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Using software for Firearm Acquisition and Disposition

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Presentation on theme: "Using software for Firearm Acquisition and Disposition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using software for Firearm Acquisition and Disposition
The Needs of Firearms Dealers Explained

2 What do Firearms Dealers look for in software!
Inventory Management Record Keeping Reporting ATF Compliance

3 Top Ten Violations For Firearms Dealers
Failure to Obtain a Form 4473—Firearms Transaction Record When Required. Failure to Obtain a Complete and Correct Form 4473. Failure to Conduct a Background Check When Required. Sale or Transfer of a Firearm to Prohibited Person. Improper Sale to a Non-Resident. Failure to Obtain Appropriate Identification Documents. Failure to Record Complete and Accurate Acquisition and Disposition Information. Failure to Report the Sale of Multiple Handguns. Failure to Report Lost or Stolen Firearms. Providing False Information.

4 How Does Celerant Help Dealers Avoid Violations?
A Break Down of the violations and how to use Celerant.

5 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Failure to Obtain a Form 4473—Firearms Transaction Record When Required. Failure to Obtain a Complete and Correct Form 4473. Failure to Conduct a Background Check When Required. Store Settings Navigational Path Settings > Stores > Store List Customers/Employees tab: Check the box in front of the “Restrict Firearm Sales” setting. The Restrict Firearm Sales setting will force the cashier to enter a NICS/ DROS information Point of Sale 1 Tab: Check the box in front of the “Limit to 1 firearm per Lwy/SO” setting. The Limit to 1 firearm per Lwy/SO setting will not allow the cashier to sell a second firearm on a transaction where one firearm has already been picked up and a DROS/NICS number has been used Inventory Settings Navigational Path Inventory > View Alter Styles > Style List Settings 2 Tab: Check the box in front of the “Firearm” setting if this style is a Firearm item. The Firearm setting must be selected on any Firearm Style. This setting will force ATF’s NICS Form or FFL Dealer requirements for these items on specific POS transactions.

6 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Sale or Transfer of a Firearm to Prohibited Person. Store Settings Navigational Path Settings > Stores > Store List Point of Sale 2 tab: Enter the Waiting Period days in the Box for “Waiting period From DROS/NICS Date” The Waiting period from Dros/NICS Date setting will not allow the Sale to be completed until the required amount of time has passed Enter the expiration period in the Box for “Expiration From DROS/NICS Date” The Expiration from DROS/NICS Date setting will not allow the Sale to be completed if the certification window has passed Activate the the Box for “Use Age Restriction” Setting Age 1 to 18 and Age 2 to 21. Will allow you to set your firearms style with these age restrictions adding an extra level make sure that underage persons don’t purchase. Customer Settings Navigational Path POS > Customers Store Attributes tab: Select a Security Typ from the Drop Down Box. This will prevent a cashier from selling to a customer that they do not have security access rights to sell to.

7 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Sale or Transfer of a Firearm to Prohibited Person. Security Settings Navigational Path Settings> Employees >Employees >Search Employee > Edit Security Tab / Security Button: Expand the General Security > POS section. Highlight and Either Grant Access or remove access to Use Security Cus This will make cashiers that do not have the security right get Manger override to complete the transaction. Inventory Settings Inventory > View Alter Styles > Style List > New or Edit Settings 1 tab: Under the POS section. Select the appropriate Age restriction for this item Can also use the Change Style Attributes to make changes to large groups of styles

8 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Improper Sale to a Non-Resident. Failure to Obtain Appropriate Identification Documents. Store Settings Navigational Path Settings > Stores > Store List Customers/Employees tab: Check the box in front of the “Restrict Firearm Sales” setting. The Restrict Firearm Sales setting will force the cashier to enter Police information the customer Personal tab Customer Settings Navigational Path POS > Customers Personal tab: Enter the ID/POLICE information.

9 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Failure to Record Complete and Accurate Acquisition and Disposition Information. Failure to Report the Sale of Multiple Handguns. Lets First Look directly at what is Required By the ATF for Acquisition and Disposition.

10 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Failure to Record Complete and Accurate Acquisition and Disposition Information. Failure to Report the Sale of Multiple Handguns. Required Acquisition Information (source: atf-p pdf) For each firearm you acquire, you must completely and accurately record all of the following information in your A&D record: The date of receipt of the firearm; The name and address of the non-licensee or the name and FFL license number of the licensee from whom you received the firearm; The name of the manufacturer and importer (if any) of the firearm; The model of the firearm; The serial number of the firearm; The type of firearm (pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, receiver, frame, etc); and The caliber or gauge of the firearm. Time Requirements for Recording Acquisition Information The required acquisition information must be recorded in your A&D record no later than the close of the next business day following the date of acquisition.

11 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Failure to Record Complete and Accurate Acquisition and Disposition Information. Failure to Report the Sale of Multiple Handguns. Required Disposition Information(source: atf-p pdf) For each firearm you sell or otherwise dispose of, you must completely and accurately record the following information in your bound book: The date of sale or other disposition of the firearm; The name and address of the non-licensee or the name and FFL license number of the licensee to whom the firearm was transferred. Time Requirements for Recording Disposition Information The required disposition information must be recorded in your A&D record no later than 7 days following the date of the sale or other disposition.

12 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Failure to Record Complete and Accurate Acquisition and Disposition Information. Failure to Report the Sale of Multiple Handguns. All Previously mentioned settings Play a Part in preventing these violations as well as: Store Settings Navigational Path Settings > Stores > Store List Inventory Tab: Select the check box for “Department Required” This will Help insure that when the Style is created it you are able to get needed reporting or if you the client choses to use Taxonomy as Part of the ATF required information Select the check box for “Warn if No Type” Transfers/ PO’s Tab: Select the check box for “Force Serial Numbers to be entered” This will Help insure that when the receiving /transfer process is done on styles that have been properly set up in there settings they system will verify serial number have been entered.

13 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Failure to Record Complete and Accurate Acquisition and Disposition Information. Failure to Report the Sale of Multiple Handguns. All Previously mentioned settings Play a Part in preventing these violations as well as: Inventory Settings Navigational Path Inventory > Classes> Classes Add Button: Creating an Taxonomy structure to use for the ATF Acquisition and Disposition. This Requires for thought of making sure between this and the use of OF’s that you gather all Required information. There is a New Table called TB_FIREARM_SETTINGS where this will be entered to ensure that the report is correct if these fields are selected Inventory > Classes> OF Select Chosen OF from drop Down Menu: Create New records assigned to the OF.

14 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Failure to Record Complete and Accurate Acquisition and Disposition Information. Failure to Report the Sale of Multiple Handguns. All Previously mentioned settings Play a Part in preventing these violations as well as: Inventory Settings Cont.… Navigational Path Inventory > View Alter Styles > Style List > New or Edit Pick Class Button: Select the Appropriate Department, Class, Sub-Class . These were set up during previous Settings. There is a New Table called TB_FIREARM_SETTINGS where this will be entered to ensure that the report is correct if these fields are selected as part of the reporting Settings 2 Tab: Check the box in front of the “Must Serialize” setting if this style is a Firearm item. The Must Serialize setting must be selected on any Firearm Style. Will help enforce the Store Settings of Forcing Serial numbers to be entered on PO’s and Transfers OFs Tab: Select the Appropriate OFs (if any) that you Set up in previous steps.

15 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Failure to Record Complete and Accurate Acquisition and Disposition Information. Failure to Report the Sale of Multiple Handguns. All Previously mentioned settings Play a Part in preventing these violations as well as: Inventory Settings Cont.… Examples of Style Set Up *For US Based manufactures it is still recommended that you use this OF field and not BRAND. Due to the Fact that another US based company may make the firearm and Sell it under a Different name. This will leave brand open to be used for Customer Facing Reports, such as Sales Receipts. It will also help customers find product they could be searching for on your integrated website.

16 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Failure to Record Complete and Accurate Acquisition and Disposition Information. Failure to Report the Sale of Multiple Handguns. All Previously mentioned settings Play a Part in preventing these violations as well as: Database Settings Navigational Path TB_FIREARM_SETTINGS Fields for Importer, Caliber, Type These fields need to be populated with the location of the corresponding information. These Fields should have been set in previous settings (DEPT, TYP, SUBTYP_1, OF6 etc) This Table is one of the new tables that is used to create the Serial A&D Exceptions TB_FIREARM_ACQ_EXCEPT or TB_FIREARM_DISP_EXCEPT Tables are populated from the NEW Serial A&D Procedure: After the procedure runs nightly in the database it populates these tables. These entries are entries that are missing required information to be complete records and are not in the A & D report This information is designed to be sent in an to the client after the procedure in run so the client can research and fix what is needed. These entries once written are not capable of being changed when any other tables are modified in the system. (i.e.. Change to a customer or vendor Address)

17 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Failure to Report Lost or Stolen Firearms. Physical Inventory Navigational Path Physical Inventory > Start Physical Inventory Info Tab: Select the Scan Option of Serial#/RFID This allows the scanning of serial numbers instead of UPC during the Physical inventory The Physical Inventory process is the same, it will create invalid scans (Serials not in the system) and on the comparison report it will show the serials in the system that where not scanned.

18 What aids in Preventing these Violations?
Providing False Information. New Serial A&D Navigational Path Currently Only in the database The First Phase Creates the New Tables and Stores the Data These new Tables Store the Data associated to the transaction at the point in time of the transaction This Isolates the Acquisition and Disposition data from being alter by any changes to any other table in the system, thus reducing the risk that a change can be made to this data after the fact affecting all associated entries. The Second Phase Creates the New Screens to Edit the New Tables These new screens will only Edit the New Serial A&D Records These screens are still in specification phase

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