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DNMS Resource Development Protocol

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1 DNMS Resource Development Protocol

2 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 2
Origins Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy is a therapy model consisting of several protocols Resource Development Protocol is one of them I’ll briefly introduce the whole model I’ll explore the Resource development part in detail The Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy is a therapy model consisting of several protocols Θ The Resource Development Protocol I’ll describe for you today is just one of them Θ I’ll briefly introduce the whole model Θ I’ll explore the Resource development part in detail Θ 2 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

3 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 3
The DNMS Developer Shirley Jean Schmidt, LPC Evolving over last 13 years First as techniques solely to support to EMDR Now a stand-alone model Pieces of it can be used support other modalities The DNMS was developed by Shirley Jean Schmidt, LPC from San Antonio, Texas Θ It’s been evolving over the last 10 years – becoming more sophisticated and elegant with each new enhancement Θ Shirley Jean was an EMDR therapist. The DNMS started out as techniques solely to support EMDR therapy Θ Now it’s a stand-alone model Θ Pieces of it can be used to support other modalities – like her ego state model, Resource development protocol, and methods for clearing blocks Θ 3 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

4 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 4
My Story Use this slide to tell about your experiences using the Resource Development Protocol 4 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

5 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 5 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation Resource Mobilization Provisional Resources RDP Complications DNMS Training Today I will give you a very brief overview of the DNMS model Θ I will introduce you to the Resource Development Protocol Θ I’ll talk about client preparation for the protocol Θ And Resource mobilization Θ I’ll explain about Provisional Resources – another Resource development option Θ And I’ll briefly touch on the subject of Resource development complications and blocks Θ I’ll conclude by telling you where to go for further information and training Θ First I’ll give you an overview of the model Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

6 The DNMS Underpinnings
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 6 DNMS Overview The DNMS Underpinnings Children grow and develop in stages Each stage involves a set of needs Degree to which developmental needs were not adequately met… …is the degree to which a person may be stuck in childhood The DNMS is based on certain assumptions, like the assumption that children grow and develop in stages Θ and that each developmental stage involves a set of needs that should be met by parents or caregivers. Θ The DNMS assumes that the degree to which developmental needs were not adequately met Θ is the degree to which a person may become stuck in childhood. Θ 6 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

7 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 7
DNMS Overview DNMS Underpinnings Being stuck means that you can be fine one minute Θ Then suddenly see the world through the eyes of a sad, angry, or fearful child. Θ Being stuck means you can be fine one minute Then suddenly see the world through the eyes of a sad, angry, or fearful child 7 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

8 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 8
DNMS Overview DNMS Underpinnings A child may become stuck after significant abuse, neglect, rejection, or enmeshment simple parenting failures A child may become stuck after experiencing significant Θ abuse, neglect, rejection, or enmeshment, or simple parenting failures. Θ 8 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

9 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 9
DNMS Overview DNMS Underpinnings Sometimes well-meaning caregivers unknowingly make poor parenting choices experience hardships A child may become stuck even when well-meaning caregivers… Θ unknowingly make poor parenting choices, or experience hardships that make it impossible for them to meet needs they would otherwise be able to meet. Θ 9 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

10 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 10
DNMS Overview DNMS Underpinnings Some child parts of self are stuck in reaction to wounding people from the past Some child parts of self are stuck mimicking wounding people from the past The parts mimicking wounding people constantly retraumatize those reacting to wounding people Some child parts of self are stuck in reaction to wounding people from the past Θ Some child parts of self are stuck mimicking wounding people from the past Θ The parts mimicking wounding people constantly retraumatize those reacting to wounding people Θ 10 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

11 DNMS Overview What is the DNMS? The DNMS is an ego state therapy
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 11 DNMS Overview What is the DNMS? The DNMS is an ego state therapy Endeavors to help adult clients get wounded parts of self unstuck from the past Providing relief for a wide range of symptoms and issues The DNMS is an ego state therapy Θ Endeavors to help adult clients get wounded parts of self unstuck from the past Θ Providing relief for a wide range of symptoms and issues Θ 11 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

12 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 12
DNMS Overview What the DNMS Treats Emotional wounds from unmet childhood needs wounding relationships This includes Trauma wounds Attachment wounds The DNMS treats clients stuck in emotional wounds that originated: Θ in unmet childhood needs, or in wounding relationships – from childhood or adulthood. Θ This includes: trauma wounds, such as those inflicted by verbal, physical, and sexual abuse; Θ and attachment wounds, such as those inflicted by parental rejection, neglect, and enmeshment. Θ 12 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

13 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 13
DNMS Overview Wounded Parts of Self DNMS classifies wounded parts of self into two broad categories Θ Reactive parts Θ Maladaptive introjects Θ DNMS classifies wounded parts as Reactive parts Maladaptive introjects 13 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

14 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 14
DNMS Overview Reactive Parts Parts of self that form in reaction to significant people who are physically and/or emotionally wounding You’re bad. Reactive Parts are parts of self that form in reaction to significant people who are physically and/or emotionally wounding Θ I’m bad. 14 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

15 Maladaptive Introjects
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 15 DNMS Overview Maladaptive Introjects Parts of self that mimic significant people who are physically and/or emotionally wounding You’re bad. Maladaptive introjects are parts of self that mimic significant people who are physically and/or emotionally wounding Θ You’re bad. 15 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

16 Reactive Parts and Introjects Interact
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 16 DNMS Overview Reactive Parts and Introjects Interact Introjects convey a wounding person’s message to reactive parts Keeping childhood wounds alive into adulthood Introjects convey a wounding person’s message to reactive parts Θ Keeping childhood wounds alive into adulthood Θ You’re bad. I’m bad. 16 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

17 DNMS Begins with Resource Parts of Self
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 17 DNMS Overview DNMS Begins with Resource Parts of Self The DNMS starts with using special guided meditations to increase awareness of, and connection to, three healthy parts of self: Θ a Nurturing Adult Self Θ a Protective Adult Self, and Θ a Spiritual Core Self Θ These three Resources are brought together to form a Healing Circle. Θ 17 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

18 Identify Wounded Parts
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 18 DNMS Overview Identify Wounded Parts You’re worthless I’m worthless Next, the wounded parts connected to a client’s symptoms are identified. Θ 18 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

19 Switching the Dominance Protocol
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 19 DNMS Overview Switching the Dominance Protocol You’re worthless I’m worthless The Switching the Dominance protocol is applied to calm down the introject. Θ 19 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

20 Switching the Dominance Protocol
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 20 DNMS Overview Switching the Dominance Protocol This helps the reactive part feel much better. Θ 20 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

21 Needs Meeting Protocol – Into the Healing Circle
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 21 DNMS Overview Needs Meeting Protocol – Into the Healing Circle Next, one or more introjects are invited into the Healing Circle where… Θ 21 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

22 Needs Meeting Protocol – Meeting Needs
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 22 DNMS Overview Needs Meeting Protocol – Meeting Needs the Resources meet their developmental needs Θ 22 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

23 Needs Meeting Protocol – Processing Emotions
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 23 DNMS Overview Needs Meeting Protocol – Processing Emotions Arghh! help them process through painful emotions Θ 23 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

24 Needs Meeting Protocol – Bonding
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 24 DNMS Overview Needs Meeting Protocol – Bonding and establish an emotional bond. Θ 24 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

25 Needs Meeting Protocol – Totally Unstuck
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 25 DNMS Overview Needs Meeting Protocol – Totally Unstuck Yeah! This helps the wounded parts get totally unstuck. When wounded parts get totally unstuck, unwanted behaviors, beliefs, or emotions diminish. Θ 25 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

26 Healing By Neural Integration
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 26 DNMS Overview Healing By Neural Integration Siegel: Self-regulation is accomplished with the process of neural integration… …as functional linkages are made between disparate regions of the brain According to Daniel Siegel, self-regulation is accomplished with the process of neural integration, Θ as functional linkages are made between disparate regions of the brain. A neural network that is stuck in the past connects to a neural network that lives in the present. Θ Stuck in the past Living in the present 26 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

27 Before the DNMS: Neural Disconnection
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 27 DNMS Overview Before the DNMS: Neural Disconnection Adaptive Isolated child part is stuck in the past “I’m bad” Mature, sensitive, loving, attuned Resources “You’re okay” Before the DNMS, an isolated child part who is stuck in the past, holding a negative belief. The Red Halo indicates emotional charge associated with an unresolved disturbance. The child part is not connected to mature Resource parts of self. Θ Disturbance Present Adaptive Neural Network 27 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

28 During the DNMS: Neural Connection Forms
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 28 DNMS Overview During the DNMS: Neural Connection Forms Isolated child part is stuck in the past “I’m bad” Mature, sensitive, loving, attuned Resources “You’re okay” During the DNMS, a neural pathway begins to form, which connects the isolated child part to the Resources. This connection helps to resolve the disturbance. The emotional charge is lessened. Θ Neural Pathway Disturbance Resolving Adaptive Neural Network 28 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

29 After the DNMS: Neural Connection Established
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 29 DNMS Overview After the DNMS: Neural Connection Established Integrated child part is totally unstuck “I’m okay” Mature, sensitive, loving, attuned Resources “You’re okay” By the end of the DNMS, a solid connection has been established. The child part who had been stuck in the past is now fully integrated with the Resources and living in present time. All the emotional disturbance is resolved. Θ Totally Unstuck = Neural Integration = Disturbance Resolved 29 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

30 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 30
DNMS Overview Neural Architecture Many clients lack the neural architecture to regulate emotions well DNMS endeavors to develop/strengthen the neural networks neural pathways for self-regulation of emotion Many clients lack the neural architecture to regulate emotions well Θ DNMS endeavors to develop/strengthen the neural networks Θ and neural pathways Θ for self-regulation of emotion. Θ 30 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

31 Neural Networks Developed/Strengthened
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 31 DNMS Overview Neural Networks Developed/Strengthened The neural networks are developed and strengthened when the Resources are mobilized. Θ 31 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

32 Neural Pathways Developed/Strengthened
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 32 DNMS Overview Neural Pathways Developed/Strengthened The neural pathways are developed and strengthened when the Resources make a loving connection to wounded parts of self. Θ 32 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

33 Primary Agent for Change
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 33 DNMS Overview Primary Agent for Change Not the interpersonal relationship During the DNMS, the primary agent for change is NOT the interpersonal relationship between client and therapist. And while that is very important…. Θ 33 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

34 Primary Agent for Change
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 34 DNMS Overview Primary Agent for Change But the intrapersonal relationship …during the DNMS the primary agent for change is the relationship wounded parts have with the Resources. Θ 34 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

35 Alternating Bilateral Stimulation (ABS)
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 35 DNMS Overview Alternating Bilateral Stimulation (ABS) First used in EMDR therapy Applied with rapid back and forth eye movements alternating auditory stimulation alternating bilateral tactile Alternating Bilateral Stimulation (ABS) was first used in EMDR therapy, a treatment protocol developed by Francine Shapiro for desensitizing traumatic memories. Θ Originally ABS was applied with rapid, back-and-forth eye movements. Θ Later, alternating bilateral tactile and alternating bilateral auditory stimulation were found to be a viable alternative to rapid eye movements.. Θ 35 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

36 Alternating Bilateral Stimulation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 36 DNMS Overview Alternating Bilateral Stimulation Stuck in Trauma Knows Trauma is Over ABS appears to help the part of the brain stuck in a trauma talk to the part of the brain that knows the trauma is over. Θ Harvard sleep expert, Robert Stickgold, postulated that ABS applied in therapy allows isolated neural networks to more easily connect to positive, adaptive neural networks. Θ Stickgold: ABS applied in therapy allows isolated neural networks to more easily connect to positive, adaptive neural networks 36 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

37 Alternating Bilateral Stimulation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 37 DNMS Overview Alternating Bilateral Stimulation Used during the DNMS to strengthen connection To each Resource To the Resource team (Healing Circle) between wounded parts and the Resources Also used to facilitate emotional repair ABS is used during the DNMS to strengthen the connection to each Resource, Θ To the Resource team Θ and strengthen a connection between wounded parts and the Resources Θ It’s also used to help facilitate emotional repair Θ 37 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

38 Questions? 38

39 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 39 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation Resource Mobilization Provisional Resources RDP Complications DNMS Training Now I’m going to introduce you to the Resource Development Protocol Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

40 The Value of Mobilizing Client Resources
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 40 RDP Introduction The Value of Mobilizing Client Resources Develops affect management skills Improves trauma processing efficiency/comfort Source of internal wisdom Strengthens internal locus of control What is the value of mobilizing client Resources? Why should we bother? Give examples of each of these from your caseload… It helps client develop affect management skills Θ Improves the efficacy of trauma processing. Can make the process more comfortable. Θ The Resources can be a source of internal wisdom that helps clients solve problem, make decisions, and see reality clearly Θ Good internal Resources can help strengthen and internal locus of control – a sense that one can make one’s world a better place Θ 40 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

41 Resource Parts of Self in Other Models
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 41 RDP Introduction Resource Parts of Self in Other Models Using wise, caring, mature parts of self to nurture wounded child parts is not new Other ego state and trauma therapies do it Often lack a system for verifying nurturing parts of self are competent Using wise, caring, mature parts of self to nurture wounded child parts is not new Θ Other ego state and trauma therapies do it Θ But they often lack a system for verifying nurturing parts of self are competent and able to do the job Θ 41 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

42 Resource Parts of Self in Other Models
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 42 RDP Introduction Resource Parts of Self in Other Models Incompetent “Resources” are not helpful Some cannot readily mobilize Resources May feel shame that they cannot “do it right” Can exacerbate a sense of inadequacy Incompetent “Resources” are not helpful. They will cannot calm an upset or provide needed insight Θ Some clients cannot readily mobilize their internal Resources Θ If they feel they’re expected to do it easily and can’t, they may feel shame that they cannot “do it right” Θ This shame can exacerbate a sense of inadequacy Θ 42 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

43 Importance of Robust Resources
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 43 RDP Introduction Importance of Robust Resources DNMS success depends on robust Resources Protocol described here designed to: Establish robust Resources Verify they are robust Signal when processing blocks are present Later I’ll describe how blocks are cleared The success of the DNMS depends on the client connecting to robust Resources Θ The protocol described here is designed to establish robust Resources Θ Verify the Resources are actually robust Θ And signal when processing blocks are present, so they can be cleared right away Θ Later I’ll describe how blocks are cleared Θ 43 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

44 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 44
RDP Introduction Overview Special guided meditations connect clients to… The Resource Development Protocol uses special guided meditations to help clients connect, one at a time, to: Θ A Nurturing Adult Self, Θ A Protective Adult Self, and Θ A Spiritual Core Self. Θ These Resource parts of self are invited to come together to form a team – called a Healing Circle. Θ ABS is used to strengthen each individual Resource, and all three working as a team. Θ 44 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

45 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 45
RDP Introduction Benefits of Resources Can provide compassion, wisdom, empathy, reassurance, and advice, at any time, for any topic… during sessions between sessions Once established, these Resources can provide compassion, wisdom, empathy, reassurance and advice, at any time, for any topic…Θ during sessions and between sessions Θ 45 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

46 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 46
RDP Introduction Five Steps Three Preparation Steps General orientation Discussion of anchor experiences Discuss potential blocks & authentic processing Two Resource Mobilization Steps Guided meditations Healing Circle There are 4 steps to this protocol Θ Three are Preparation Steps Θ A general orientation, a discussion of anchor experiences, and a discussion about potential blocks & authentic processing Θ Two are Resource Mobilization Steps Θ The three Guided meditations, them bringing all three together to form a Healing Circle Θ 46 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

47 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 47 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation Resource Mobilization Provisional Resources RDP Complications DNMS Training Now let’s talk about the client preparation Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

48 1. Orient to Nurturing & Protective Adult Self
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 48 Client Preparation 1. Orient to Nurturing & Protective Adult Self Nurturing Adult Self: A state of mind that can competently nurture a loved one Protective Adult Self: A state of mind that can competently protect a loved one The first step is about orienting the client to the three Resources A Nurturing Adult Self is a state of mind that can competently nurture a loved one. Θ A Protective Adult Self is a state of mind that can competently protect a loved one. These two adult Resources are a person’s most mature, adult, caregiver self - distinguished in these two roles. Θ 48 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

49 1. Orient to Nurturing & Protective Adult Self
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 49 Client Preparation 1. Orient to Nurturing & Protective Adult Self They are not superhuman They have needs They are imperfect They are vulnerable They can experience the full range of emotions The Nurturing and Protective Adult Self are not superhuman Θ They have needs Θ They are imperfect Θ They are vulnerable Θ They can experience the full range of emotions Θ 49 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

50 1. Orient to Nurturing & Protective Adult Self
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 50 Client Preparation 1. Orient to Nurturing & Protective Adult Self They can meet their own needs regulate their own emotions manage their own vulnerabilities learn and grow from their mistakes But they’re competent caregivers because they can meet their own needs Θ regulate their own emotions Θ manage their own vulnerabilities Θ learn and grow from their mistakes Θ 50 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

51 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 51
Client Preparation 1. Orient to Nurturing & Protective Adult Self Two guided meditations are used to connect to these Resources Θ Both meditations are based on a single list of 24 caregiver skills and traits Θ Two guided meditations are used to connect to these Resources Both are based on a single list of 24 caregiver skills and traits 51 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

52 The List of Caregiver Skills & Traits
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 52 Client Preparation The List of Caregiver Skills & Traits Empathic Compassionate Understanding Accepting Patient Nurturing Warm Open Able to attune Good at listening Good with boundaries Reliable Trustworthy Confident Respectful Appropriately responsible Problem-solver Action-taker Decision-maker Logical Strong Courageous Protective Grounded/Centered This is the list. Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

53 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 53
Client Preparation 1. Orient to Nurturing & Protective Adult Self The Nurturing Adult Self meditation begins with the most nurturing traits ends with the protective traits The Protective Adult Self meditation begins with the most protective traits ends with the nurturing traits The Nurturing Adult Self meditation begins with the most nurturing traits and ends with the protective traits Θ The Protective Adult Self meditation begins with the most protective traits ends with the nurturing traits. Both lists end with the word grounded. Θ 53 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

54 1. Orient to Spiritual Core Self
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 54 Client Preparation 1. Orient to Spiritual Core Self Considered the core of one’s being Some call it the soul May have existed before the body arrived May exist after the body dies A Spiritual Core Self is considered the core of one’s being Some people call it the soul Θ May have existed before the body arrived May exist after the body dies Θ 54 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

55 1. Orient to Spiritual Core Self
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 55 Client Preparation 1. Orient to Spiritual Core Self May be experienced during Meditation, prayer, or yoga Peak spiritual experience Near-death experience Moment of clarity while connecting to nature May be experienced during Θ Meditation, prayer, or yoga Θ Peak spiritual experience Θ Near-death experience Θ Moment of clarity while connecting to nature Θ 55 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

56 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 56
Client Preparation 1. Orient to Spiritual Core Self A sense of interconnectedness to all beings A sense of completeness and wholeness A sense of safety and invulnerability No ego, no struggles No desires or aversions Unconditional, effortless kindness and compassion Timeless, cosmic wisdom, and understanding It’s a state of mind associated with A sense of interconnectedness to all beings Θ A sense of completeness and wholeness Θ A sense of safety and invulnerability Θ No ego, no struggles Θ No desires or aversions Θ Unconditional, effortless kindness and compassion Θ Timeless, cosmic wisdom, and understanding Θ 56 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

57 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 57
Client Preparation 1. Orient to Spiritual Core Self Not necessary to be religious or have faith in God Not a higher power Part of self that resonates with love from a higher power Not necessary for a client to be religious or have faith in God Θ A Spiritual Core Self is not a higher power, rather it’s a part of self that resonates with love from a higher power Θ 57 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

58 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 58
Client Preparation 1. Orient to Spiritual Core Self A SCS is not just a feel-good state of mind Θ It’s a transcendent state of mind that’s unwoundable Θ It’s a place of inner peace in spite of life’s struggles Θ Not just a feel-good state of mind Transcendent state that’s unwoundable A place of inner peace in spite of life’s struggles 58 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

59 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 59
Client Preparation 1. Orient to Spiritual Core Self Some are averse to anything “spiritual” Atheists Unresolved religious wounds Several meditations - only one uses the word spiritual Some clients and therapists are averse to anything “spiritual” This can include atheists or those with unresolved religious wounds Θ The DNMS offers several meditation options - only one uses the word spiritual Θ 59 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

60 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 60
Client Preparation 2. Finding the Anchors An anchor is a positive personal experience Connects client to a Resource state of mind Reflect on anchor experiences during meditations This facilitates the connection to each Resource An anchor is a positive personal experience Θ It helps connect the client to a Resource state of mind Θ Clients are asked to reflect on these anchor experiences during the meditations Θ This facilitates the connection to each Resource Θ 60 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

61 2. Anchor for Nurturing & Protective Adult Self
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 61 Client Preparation 2. Anchor for Nurturing & Protective Adult Self Discuss special experiences of competently caring for A child A pet Plants The elderly To get to an anchor for the Nurturing and Protective Adult Self meditations, invite the client to discuss special experiences of competently caring for someone. Perhaps Θ A child Θ A pet Θ Plants Θ The elderly Θ 61 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

62 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 62
Client Preparation 2. Anchor for Nurturing & Protective Adult Self A familiar relationship or event when caregiver skills are (or were) naturally, effortlessly, appropriately applied at the same time while in an adult state of mind You’re listening for a familiar relationship or event when caregiver skills are (or were) Θ naturally, effortlessly, appropriately applied Θ at the same time Θ while in an adult state of mind Θ 62 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

63 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 63
Client Preparation 2. Anchor for Nurturing & Protective Adult Self With that in mind, have client look at skill list Is there a skill on list not present in this relationship/event? If so, discuss it While the client has that experience or event in mind, have her look at the list of 24 skills Θ Ask, “Is there a skill on the list that not present in this relationship or event?” Θ If so, discuss that skill that was not present. Often there is a way to show clients there are times when they can express that skill Θ 63 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

64 2. Anchor for Spiritual Core Self
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 64 Client Preparation 2. Anchor for Spiritual Core Self Invite clients to discuss a peak spiritual experience Meditation Yoga Prayer Nature To get to a anchor for the Spiritual Core Self meditation, invite the client to discuss a peak spiritual experience Θ Meditation Θ Yoga Θ Prayer Θ Nature Θ 64 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

65 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 65
Client Preparation 2. Anchor for Spiritual Core Self Good anchor is not just a feel-good experience Should evoke a spiritual state of mind (list) Most will have an anchoring experience Some will not A good Spiritual Core Self anchor is not just a feel-good experience Θ It should evoke a spiritual state of mind as described on the state of mind list: A sense of interconnectedness to all beings, sense of completeness and wholeness, safety and invulnerability, etc. Θ Most clients will have an anchoring experience to describe Θ But some will not Θ 65 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

66 3. Prepare Clients for Potential Blocks
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 66 Client Preparation 3. Prepare Clients for Potential Blocks It helps to prepare clients for or potential blocks that might arise Θ to process authentically Θ Here are sample scripts for that Θ It helps to prepare clients for for potential blocks that might arise to process authentically Here are sample scripts for that 66 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

67 3. Prepare Clients for Potential Blocks
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 67 Client Preparation 3. Prepare Clients for Potential Blocks Sometimes while connecting to Resources, concerns or fears about the processing will arise. Unconscious fears may be expressed by the sudden arrival of a body disturbance such as unpleasant sensations, dissociation, distracting thoughts, numbness, or sleepiness. That may or may not happen to you, but if it does, please tell me about it, even if it doesn’t seem important. You’re welcome to have concerns or fears – just let me know if they come up. I’ll want to address them right away. Sometimes while connecting to Resources, concerns or fears about the processing will arise. Unconscious fears may be expressed by the sudden arrival of a body disturbance such as unpleasant sensations, dissociation, distracting thoughts, numbness, or sleepiness. That may or may not happen to you, but if it does, please tell me about it, even if it doesn’t seem important. You’re welcome to have concerns or fears – just let me know if they come up. I’ll want to address them right away. Θ 67 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

68 3. Prepare Clients for Authentic Processing
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 68 Client Preparation 3. Prepare Clients for Authentic Processing Be sure to tell me about whatever comes up, even if you think its wrong – even if you’re confused. It might not make sense to you, but it might make sense to me. If it doesn’t – together we’ll figure it out. We will not successfully complete this protocol if we do this over unexpressed fears or concerns, or if you don’t authentically disclose what’s coming up. Be sure to tell me about whatever comes up, even if you think its wrong – even if you’re confused. It might not make sense to you, but it might make sense to me. If it doesn’t – together we’ll figure it out. Θ We will not successfully complete this protocol if we do this over unexpressed fears or concerns, or if you don’t authentically disclose what’s coming up. Θ 68 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

69 Questions? 69

70 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 70 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation Resource Mobilization Provisional Resources RDP Complications DNMS Training Now we’re going to talk about Resource Mobilization Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

71 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 71
Resource Mobilization Guided Meditations Start with easiest Resource to connect to Check for blocks When you think about beginning the meditation to connect you to your _____ now, what do you notice in your body? Investigate any disturbances reported You’re going to guide the client in three meditations Start by asking which will be the easiest Resource to connect to Θ Check for blocks Θ When you think about beginning the meditation to connect you to your NURTURING, PROTECTIVE OR SPIRITUAL CORE SELF now, what do you notice in your body? Θ Investigate any disturbances reported Θ 71 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

72 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 72
Resource Mobilization Guided Meditations DNMS model contains special protocols for identifying and clearing blocks Clear any blocks that are found Then ask again… When you think about beginning the meditation… When clear, begin the meditation The DNMS model contains special protocols for identifying and clearing blocks – I’ll touch on this a little later in the presentation, and I’ll refer you to a source of more information Θ Clear any blocks that are found Θ Then ask again… Θ When you think about beginning the meditation… Θ When clear, begin the meditation Θ 72 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

73 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 73
Resource Mobilization NAS & PAS Meditations Focus on competent caregiving experience Then read meditation once – without ABS Invite the client focus attention on competent caregiving experience Θ Then read meditation once – without ABS Θ 73 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

74 Nurturing Adult Self Meditation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 74 Resource Mobilization Nurturing Adult Self Meditation Think about _________ as I name each skill on the list. Nod or say “yes” with each skill you know you have. Stop me if I name a skill you believe you don’t have, or if you feel any discomfort that suggests a block is arising. Close your eyes (if that’s comfortable) and take a deep breath. Now get in touch with the following skills and traits, which you already have, including your ability to be empathic… compassionate… understanding… accepting… patient… Think about CARING FOR YOUR NEPHEW as I name each skill on the list. Nod or say “yes” with each skill you know you have. Stop me if I name a skill you believe you don’t have, or if you feel any discomfort that suggests a block is arising. Close your eyes (if that’s comfortable) and take a deep breath. Now get in touch with the following skills and traits, which you already have, including your ability to be empathic… compassionate… understanding… accepting… patient… Θ 74 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

75 Nurturing Adult Self Meditation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 75 Resource Mobilization Nurturing Adult Self Meditation nurturing… warm… open… able to attune… good at listening… good with boundaries… reliable… trustworthy… confident… respectful… appropriately responsible… problem-solver… action-taker… decision- maker… logical… strong… courageous… protective… and grounded. Now, bring all these skills together into a single sense of self, your Nurturing Adult Self, and when you’re ready, tell me what you notice. nurturing… warm… open… able to attune… good at listening… good with boundaries… reliable… trustworthy… confident… respectful… appropriately responsible… problem-solver… action-taker… decision-maker… logical… strong… courageous… protective… and grounded. Now, bring all these skills together into a single sense of self, your Nurturing Adult Self, and when you’re ready, tell me what you notice. Θ 75 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

76 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 76
Resource Mobilization Nurturing Adult Self Meditation If the body feels good, apply ABS Read list again to let it strengthen This time not interactive Afterwards should feel strong and positive If the body feels good, apply ABS Θ Read list again to let the good feeling strengthen all the way Θ This time it’s not interactive - the client just listens and lets it strengthen Θ Afterwards the client should feel strong and positive Θ 76 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

77 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 77
Resource Mobilization Nurturing Adult Self Meditation Ask about mental picture of the Resource Should look like self when nurturing the cherished loved one Ask about mental picture of the Resource Θ Should look like self when nurturing the cherished loved one Θ 77 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

78 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 78
Resource Mobilization Protective Adult Self Meditation Follow same steps to mobilize the Protective Adult Self Read meditation words in reverse order Strengthen good feeling with ABS Ask about a mental picture Follow the same steps to mobilize the Protective Adult Self Θ This time you’ll read the meditation words in reverse order Θ You’ll strengthen the good feeling with ABS Θ Ask about a mental picture Θ 78 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

79 Spiritual Core Self Meditation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 79 Resource Mobilization Spiritual Core Self Meditation Four meditation options Regular Spiritual Core Self Meditation Core Self Meditation Breath Meditation List Meditation If one doesn’t work, try another The DNMS offers four Spiritual Core Self meditation options Θ Regular Spiritual Core Self Meditation Θ Core Self Meditation Θ Breath Meditation Θ List Meditation Θ If one doesn’t work, try another Θ 79 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

80 Spiritual Core Self Meditation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 80 Resource Mobilization Spiritual Core Self Meditation First, invite the client to focus on her peak spiritual experience Θ Then read one of the meditations - without ABS Θ Focus on peak spiritual experience Read one of the meditations – without ABS 80 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

81 Regular Spiritual Core Self Meditation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 81 Resource Mobilization Regular Spiritual Core Self Meditation Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Think about your ____________ experience. Now get in touch with the center of your being… that place within you that’s quiet… peaceful… and still. And in this place… it’s possible you’ll connect to your Spiritual Core. Your Spiritual Core has been with you from the beginning… it’s the essence of who you are… your core of goodness. Pure… resilient… and whole. And your body knows exactly how to connect you. Notice as you connect to this part of you, and when you’re ready, tell me what you notice. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Think about your NEAR DEATH experience. Now get in touch with the center of your being… that place within you that’s quiet… peaceful… and still. And in this place… it’s possible you’ll connect to your Spiritual Core. Your Spiritual Core has been with you from the beginning… it’s the essence of who you are… your core of goodness. Pure… resilient… and whole. And your body knows exactly how to connect you. Notice as you connect to this part of you, and when you’re ready, tell me what you notice. Θ 81 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

82 The Core Self Meditation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 82 Resource Mobilization The Core Self Meditation Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Think about your ____________ experience. Now get in touch with the center of your being… that place within you that’s quiet… peaceful… and still. And in this place… it’s possible you’ll connect to your Core Self. Your Core Self has been with you from the beginning… it’s the essence of who you are… your core of goodness. Pure… resilient… and whole. And your body knows exactly how to connect you. Notice as you connect to this part of you, and when you’re ready, tell me what you notice. The Core Self Meditation is exactly the same, except Spiritual Core Self has been replaced with Core Self. Θ 82 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

83 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 83
Resource Mobilization The Breath Meditation There is a place inside you that’s quiet, peaceful, and still. It's always been there and you can get there by simply watching your breath. First, deliberately inhale. Notice it takes muscle tension to do this. You have to do a little work to get the air into your lungs. As you release the air notice that all you have to do is let go. Just let yourself float down, while the air leaves your body. Notice how good it feels to just let go. Take another breath, and again notice that muscle tension is needed. Then let go, and just float down. There is a place inside you that’s quiet, peaceful, and still. It's always been there and you can get there by simply watching your breath. First, deliberately inhale. Notice it takes muscle tension to do this. You have to do a little work to get the air into your lungs. As you release the air notice that all you have to do is let go. Just let yourself float down, while the air leaves your body. Notice how good it feels to just let go. Take another breath, and again notice that muscle tension is needed. Then let go, and just float down. Θ 83 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

84 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 84
Resource Mobilization The Breath Meditation Notice that right at the bottom of your breath, right at the point where you stop exhaling, there is a moment where nothing is happening. Where all is quiet, peaceful, and still. As you breathe again, watch for that point. When you find it, just rest for a moment or two, quiet and still, not breathing. Notice what that feels like, what your mind is like - empty and calm. Now as you breathe, notice you can stay connected to this calm and quiet place within you. When you’re ready, tell me what you notice. Notice that right at the bottom of your breath, right at the point where you stop exhaling, there is a moment where nothing is happening. Where all is quiet, peaceful, and still. As you breathe again, watch for that point. When you find it, just rest for a moment or two, quiet and still, not breathing. Notice what that feels like, what your mind is like - empty and calm. Now as you breathe, notice you can stay connected to this calm and quiet place within you. When you’re ready, tell me what you notice. Θ 84 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

85 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 85
Resource Mobilization The List Meditation Think about your ________ experience. Close your eyes (if that’s comfortable) and take a deep breath. Now get in touch with the center of your being… that place within you that is quiet… peaceful… and still. And in this place… it’s possible you’ll connect to a sense of interconnectedness to all beings… a sense of completeness and wholeness… of safety and invulnerability. Think about your NEAR DEATH experience. Close your eyes (if that’s comfortable) and take a deep breath. Now get in touch with the center of your being… that place within you that is quiet… peaceful… and still. And in this place… it’s possible you’ll connect to a sense of interconnectedness to all beings… a sense of completeness and wholeness… of safety and invulnerability. Θ 85 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

86 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 86
Resource Mobilization The List Meditation A place where all things and events are equally special… a place of no desires or aversions… no ego or struggles. A place of unconditional effortless happiness, acceptance. A place of loving kindness and compassion. Notice as you connect to this part of you, and when you’re ready, tell me what you notice. A place where all things and events are equally special… a place of no desires or aversions… no ego or struggles. A place of unconditional effortless happiness, acceptance. A place of loving kindness and compassion. Notice as you connect to this part of you, and when you’re ready, tell me what you notice. Θ 86 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

87 Spiritual Core Self Meditation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 87 Resource Mobilization Spiritual Core Self Meditation If it feels good, apply ABS Ask about a mental picture SCS should appear as luminous energy If the client feels good, apply ABS Θ Ask about a mental picture Θ The SCS should appear as luminous energy Θ 87 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

88 Mobilizing the Healing Circle
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 88 Resource Mobilization Mobilizing the Healing Circle Invite client to bring all three Resources together Does it feel good? Can they form team? Apply ABS Invite the client to bring all three Resources together Θ Ask, Does it feel good? Θ Can they form team? Θ If yes, Apply ABS Θ 88 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

89 Mobilizing the Healing Circle
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 89 Resource Mobilization Mobilizing the Healing Circle Then say… You now have a team of Resources to provide comfort, reassurance, and soothing. In the future these Resources will be able to help wounded child parts get all their needs met and get completely unstuck from the past. Then say… You now have a team of Resources to provide comfort, reassurance, and soothing. In the future these Resources will be able to help wounded child parts get all their needs met and get completely unstuck from the past. Θ 89 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

90 Questions? 90

91 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 91 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation Resource Mobilization Provisional Resources RDP Complications DNMS Training Now we’re going to talk about Provisional Resources Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

92 What is a Provisional Resource (PR)?
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 92 Provisional Resources What is a Provisional Resource (PR)? A Resource you can use temporarily, until your Healing Circle team is established Not as robust as NAS, PAS, & SCS Like a spare tire – can carry a light load A Provisional Resource is a Resource you can use temporarily, until your Healing Circle team is established Θ A Provisional Resource is typically not as robust as NAS, PAS, & SCS Θ But like a spare tire – it can carry a light load Θ 92 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

93 Why Connect to a Provisional Resource?
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 93 Provisional Resources Why Connect to a Provisional Resource? Some clients encounter deep-seated blocks when they mobilize these Resources It helps to have at least one Resource to call on to help clear such blocks For example, a NAS can help you clear a block to connecting to a PAS Some clients encounter deep-seated blocks when they mobilize these Resources Θ It helps to have at least one Resource to call on to help clear such blocks Θ For example, a NAS can help you clear a block to connecting to a PAS Θ 93 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

94 Why Connect to a Provisional Resource?
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 94 Provisional Resources Why Connect to a Provisional Resource? But client may blocked from connecting to all three Resources A PR can help clear those blocks Usually very easy to connect to But a client may blocked from connecting to all three Resources Θ A Provisional Resource can help clear those blocks Θ Usually very easy to connect to Θ 94 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

95 Connecting to Provisional Resources
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 95 Provisional Resources Connecting to Provisional Resources Can be drawn from experiences with any entity perceived as supportive and kind Self Other Real Imaginary Can be drawn from experiences with any entity perceived as supportive and kind Θ Self Θ Other Θ Real Θ Imaginary Θ 95 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

96 Connecting to Provisional Resources
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 96 Provisional Resources Connecting to Provisional Resources A personal experience of nurturing a child a pet a helpless adult It can be based on a personal experience of nurturing Θ a child Θ a pet Θ a helpless adult Θ 96 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

97 Connecting to Provisional Resources
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 97 Provisional Resources Connecting to Provisional Resources Experience of being supported by: someone nurturing a deceased loved one a spirit guide a fictional character a mythical archetype a religious figure Or it could be based on an experience of being supported by: Θ someone nurturing Θ a deceased loved one Θ a spirit guide Θ a fictional character Θ a mythical archetype Θ a religious figure Θ 97 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

98 Examples of Provisional Resources
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 98 Provisional Resources Examples of Provisional Resources Based on Self Margie was very attached to he niece. She’ll read to her, play with her, and cuddle her PR = Aunt Margie Here’s an example of a Provisional Resource based on self… Θ Margie was very attached to he niece. She’ll read to her, play with her, and cuddle her. Θ The client’s Provisional Resource was Aunt Margie Θ 98 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

99 Examples of Provisional Resources
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 99 Provisional Resources Examples of Provisional Resources Based on Real Other Sue spent a lot of time at Ann’s home. Ann’s parents were very caring and nurturing to her PR = Ann’s Parents Here’s an example of a Provisional Resource based on a real other… Θ Sue spent a lot of time at Ann’s home. Ann’s parents were very caring and nurturing to her. Θ The client’s Provisional Resource was Ann’s parents. Θ 99 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

100 Examples of Provisional Resources
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 100 Provisional Resources Examples of Provisional Resources Based on Imaginary Other Missy believes a guardian angel helped her survive a traumatic childhood PR = Childhood Guardian Angel Here’s an example of a Provisional Resource based on an imaginary other… Θ Missy believes a guardian angel helped her survive a traumatic childhood. Θ The client’s Provisional Resource was her childhood guardian angel. Θ 100 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

101 Finding Provisional Resources
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 101 Provisional Resources Finding Provisional Resources Invite your client to discuss experiences of feeling supported by others being supportive of others Narrow down to one or more key experiences Assign Provisional Resource(s) name To get the Provisional Resource, invite your client to discuss experiences of feeling supported by others and of being supportive of others Θ Narrow down to one or more key experiences Θ Assign Provisional Resource(s) name Θ 101 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

102 Provisional Resources
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 102 Provisional Resources Exercise Find a partner Discuss experiences of feeling supported by others being supportive of others Identify a Provisional Resource Give it a name Time yourself Find a partner Θ Discuss experiences of feeling supported by others and being supportive of others Θ Identify a Provisional Resource Θ Give it a name Θ Time yourself Θ 102 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

103 Questions? 103

104 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 104 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation Resource Mobilization Provisional Resources RDP Complications DNMS Training Now we’re going to talk about Resource Development Complications Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

105 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 105
RDP Complications Definition A fear, concern, or condition that makes it difficult for a client to connect to a NAS, PAS, or SCS Misunderstanding Blocking introject Urgent need to do something else A Resource Development complication would be a fear, concern, or condition that makes it difficult for a client to connect to a NAS, PAS, or SCS Θ That could be a misunderstanding about the protocol Θ I could be driven by an introject blocking the processing Θ Or it could be about an urgent or unexpressed client need to do something else Θ 105 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

106 Examples of Misunderstandings
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 106 RDP Complications Examples of Misunderstandings Confusion about words on the list Must be good at nurturing/protecting all the time Must be good at nurturing/protecting self Resources supposed to be superhuman Wounded parts expecting they’ll have to do the job Resources will be unkind like others were Must believe in God to connect to a SCS Here are some examples of misunderstandings that can interfere with Resource Development Θ A client might be confused about the definition of a word in a meditation Θ A client might believe she must be good at nurturing/protecting others all the time Θ She might believe she must be good at nurturing/protecting herself Θ She might believe the Resources are supposed to be superhuman Θ Wounded parts might fear they’ll be expected to do the Resources’ job Θ Wounded parts might fear Resources will be unkind like authority figures were Θ Client might believe she must believe in God to connect to a SCS Θ 106 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

107 Some Beliefs that Signal Blocking Introjects
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 107 RDP Complications Some Beliefs that Signal Blocking Introjects A client might report negative beliefs interfering with the processing Such as… It’s not safe for me to heal. Θ I’m not supposed to be happy. Θ I don’t deserve to be nurtured. Θ If I connect to Resources I’ll get in trouble. Θ It’s not safe for me to heal. I’m not supposed to be happy. I don’t deserve to be nurtured. If I connect to Resources I’ll get in trouble. 107 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

108 Old Messages that Signal Blocking Introjects
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 108 RDP Complications Old Messages that Signal Blocking Introjects A client might report old wounding messages interfering with the processing Such as… You’re pure evil. Θ You’re in trouble now. Θ You don’t deserve to be nurtured. Θ Don’t you dare say I traumatized you. Θ You’re pure evil. You’re in trouble now. You don’t deserve to be nurtured. Don’t you dare say I traumatized you. 108 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

109 Clearing Introject Blocks
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 109 RDP Complications Clearing Introject Blocks You don’t deserve to be nurtured The DNMS has a protocol for clearing blocks generated by maladaptive introjects Switching the Dominance Protocol Based on two assumptions The DNMS has a protocol for clearing blocks generated by maladaptive introjects Θ It’s called the Switching the Dominance Protocol Θ This protocol is based on two assumptions Θ 109 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

110 I don’t deserve to be nurtured You don’t deserve to be nurtured
RDP Complications First Assumption An unwanted behavior, belief, or emotion… …is fueled by a wounding introject mask An unwanted behavior, belief, or emotion (like the kind that block processing)… Θ …is fueled by a wounding introject mask Θ I don’t deserve to be nurtured You don’t deserve to be nurtured

111 I don’t deserve to be nurtured You don’t deserve to be nurtured
RDP Complications Second Assumption I don’t like this mask! The part wearing it does not like it, want it, or need it The part wearing the mask does not like it, want it, or need it Θ I don’t deserve to be nurtured You don’t deserve to be nurtured

112 RDP Complications The Mask is Dominant
At the start of the protocol the wounding introject mask is dominant, and Θ the child part wearing it feels subordinate and powerless. Θ

113 I don’t deserve to be nurtured
RDP Complications Processing Stalls I don’t deserve to be nurtured The processing will stall when a reactive part holding a negative belief like “I don’t deserve to be nurtured” interrupts the processing. That reactive part is invited forward and welcomed… Θ

114 RDP Complications Processing Stalls
…then asked to look to the right, to see an image of the person or persons she’s reacting to. Θ

115 Switching the Dominance Protocol Overview
RDP Complications Switching the Dominance Protocol Overview You don’t deserve to be nurtured A reactive part would typically describe seeing an introjected wounding caregiver. In this example, the reactive part sees her mom conveying the blocking message “You don’t deserve to be nurtured.” Θ

116 Switching the Dominance Protocol Overview
RDP Complications Switching the Dominance Protocol Overview The Switching the Dominance Protocol helps heal the introject. It starts by welcoming the part wearing the mother costume. She’s guided to see the costume is just an old harmless recording of mother and cannot do any real harm now. Any available Resources confirm that. Θ

117 Switching the Dominance Protocol Overview
RDP Complications Switching the Dominance Protocol Overview Hey. It’s not so real. As the part begins to hear this the costume becomes smaller and less important. The child part is invited to notice she’s in an adult body now. Θ

118 Switching the Dominance Protocol Overview
RDP Complications Switching the Dominance Protocol Overview Now it has no animation at all. And the costume becomes very small and loses it’s animation. Eventually it gets small enough to pocket. Θ

119 Switching the Dominance Protocol Overview
RDP Complications Switching the Dominance Protocol Overview I’m in charge now! The part puts it in her pocket, pats on her pocket and says, “I’m in charge now.” The dominance has switched from the costume to the part wearing it. Θ

120 Switching the Dominance Protocol Overview
RDP Complications Switching the Dominance Protocol Overview I deserve to be nurtured Afterwards the reactive part is no longer attached to the negative belief and no longer feels compelled to block the processing. Θ

121 After Switching the Dominance
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 121 RDP Complications After Switching the Dominance Switching the Dominance can quiet an introject and stop the processing block Usually just takes a few minutes Additional interventions are needed for introjects to heal completely Switching the Dominance can quiet an introject and stop the processing block Θ Usually just takes a few minutes Θ Additional interventions are needed for introjects to heal completely Θ 121 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

122 Urgent Need to Do Something Else
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 122 RDP Complications Urgent Need to Do Something Else Here and now concern Client may need to Discuss a current crisis Create more rapport with the therapist Better manage upset parts of self Sometimes a block is due to a here and now concern. Θ A client may need to discuss a current crisis Θ Create more rapport with the therapist Θ Better manage upset parts of self Θ 122 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

123 Resolving Processing Complications
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 123 RDP Complications Resolving Processing Complications The DNMS book explains exactly how to identify and resolve RDP complications Clearing blocks… Can be very healing Can resolve internal conflicts Can be very ego strengthening Can lead to better affect management The DNMS book explains exactly how to identify and resolve RDP complications Θ Clearing blocks… Can be very healing Θ Resolve internal conflicts Θ Can be very ego strengthening Θ Can lead to better affect management Θ 123 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

124 Questions? 124

125 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 125 This Presentation DNMS Overview RDP Introduction Client Preparation Resource Mobilization Provisional Resources RDP Complications DNMS Training Now we’re going to talk about DNMS training options Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

126 Three Options for Learning the DNMS
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 126 DNMS Training & Support Three Options for Learning the DNMS DNMS Book Home Study Course Live Training Get details at You have three options for learning the DNMS Θ The DNMS book The Home Study Course And a live training. Θ Get details at Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

127 DNMS Training & Support
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 127 DNMS Training & Support The DNMS Book Provides background material Detailed steps for applying all the protocols for clearing blocks Appendix has client handouts and therapist worksheets and forms Costs $35 Provides background material Θ Provides petailed steps for applying all the protocols for clearing blocks Θ Appendix has client handouts and therapist worksheets and forms Θ Costs $35 Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

128 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 128
DNMS Training & Support The Home Study Course Seven module slide show (16 hrs) Colorful, animated, narrated Includes recordings of real sessions Study guide with quizzes 20 optional CEs Costs $375 Seven module slide show (16 hrs) Θ Colorful, animated, narrated Θ Includes recordings of real sessions Θ Study guide with quizzes Θ 20 optional CEs Θ Costs $375 Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

129 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 129
DNMS Training & Support Live Trainings Part 1 General Background DNMS Background Resource Development Protocol Switching the Dominance Protocol Overcoming Processing Blocks Four Days, 32 CEUs available You can also take a live training. They’re offered in two parts. Θ Part 1 will cover Θ General background Θ DNMS specific background, Θ Resource Development Protocol Θ Switching the Dominance Protocol Θ Overcoming Processing Blocks Θ Part 1 is four days long, and 32 CEUs are available This is a stand alone workshop. You’ll be able to start using this the next day in your practice whether or not you also take part 2. Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

130 Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 130
DNMS Training & Support Live Trainings Part 2 Attachment Needs Ladder Conference Room Protocol Needs Meeting Protocol Four Days, 32 CEUs Part 2 will cover… The Attachment Needs Ladder Θ Conference Room Protocol Θ And Needs Meeting Protocol. Θ It’s another 4 days training with 32 CEUs Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

131 DNMS Training & Support
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 131 DNMS Training & Support Other Support DNMS Listserv Free with purchase of book Over 700 members Local study group Group phone consultation Individual consultation There is other support available for DNMS therapists. Θ If you purchase the book you can join the DNMS listserv and a community of 700 members. Θ You may be able to join or start a local DNMS group Θ You can participate in a phone consultation group. Θ Or do individual consultation with Shirley Jean Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

132 DNMS Training & Support
Module 3 – DNMS Resource Development Protocol 132 DNMS Training & Support Published Research Case studies about the DNMS have been published in two peer-review journals The Journal of Trauma and Dissociation Traumatology Both articles are available on the DNMS web site Case studies about the DNMS have been published in two peer-review journals The Journal of Trauma and Dissociation article is a case study about treating a DID patient The Traumatology article was 8 case studies by 3 DNMS therapists. Θ Both articles are available on the DNMS web site Θ 4/11/2017 5:28 PM

133 Questions? 133

134 End of Slide Show

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