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Chapter 13 The Renaissance in Italy

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1 Chapter 13 The Renaissance in Italy

2 Objectives Describe the characteristics of the Renaissance and understand why it began in Italy. Identify Renaissance artists and explain how new ideas affected the arts of the period. Understand how writers of the time addressed Renaissance themes.

3 Terms and People humanism – the Renaissance intellectual movement that studied classical cultures to increase understanding of their own times humanities – subjects such as grammar, poetry, rhetoric, and history Petrarch – Florentine humanist, poet, and scholar who assembled a library of Greek and Roman manuscripts to encourage learning Florence – an Italian city-state that produced many gifted artists, scholars, scientists, and architects

4 Terms and People (continued)
patron – person who provides financial support for the arts perspective – the artistic technique that allows an artist to portray depth and three-dimensional qualities by making distant objects smaller Leonardo – artist, scientist, and inventor best known for the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper and sketches of inventions such as flying machines Michelangelo – artist; created sculpture of David and painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel 4

5 Terms and People (continued)
Raphael – painter; blended Christian and classical styles; famous works include The School of Athens and his portrayals of the Madonna Baldassare Castiglione – wrote the Book of the Courtier describing the manners and qualities aristocratic men and women should display Niccolò Machiavelli – wrote The Prince, describing how to rule in an age of ruthless power politics 5

6 What were the ideals of the Renaissance, and how did Italian artists and writers reflect these ideals? A new age dawned in Western Europe, given expression by remarkable artists and thinkers. This age is called the Renaissance, meaning “rebirth.” It began in the 1300s and reached its peak around 1500. The Renaissance marked the transition from medieval times to the early modern world.

7 The Renaissance began in Italy in the 1300s. Renaissance thinkers:
sought to bring Europe out of disorder and disunity. placed greater emphasis on individual achievement. tried to understand the world with more accuracy. revived interest in classical Greek and Roman learning. The Renaissance ideal was a person with interests and talents in many fields. 7

8 During the Renaissance there was a new spirit of adventure and curiosity.
Trade assumed greater importance than before. Navigators sailed across the oceans. Scientists viewed the universe in new ways. Writers and artists experimented with new techniques.

9 Europe in 1500 Italy’s central location helped make it a center for the trade of goods and ideas.

10 The Italian city-states dominated trade and provided a link between Asia and Europe.
Trade routes carried new ideas from Asia and from Muslim scholars who had preserved Greek and Latin learning. Banking, manufacturing, and a merchant network provided the wealth that fueled the Renaissance.

11 The heart of the Italian Renaissance was humanism.
Although most Renaissance humanists were devoutly religious, they focused on worldly issues rather than religion. They believed education should stimulate creativity. They emphasized study of the humanities, such as grammar, rhetoric, poetry, and history. Humanists studied the works of Greece and Rome to learn about their own culture.

12 Italy’s city-states played an important role in the Renaissance.
These families brought trade and wealth, and provided leadership. They were interested in art and emphasized personal achievement. They were patrons of the arts and supported artists, writers, and scholars. Each city was dominated by a wealthy and powerful merchant family.

13 The Medici family of merchants and bankers controlled Florence after 1434.
Lorenzo de' Medici invited poets, philosophers, and artists to the city. Florence became a leader, with numerous gifted artists, poets, architects, and scientists. Ordinary people began to appreciate art outside of the Church.

14 Donatello created a life-size soldier on horseback, the first sculpture of this size since ancient times. In The School of Athens, Raphael painted a gathering of Greek and Roman scholars that included the faces of Michelangelo, Leonardo, and himself. Artists continued to portray religious themes, but they did so against classic Greek and Roman backgrounds.

15 They returned from the stylized forms of the medieval period to the realism of classic Greece and Rome. They used new techniques to represent both humans and landscapes. Renaissance artists used new techniques, leading to greater realism.

16 One new technique was perspective, credited to Filippo Brunelleschi.
Perspective allowed for more realistic art. Distant objects appeared smaller. One new technique was perspective, credited to Filippo Brunelleschi.

17 Artists also used new oil paints that reflected light, and used shading techniques to make objects look more real. Objects were portrayed in a three-dimensional fashion. Painters studied human anatomy and drew from observing models, resulting in more accuracy.

18 Leonardo da Vinci was an artist and inventor
Leonardo da Vinci was an artist and inventor. He studied botany, optics, anatomy, architecture, and engineering. The mysterious smile of the woman in his painting Mona Lisa has intrigued viewers for centuries. His sketchbooks are full of ideas for inventions, such as flying machines and submarines.

19 Michelangelo Buonarroti was a sculptor, engineer, painter, architect, and poet.
He is best known for sculptures such as David and for painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He also designed the dome for St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome.

20 Writers were also humanists
Writers were also humanists. Some described how to succeed in the Renaissance world. Men played music and knew literature and history but were not arrogant. Women were kind, graceful, and lively, and possessed outward beauty. Baldassare Castiglione’s Book of the Courtier described the manners and behavior of the ideal aristocratic man and woman.

21 Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince was a guide for rulers to gain and maintain power.
Rather than discuss high ideals, he stressed that the ends justify the means. The term Machiavellian has come to refer to the use of deceit in politics. Critics saw Machiavelli as cynical, but others said he was simply providing a realistic look at politics.

22 Section 2: The Renaissance in Northern Europe

23 Objectives Explain how the printing revolution shaped European society. Describe the themes that northern European artists and writers explored. Analyze the ideas of northern humanist thinkers.

24 Terms and People Johann Gutenberg – printer who invented a printing press with movable type Flanders – a prosperous region of cities in the present-day Netherlands, France, and Belgium, where the northern Renaissance began Albrecht Dürer – German artist who spread Renaissance ideas in northern Europe engraving – a technique in which an artist etches a design on a metal plate using acid; the plate is then used to make prints

25 Terms and People (continued)
vernacular – the everyday spoken language of the common people Erasmus – Dutch religious scholar who called for the translation of the Bible into the vernacular Thomas More – English humanist who described an ideal society in Utopia utopian – idealistic or visionary; usually used to describe a perfect society Shakespeare – the leading English language poet and playwright of the Renaissance 25

26 How did the Renaissance develop in northern Europe?
As the Renaissance began to flower in Italy, northern Europe was still recovering from the ravages of the Black Death. But by the 1400s, the cities of the north began to enjoy economic growth and the wealth needed to develop their own Renaissance.

27 Printed books were far easier to produce than hand-copied books.
In 1455 Johann Gutenberg printed a complete edition of the Bible using a printing press with movable type. Printed books were far easier to produce than hand-copied books. More people had access to a broad range of learning. By 1500, the number of books in Europe had risen from a few thousand to between 15 and 20 million. The printing revolution transformed Europe. 27

28 The Northern Renaissance began in the prosperous cities of Flanders.
Many painters focused on the common people, creating scenes of everyday life. Many writers also focused on the common people. From Flanders, ideas spread to Spain, France, and England. 28

29 Northern Renaissance painters focused on realism in their art.
New oil paints were made using oils from linseed, walnuts, or poppies. More realistic colors reflected light, adding depth and glow. In the 1400s, the paintings of Van Eyck were filled with rich and realistic detail. Pieter Bruegel used vibrant colors to portray scenes of peasant life.

30 Albrecht Dürer applied Renaissance painting techniques to engraving.
Peter Paul Rubens blended the realistic tradition of Flemish painters with classical themes. Dürer is called “the Leonardo of the North” because of his varied interests and his role in spreading Renaissance ideas in the late 1400s. A humanist of the 1600s, Rubens used themes from classical history and mythology.

31 Northern humanist scholars stressed education and classical learning.
They hoped to bring about religious and moral reform. Some began writing in the vernacular, the everyday language of ordinary people. This appealed to the new middle class that was arising in northern towns and cities.

32 The Dutch priest Desiderius Erasmus was one of the major religious scholars of the age.
Erasmus called for translation of the Bible into the vernacular. He believed a person’s chief duties were to be open-minded and show good will to others. He also sought reform in the Church. Born in 1466, Erasmus helped spread humanist ideas to a wider public.

33 Francois Rabelais was a French humanist who used comedy.
Sir Thomas More was an English humanist who pushed for social reforms. In Utopia, he described an ideal society where all are educated and people live in harmony. The book gave us the word utopian. In Gargantua and Pantagruel, two giants on a comic adventure offer opinions on religion and education.

34 The towering figure of northern Renaissance literature was the English playwright and poet William Shakespeare. Between 1590 and 1613, he wrote 37 plays which are still performed today, including: Romeo and Juliet Hamlet A Midsummer Night’s Dream

35 Shakespeare explored Renaissance ideals such as the complexity of the individual.
Well-known quotes from Shakespeare include “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” and “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” He used common language understood by all and added 1,700 words to the English language.

36 Section 3: The Protestant Reformation Begins

37 Objectives Summarize the factors that encouraged the Protestant Reformation. Analyze Martin Luther’s role in shaping the Protestant Reformation. Explain the teachings and impact of John Calvin.

38 Terms and People indulgences – in the Roman Catholic Church, pardons for sins committed during a person’s life Martin Luther –the German monk who triggered the revolt against the Roman Catholic church in 1517 Wittenberg – city in northern Germany where Luther drew up his 95 Theses Charles V – the Holy Roman emperor who ordered Luther to recant his 95 Theses

39 Terms and People (continued)
diet – assembly or legislature John Calvin – a reformer who preached predestination and living a saintly life predestination – the idea that God had predetermined who would gain salvation Geneva – the Swiss city where Calvin was asked to establish a Christian community theocracy – a government run by religious leaders 39

40 How did revolts against the Roman Catholic Church affect northern European society?
In the 1500s, the Renaissance in northern Europe sparked a religious upheaval. Northern European calls for church reform eventually unleashed forces that would shatter Christian unity. This movement is known as the Protestant Reformation.

41 The early 1500s were uncertain times in northern Europe.
Disparities in wealth, a new market economy, and religious discontent all bred uncertainty. Humanist ideas for social reform grew in popularity. More people began to question the central force in their lives—the Church. The printing press spread knowledge and new ideas quickly.

42 Increasingly, the church had become involved in worldly politics.
Popes competed with Italian princes for political power. They fought wars to protect the Papal States. They plotted against powerful monarchs who sought to control papal lands. They lived in luxury, supported the arts, and hired artists to beautify churches.

43 To finance their lifestyles, church officials charged fees for services such as baptisms and marriages. An indulgence lessened the time one spent in purgatory before going to heaven. In the Middle Ages, they were often granted for doing good deeds. Many Christians, including Erasmus, objected to their sale. Some clergy also sold indulgences. Only the rich could afford to buy them.

44 Christian humanists called for a less worldly church, one based more on Bible study.
As early as the 1300s, John Wycliff had begun protests against the Church in England. Jan Hus led a similar protest against the Church in what is today the Czech Republic. He was executed for heresy in 1415.

45 Angered by the sale of indulgences, Luther drew up his 95 Theses and nailed them to a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. He argued that indulgences had no place in the Bible, and Christians could only be saved by faith. Rather than recant, Luther rejected the authority of Rome. The German monk Martin Luther sparked a revolt in 1517.

46 Overnight, copies of Luther’s 95 Theses spread and sparked debate across Europe.
But many agreed with Luther and became his followers. In 1521, Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther. The Holy Roman emperor, Charles V, declared Luther an outlaw and ordered his books to be burned.

47 Luther’s teachings differed from those of the Roman Catholic Church.
He believed that all Christians had equal access to God and did not need a priest to intervene. He wanted ordinary people to study the Bible. He banned the granting of indulgences, prayers to saints, pilgrimages, and confession.

48 The printing press quickly spread Luther’s writings throughout Germany and Scandinavia.
His followers took on the name “Protestants” because they were in protest against papal authority. Luther simplified the mass, emphasizing the sermon. Ministers used their sermons to attack corruption in the Roman Catholic Church. He permitted the clergy to marry.

49 Some German princes saw Lutheranism as a chance to throw off the rule of both the Church and the Holy Roman emperor. Some saw an opportunity to seize Church property in their territories. Others embraced the new church out of nationalistic loyalty. Many were tired of paying to support clergy in Italy.

50 In 1524, a peasants’ revolt erupted across Germany.
Luther denounced the violence, favoring respect for political authority. With his support, the nobles suppressed the uprising. Thousands died as a result. The people demanded an end to serfdom.

51 Charles V tried to force the German princes to return to the Catholic Church.
In 1555, after several brief wars, Charles and the princes signed the Peace of Augsburg. Under this treaty, each prince chose a religion for his realm—either Catholic or Lutheran. Most in the north chose Lutheranism; most in the south chose Catholicism.

52 Reformers in Switzerland also challenged the authority of the Catholic Church.
Ulrich Zwingli, an admirer of Erasmus, also stressed the importance of the Bible and rejected elaborate Church rituals. The city council in Zurich adopted his ideas. John Calvin, a French-born priest and lawyer, was strongly influenced by these Reformation ideas.

53 There were two kinds of people, saints and sinners.
Calvin accepted most Lutheran beliefs but added his own belief in predestination. He preached that God had long ago determined who would or would not gain eternal salvation. There were two kinds of people, saints and sinners. Only the saved could live a truly Christian life. Calvinists attempted to live saintly lives to demonstrate that they were among those God had selected. 53

54 In 1541, the people of Geneva, Switzerland, invited Calvin to lead their community.
He established a theocracy. Religious leaders felt entrusted by God to build a Christian society based on hard work, discipline, thrift, and honesty. Offenses such as swearing, laughing in church, and fighting resulted in fines or worse. Many Protestants saw Geneva as a perfect Christian community.

55 By the late 1500s, Calvinism had spread throughout northern Europe.
In Germany, Lutherans and Catholics fought Calvinists. In France, Calvinists battled Catholics. In Scotland, Calvinist preacher John Knox helped overthrow a Catholic queen. Challenges to the Catholic Church set off a series of religious wars. To escape persecution in England, groups of Calvinists sailed for America in the early 1600s.

56 Section 4: The Reformation Spreads

57 Objectives Describe the new ideas that Protestant sects embraced.
Understand why England formed a new church. Analyze how the Catholic Church reformed itself. Explain why many groups faced persecution during the Reformation.

58 Terms and People sect – a subgroup of a major religious group
Henry VIII – king of England; caused England to break away from the Catholic Church Mary Tudor – daughter of Henry and Catherine of Aragon; as queen, she tried to restore Catholicism in England Thomas Cranmer – first archbishop of the Church of England, wrote The Book of Common Prayer

59 Terms and People (continued)
Elizabeth I – daughter of Henry VIII; queen for 45 years; brought compromise between Catholics and Protestants canonize – to recognize someone as a saint compromise – an acceptable middle ground Council of Trent – appointed by the pope in 1545; over 20 years, advised about reforms to answer the Protestant challenge 59

60 Terms and People (continued)
Ignatius of Loyola – the Spanish knight who founded the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits Teresa of Avila – began an order of nuns, reformed Spanish convents and monasteries ghetto – a separate section of a city where members of a minority group are forced to live 60

61 How did the Reformation bring about two different religious paths in Europe?
Throughout Europe, Catholic monarchs and the Catholic Church fought back against the Protestant challenge. They took steps to reform the Church and to restore its spiritual leadership of the Christian world. Still, Protestant ideas continued to spread.

62 As the Reformation continued, hundreds of new Protestant sects appeared.
Some broke away from the mainline churches. Many followed the teachings of Luther, Calvin, or Zwingli, but some were more radical.

63 One new sect was the Anabaptists.
Anabaptists rejected the baptism of infants. Some radical Anabaptists favored the abolition of private property and sought to speed up God’s judgment day. Most Anabaptists were peaceful, calling for religious tolerance and separation of church and state. Today’s Baptists, Mennonites, and Amish all have Anabaptist origins.

64 The English Reformation was not due to reformers, but rather to a king—Henry VIII.
He wished to marry a young noblewoman, Anne Boleyn. He hoped she would bear him a male heir. When the pope refused to annul the marriage, the king took over the English Church. In 1527, Henry sought to annul his marriage to wife Catherine, who had only borne a daughter, Mary Tudor.

65 Parliament placed the Church of England under Henry VIII’s control.
Archbishop Cranmer annulled the marriage. Henry married Anne Boleyn. They had a daughter, Elizabeth. Catholics who opposed Henry were executed. One of those beheaded was Sir Thomas More, whom the Catholic Church later canonized. Thomas Cranmer was appointed archbishop.

66 In 1547, Henry was succeeded by his nine-year-old son, Edward.
Edward favored the Protestant religion. Henry had Catholic property confiscated and distributed to nobles to gain their support.

67 Thomas Cranmer drew up The Book of Common Prayer, which became required reading at all Anglican services. Parliament passed several laws to make the English or “Anglican” Church more Protestant. While still in his teens, young Edward died and was succeeded by Mary Tudor. Mary tried to restore Catholicism and had many Protestants burned at the stake for heresy.

68 In 1558, the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn took the throne as Queen Elizabeth I.
She compromised between Catholics and Protestants. She did not allow herself to be put at the head of the Anglican Church. The Anglican Church retained many Catholic practices. The church service was translated from Latin to English.

69 The “Elizabethan Age” lasted until 1603.
Elizabeth’s rule united England and avoided future religious wars. Under Elizabeth, England enjoyed a Golden Age of literature and arts.

70 Major European Religions About 1600

71 From 1530 to 1540, Pope Paul III led a movement to reform the Catholic Church.
This effort was also called the Counter-Reformation. In 1545 Pope Paul called the Council of Trent to end corruption and worldliness in the Church and settle issues of doctrine. The Council declared that salvation comes through both faith and good works.

72 Pope Paul III also strengthened the Inquisition to fight against Protestantism.
The Inquisition was a special court set up during the Middle Ages. The Inquisition used secret testimony, torture, and executions to root out Protestant heresy. It prepared a list of immoral or irreligious books Catholics could not use, including the writings of Calvin and Luther.

73 In 1540, the Pope recognized a new religious order, the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits.
Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish knight, founded the order as “soldiers of God.” Jesuits followed strict moral and spiritual rules. Their rigorous training included complete obedience to the Church. They ran schools and traveled to distant lands as missionaries.

74 Teresa of Avila established an order of nuns.
Her order lived in isolation, eating and sleeping little. They dedicated themselves to prayer and meditation. After her death, Teresa was canonized. During the Counter-Reformation, many Catholics felt renewed feelings of intense faith.

75 By 1600, a majority of Europeans remained Catholic, but Protestantism had a major foothold on the continent. The Catholic Reformation succeeded in bringing back many Protestants and in reforming the Church. Religious conflict influenced political debate, which erupted into war throughout much of Europe.

76 Heightened passions about religion also resulted in intolerance and persecution.
Between 1450 and 1750, tens of thousands were killed as witches, especially in the German states, Switzerland, and France. Most were women. Belief in witchcraft represented twin beliefs in Christianity and magic. Witches were seen as agents of the devil and thus anti-Christian.

77 They were expelled from Spain in 1492.
In 1516, Venice ordered Jews to live in a separate part of the city called a ghetto. Luther called for their expulsion from the north. In the 1550s, the Pope added new restrictions. Jews faced increasing persecution and restrictions during the Reformation. In the late 1500s, many Jews migrated to the Ottoman empire or to the Netherlands.

78 Section 5: The Scientific Revolution

79 Objectives Explain how new discoveries in astronomy changed the way people viewed the universe. Understand the new scientific method and how it developed. Analyze the contributions that Newton and other scientists made to the Scientific Revolution.

80 Terms and People Nicolaus Copernicus – Polish astronomer who proposed a heliocentric model of the universe heliocentric –idea that the sun, not the Earth, was at the center of the universe Tycho Brahe – Danish astronomer who collected data to prove that Copernicus was correct Johannes Kepler – mathematician who plotted the orbits of planets and discovered they are elliptical Galileo – scientist who proved that the Earth moves around the sun; in 1633, the Inquisition forced him to recant his heliocentric views

81 Terms and People (continued)
Francis Bacon – English thinker who, with Descartes, rejected the assumptions of Aristotle; stressed experimentation and observation René Descartes – French philosopher and mathematician who proposed the need to search for provable knowledge scientific method – a step-by-step process of discovery requiring the collection of accurately measured data hypothesis – a logical or possible explanation to a problem to be tested using the scientific method 81

82 Terms and People (continued)
Robert Boyle – scientist who explained all matter as being composed of tiny particles that behave in knowable ways; proposed laws governing gases Isaac Newton – scientist who argued that there were uniform laws of nature and that all motions could be measured mathematically gravity – force that keeps planets in orbit; proposed by Newton calculus – a branch of mathematics partially developed by Newton 82

83 How did discoveries in science lead to a new way of thinking for Europeans?
In the mid-1500s, a profound shift in scientific thinking brought the final break with Europe’s medieval past. At the heart of this Scientific Revolution was the assumption that mathematical laws governed nature and the universe. Therefore, people could know, manage, and shape the physical world.

84 Until the mid-1500s, Europeans accepted the idea that the Earth was the center of the universe.
This geocentric view was developed in ancient times by Aristotle and Ptolemy. By the Renaissance, it had become official Church doctrine.

85 Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus challenged this view.
In 1543, he proposed a heliocentric, or sun-centered, model of the solar system. The Earth and other planets revolved around the sun. This 1660 diagram shows a heliocentric solar system

86 Copernicus’s revolutionary theory was rejected.
If the classic scholars were questioned, then all knowledge might be called into question. Johannes Kepler used Brahe’s data to calculate the orbits of the planets. Kepler found that the planets don’t move in perfect circles as earlier believed. But careful observations by Tycho Brahe supported Copernicus.

87 In Italy, Galileo Galilei built a telescope and observed several moons in orbit around Jupiter.
This contradicted Church doctrine that the Earth was the center of the universe. He said these movements were the same as those of the planets around the sun. Galileo was tried for heresy and forced to recant his theories before the Inquisition.

88 Despite opposition from the Church, a new approach to science emerged during the early 1600s.
Scientists rediscovered Greek philosopher Plato, who saw mathematics as the key to learning about the universe. Francis Bacon and René Descartes challenged medieval scholarship that sought only to make the world fit into the teachings of the Church.

89 Bacon and Descartes argued that truth is not known at the beginning of the inquiry, but rather at the end. Bacon stressed observation and experimentation. He wanted science to improve people’s lives by developing practical technologies.

90 The only thing he could not question was doubt.
Descartes emphasized human reasoning as the best road to understanding. In his Discourse on Method (1637), he discarded all traditional authorities to search for knowledge that was provable. The only thing he could not question was doubt. Since he could doubt, he had to exist as a rational being. “I think, therefore I am.” —Descartes

91 Over time, scientists developed a step-by-step scientific method
Over time, scientists developed a step-by-step scientific method. It required the collection of accurate data and the proposal of a logical hypothesis to be tested.

92 There were dramatic advances in medical knowledge in the 1500s and 1600s.
In 1543, Andreas Vesalius published On the Structure of the Human Body, the first accurate and detailed study of human anatomy. In the early 1540s, Ambroise Paré developed new surgical techniques and tools, artificial limbs, and ointments to prevent infection.

93 There were dramatic advances in medical knowledge in the 1500s and 1600s.
William Harvey described the circulation of blood, showing that the heart was a pump. Anton van Leeuwenhoek perfected the microscope and became the first person to see cells and microorganisms.

94 In the 1600s, English chemist Robert Boyle:
Medieval chemists, called alchemists, had believed that any substance could be turned into any other and tried to transform ordinary metals into gold. In the 1600s, English chemist Robert Boyle: Explained that all matter is composed of tiny particles that behave in knowable ways Defined the difference between individual elements and compounds Explained the effect of temperature and pressure on gases

95 Isaac Newton linked science and mathematics.
Newton theorized that gravity was the force that controls the movements of the planets. He believed that all motion in the universe can be measured and described mathematically. He contributed to the development of calculus, a branch of mathematics, to help explain his laws.

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