore, the harder your work the more money you receive and vise versa)

9 Ideology Rock-Paper-Scissors
What economic system was enacted at the beginning of the game before you began playing? What are some problems that may arise from this system? What economic ideology was enacted while playing the game? What problems may arise from this system? Which economic ideology was represented as I redistributed the candy? What problems may arise from this system? Why did these economic/political ideologies emerge after the Industrial Revolution (think class tensions)?

10 Political and Economic Ideologies
Capitalism Economic system in which money is invested in business ventures with the goal of making a profit, economic liberty guarantees economic progress ADAM SMITH Father of modern capitalism

11 Political and Economic Ideologies
Socialism Factors of production are owned by public and operate for the welfare of all Government actively plans economy Other socialist ideas include Bentham UTILITARIANSIM judge ideas, institutions and actions on the basis of their utility or usefulness Government should provide the greatest good for the greatest amount of people

12 Political and Economic Ideologies
Karl Marx Believed that economic forces controlled society Wrote the Communist Manifesto (1848) calling for “workers of the world unite” and overthrow the “bourgeoisie” Radical socialism called Marxist Gap between rich and poor too wide and will widen More control over economy will reduce class conflict

13 Communist Manifesto Reading
Bourgeois oppresses Proletariat Bourgeois Upper Class Proletarians Working Class Ancient Rome: Patricians, Knights Middle Ages: Feudal Lords, Vassals, Guildmasters Ancient Rome: Plebeians, Slaves Middle Ages: Journeymen, Apprentices, Serts

14 Marxism Factories drive small artisans out of business
Small # of manufacturers to control wealth Large PROTELTARIAT would revolt & seize factories

15 Marxism Proletariats would produce what was NEEDED
Workers would share profits Creation of economic equality

16 Marxism Workers would control gov’t in “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” Create cooperative living and education The state/government would wither away = classless society

17 Political and Economic Ideologies
Karl Marx (cont.) Marx’s final phase would become COMMUNISM Complete form of socialism in which the means of production owned by the people No private property Classless society All goods and services shared equally

18 Political and Economic Ideologies
Karl Marx (cont.) Marx’s ideas of communism didn’t have much appeal until 20th century Lenin’s Russia Mao’s China Ho Chi Minh’s Vietnam Castro’s Cuba Most of Marx’s predictions never occurred proving that society is not just controlled by economic forces but also by religion, nationalism and political forces

19 Use the information from reading and your chart above to accurately place the economic systems on the Economic Spectrum below…. System: ___________ Description: _______________ System: ______________ Description: ______________

20 OBJECTIVE 1 What are the means of production?
What is Socialism? List and then examine some of the primary characteristics of Socialism? What led socialists and other groups to believe that government should control the means of production?

21 Capital and equipment used to produce and exchange goods
Man’s/individual greed/corruption/unfair treatment towards the “common man”, etc.

22 Socialism Socialists – viewed the capitalist system as inherently wrong Belief that capitalism is designed to create poverty and poor working conditions because of its end goal of earning maximum profits for investors Socialism – government owns the means of production Belief that if the government (“the people”) owns the means of production, these factories and industries will function in the public (as opposed to private) interest

23 OBJECTIVE III 1. Let’s try to analyze the philosophy and influences of Robert Owen, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Engels, see pp Create a three-column chart (similar to the one shown) - Below, list and then examine their philosophy & influences. Social/economical philosophers Philosophy Influences Karl Marx Robert Owen Friedrich Engels

24 Early Socialist Movement
First socialists were Utopians Strove to create a fair and just system Community divided tasks and rewards equitably Robert Owen Charles Fourier Claude Saint-Simon Louis Blanc

25 Robert Owen (1771-1858) Utopian socialist
Owned a textile factory in New Lanark, Scotland Set up a model community in New Harmony, Indiana Decreased working hours Improved working conditions and employee housing Shared management and profits with employees Proved that a socialist-based company could be profitable

26 Karl Marx (1818-1883) German socialist (communist) philosopher
Forced to leave Prussia for articles attacking the Prussian government Relocated to France where he was considered too radical Wrote Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels (1848) Relocated to England where he lived out the rest of his life Wrote Das Kapital – the “bible” of socialism (1867) “Religion is the opiate of the people.” Belief that religion is designed to keep people submissive to those in power by promising them that their reward is in heaven

27 OBJECTIVE IV 1. What do you know about communism? (reference HW #13) - Express your opinions to this economical system. - Please justify your points with hard found facts, examples, and evidence.

28 Marxism – Communism Economic Interpretation of History Class Struggle
Economic changes lead to historical changes. Historically, the wealthy classes have held all power. Economic Interpretation of History History has been a struggle between the rich and the poor. In the Industrial Revolution, the struggle is between the capitalists (owners of the means of production) and the proletariat (workers). Class Struggle Workers produce all wealth but receive only enough to survive. “Surplus value” (profit) of the workers’ labor goes to the capitalists. Surplus Value Industrial wealth leads to the concentration of wealth among fewer and fewer capitalists, while the living and working conditions of the proletariat grow worse. The proletariat will eventually rebel and create a socialist state. Inevitability of Socialism Note: Anti-Marxists might argue that Marx has been proven wrong because working conditions have improved. Marxists might argue that the struggle of the proletariat is not yet over. Still others might argue that Marx was right in some respects and wrong in others; that is, no truly socialist state has ever been created, but governments have established many socialist-type reforms and institutions. An interesting class activity is to have students create two lists—one listing the industries the federal government does control, and another listing those businesses which remain privately owned. This discussion should get interesting once the class starts discussing the federal government’s involvement with industries such as banking and automobile manufacturing following the recession of late 2008. Note: Marx referred to himself as a “communist” to separate himself from Utopian socialists.

29 Communism Rationale Goals Overthrow the bourgeois “supremacy”
Abolition (get rid of) private property Rationale Working class works to produce capital (money) which allows bourgeois to acquire more personal property and therefore control working class

30 Socialist and Communist Political Parties
First International Founded by Marx and others in 1864 International Workingmen’s Association Urged proletariat to overthrow capitalism worldwide Broke apart in 1873 Second International Founded in 1889 National parties more concerned with the politics of their respective nations Broke apart during World War I Russian Revolution (1917) Communists – known as Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, came to power following the overthrow of the tsar Left and right wings Socialists – right wingers – advocated socialist reforms through voting Communists – left wingers – advocated socialist reforms through revolution Political parties of both types have existed throughout Europe, the United States, and all over the world since around the turn of the last century Note: The modern political meanings of “socialism” and “communism” vary somewhat from their historical meanings. An interesting student activity is to have students locate the political platforms of the Socialist and Communist parties of the United States, comparing and contrasting them.

31 OBJECTIVE V Draw the following web diagram:
Complete the diagram by identifying the competing ideas that arose out of Marxism and their characteristics. Students’ diagrams should include information that identifies the roles of both people and government.

32 OBJECTIVE VI Complete guided reading 22.5.

33 Review Questions Explain Marxism in terms of the economic interpretation of history, class struggle, surplus value, and the inevitability of socialism. Most modern industrialized nations possess some degree of socialism. Comparing the United States to countries such as China, France, and Great Britain, should the United States increase or decrease its number and scope of social programs and government ownership of industry? Why or why not?

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