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The Black Death of the Middle Ages The Bubonic Plague

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Presentation on theme: "The Black Death of the Middle Ages The Bubonic Plague"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Black Death of the Middle Ages The Bubonic Plague
LEQ: How did the combination of plague, upheaval in the Church, and war affect Europe in the 1300s and 1400s?

2 Setting the Stage* Europe in the 1300s -1400s experienced famine, disease, and war. Marked the end of the Middle Ages and start of the early modern age.

3 Overcrowding and Disease*
Medieval towns and cities were extremely crowded. The lack of sanitation was a breeding ground for disease.

4 Medieval Towns

5 The Plague Arrives* It came from Mongolia, spread to the Middle East, then… Arrived in Europe through trade ships. It spread quickly. It wiped out 1/3 of Europe’s population in 4 years ( ). Killed Approx. 25 million people. The plague killed 50% - 75% of its victims.


7 Medieval Venice – An Important Trading City

8 Burying the Dead

9 What did people think caused the plague?
People didn’t know what caused the plague. Some believed it was: A punishment from God. Jews had poisoned wells. Bad air. The position of the planets.

10 What Really Caused the Plague?*
It was spread by fleas which lived on the black rat. The fleas sucked the rat’s blood which contained the plague germs. When the rat died, the fleas jumped on to humans and passed on the disease. Most common form of the Black Death was the BUBONIC PLAGUE!


12 Buboes – swollen lumps in the groin,
neck, or armpit

13 Three Types Pneumonic Plague attacked the lungs.
Destroyed the breathing system Could be caught if someone breathed on you. Had less than 3 days Bubonic Plague attacked lymph nodes and caused large swellings To catch you had to be bitten by a flea that had already bitten a black rat. Had less than 5 days. Septicemic Plague attacked the bloodstream To catch you had to be bitten by a flea that had already bitten a black rat. Kills faster than bubonic plague


15 Boccaccio in The Decameron
The victims ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors. Stop and Think: What does this mean?

16 Medieval Response There was no cure.
Many tried to flee the area where the plague struck. This helped to spread it. Many interesting “cures” and attempts to prevent the plague were developed.

17 Medieval Art became obsessed with death!

18 Effects* Led to persecution of Jews.
Decline of feudalism and manor economy. Decrease in the supply of labor created higher wages for skilled workers. Inflation (rising prices) Peasant revolts

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