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The theme of this Bahá'í school is based on this book

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1 Presentation given by Jesse Villagomez At Texas Baha’I School September 2010
The theme of this Bahá'í school is based on this book. Revelation & Social Reality – Learning to Translate What Is Written into Reality. How many of you have read this book? If I didn’t have to prepare for this Bahá'í school I probably would not have read it either, but studying what is in this book this weekend will be a real treat for you. From this book I learned things that are critical , things that I never knew before, things that I wish I have known when I first became a Baha’I many years ago. Studying this book will help all of us to learn to translate what Baha’u’llah has been written by Baha’u’llah into reality, and when we learn to do that it will help us to become transformed as individuals, in our institutions and in our communities. I Presentation given by Jesse Villagomez at Texas Bahá'í School September 2010

2 Baha’u’llah says: “is not the object of every Revelation to effect a transformation in the whole character of mankind, a transformation that shall manifest itself both outwardly and inwardly, that shall affect both its inner life and external conditions?” (Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Iqan, p. 240)

3 Isaiah 2 King James Version
Isaiah "they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks, and nation shall not rise up against nation, neither shall they learn war no more?“ Isaiah 2 King James Version If we look at what Baha’u’llah has written we will see that very few of the things that have been written have been translated into reality so far. At the present time we do not have the oneness of mankind, which is the pivotal principle of the Baha'i Faith, in fact we are far from it. If we look at how women are treated in many parts of the world we see that we do not have the equality of men and women, if we look at how much prejudice there is against different religions – especially against Christians and Moslems we clearly see that we do not have the oneness of religion, if we look at how belligerent many countries are against each other we see that we do not have world peace – clearly we have a long ways to go. And if you ask many people if they think we will ever have world peace or the oneness of mankind they will say absolutely not, they believe mankind is sinful and that mankind will always be fighting and that we will never have world peace. But the Universal House of Justice tells us that oneness of mankind, world peace and all of the teachings of Baha’u’llah are not only possible but inevitable! --- Not only possible but inevitable! It Inevitable! The world inevitable means “something that is certain to happen and cannot be prevented” We will get to that time foretold not only by Baha’u’llah but from all the prophets of old like Isaiah where he says: Think about that “and nation shall not rise up against nation, neither shall they learn war no more?" When we get to point we will have come a long ways in “translating what Baha’u’llah has written into reality.

4 Painted by Leonardo da Vinci
I would like to take you back in the time a little bit, let’s look at a little bit of history. This is a picture of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, Christ told his Apostles Painted by Leonardo da Vinci

5 ”Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Mark 16:15-16 (King James Version)

6 The disciples of Christ…scattered far and wide and engaged in calling the peoples of the world to the Divine Guidance, till at last they made the world another world, illumined the surface of the earth…Let them that are men of action follow in their footsteps! (Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - Abdu'l-Baha Section, p. 442) Abdu’l-Baha said that these 11 men loved Jesus so much that they went out and changed the world. Read quote. The Apostle’s of Christ transformed the world. Abdu’l-Baha says,

7 Christ, in His blessed day, in reality only educated eleven men…
… With this small army Christ conquered the world of the East and the West. His name, beloved and adored by a few disciples, now commands the reverence of kings and nations of the world...The little army of disciples has become a mighty cohort of millions. Abdu’l-Baha says, Abdu’l-Baha

8 2.1 billion Christians in the World Today
From 11 Apostles to 2.1 billion Christians in the World Today The Apostles of Christ did with the Words of Jesus what we have been asked to do with the Words of Baha’u’llah. They translated the Word into reality!

9 (Abdu'l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 49)
Some of them were catchers of fish. Most of them were ignorant men, not trained in the knowledge of this world. All of them were men of the least consequence in the eyes of the world… (Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 5) The two great apostles, St Peter and St John the Evangelist, were once simple, humble workmen, toiling for their daily bread. (Abdu'l-Baha, Paris Talks, p. 59) Sometimes we may think that these 11 men, these apostle’s of Christ, were very special men, that they were holy, that they were saints and because they were holy and because they were saints they were able to accomplish these great deeds. Here is what Abdu’l-Baha had to say about them. READ Quote. How did they do it? How did they go from 11 apostles to 2.1 billion – They remembered the words of Jesus said —they took action. And because they took action they made mistakes – a lot of mistakes. Because they were Jewish in the beginning they thought they were only suppose to teach Jewish people and not Gentiles. The early apostles had a lot disagreements about that but eventually they realized, they learned that that wasn’t true, they learned that Jesus wanted them to teach everyone. Again in the beginning because they had been Jewish and they thought that anyone who became a Christian had to become circumcised, again the early apostles had a lot of disagreements about that, but they eventually they realized, they learned that that wasn’t true. They learned that Jesus didn’t require someone to become circumcised to become a Christian. Again in the beginning they because they had been Jewish they believed that they anyone who became a Christian had to follow the dietary laws, the kosher laws. Eventually they realized, they learned that that wasn’t true. They learned that Jesus didn’t require them to observe the kosher laws in order to become a Christians. And the list goes on and on of all they mistakes they made, but they learned, corrected many of their mistakes and they went on teaching the gospel of their Lord Jesus Christ. In the process of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ they had a lot of arguments and they made a lot of mistakes but the love they had for Jesus overcame all that. A very important thing to remember about the Apostles of Christ is that they were not learned men, The leader of the apostles was Peter and on the night of the crucifixion… denied Christ… (Abdu'l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 49)

10 "Peter…was…incapable of keeping count of the days of the week
"Peter…was…incapable of keeping count of the days of the week. Whenever he decided to go fishing, he would tie up his weekly food into seven parcels, and every day he would eat one of them, and when he had reached the seventh, he would know that the Sabbath had arrived…" If the Son of Man was capable of infusing into apparently so crude and helpless an instrument such potency as to cause, in the words of Bahá'u'lláh, "the mysteries of wisdom and of utterance to flow out of his mouth," and to exalt him above the rest of His disciples, and render him …the founder of His Church, how much more can the Father, Who is Bahá'u'lláh, empower the most puny and insignificant among His followers to achieve… such wonders as would dwarf the mightiest achievements of even the first apostle of Jesus Christ! (Compilations, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 214) Just think about that, if Jesus, who was the son could do so much with so crude and helpless and instrument as Peter what can Baha’ullah, who is the Father do with the most insignificant among His followers, what can Baha’u’llah do with us?

11 O ye apostles of Bahá'u'lláh, -- May my life be sacrificed for you!
…Like unto the apostles of Christ, who were filled with Him, these souls also have become filled with His Holiness Bahá'u'lláh; that is, the love of Bahá'u'lláh has so mastered every organ, part and limb of their bodies, as to leave no effect from the promptings of the human world… Any soul from among the believers of Bahá'u'lláh who attains to this station will become known as the Apostle of Bahá'u'lláh. Therefore strive ye with heart and soul so that ye may reach this lofty and exalted position (Abdu'l-Baha, Tablets of the Divine Plan, p. 48) In Tablets of the Devine Plan Abdu’l-Baha says, read first sentence of quote. Abdu’l-Baha is calling us to become Apostles of Baha’u’llah. Repeat the part about the love of Bah’u’llah. Just as the Apostles of Christ learned to translate what Jesus said into reality, Abdu’l-Baha is calling us to become Apostles of Baha’u’llah, and He is asking us to learn to translate what Baha’u’llah said into reality.

12 “Ours is the duty to… strive to widen our vision, and to deepen our comprehension of this Cause, and to arise,…to play our part, however small, in this greatest drama of the world's spiritual history. (Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 25) "May all the privileged participators, enlisting under the banner of Bahá'u'lláh…distinguish themselves by such deeds of heroism as will rival, nay outshine, the feats accomplished nineteen hundred years ago, by that little band of God-intoxicated disciples who, fearlessly preaching the Gospel of a newly arisen Messiah, contributed so decisively to the illumination, the regeneration and the advancement of the entire European continent.“ Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 72) Repeat the greatest drama in the world’s spiritual history.

13 six month trip across 2,000 miles of difficult country
I’d like to completely change the subject for a few minutes. In the early and mid 1800’s if we wanted to travel or move this is how we use to do it. If we wanted to go from the east coast to California the trip would take six months. The wagon train would travel at the speed of about 2 miles per hour. six month trip across 2,000 miles of difficult country

14 Today if we want to go from the east coast to California we an fly there in less than 4 hours. We can fly at the speed of over 500 miles per hour and an airplane like this can carry over 500 people. How did we make such a dramatic change. If you think about it a complete transformation took place in the way we travel. From 2 miles and hour to over 500 miles an hour, from taking six months to go from the east coast to the west coast to less than 4 hours and we don’t even give it a second thought. Flys at the speed of 567 mph, it has an intercontinental range of 8,350 miles. Can accommodate up to 524 passengers.

15 Friends, this is a picture of the first flying machine , it was called the Flyer. It was invented by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were not engineers, neither one of them received a high school diploma, they owned a bicycle shop, they were bicycle mechanics. During the time of the Wright no one had ever flown before. People were saying that it could not be done, some people were saying that if man were meant to fly that God would have given him wings. But the Wright brothers believed that they could make a machine that could fly. Today it is easy to see how we can fly and we don’t even think twice about it, it’s a normal part of our lives and we don’t even think about it, but think what an amazing miracle it was in the beginning. How did they do it?

16 Act Plan Check Do First of all, they didn’t do it overnight. From the time they started to the time they flew for the first time it took them 5 years. The Wright brothers used a systematic and consistent process which enabled them to learn to fly. One of the things they did was to build a wind tunnel, it was something that had never been done before. They studied air flow on wings and propellers. In their wind tunnel they conducted over 200 experiments. Even from their worst experiments they leaned something. Here is the basic scientific process that they used. Plan, do, check, act. They kept going through this process over and over again until they were able to figure out how to make a machine fly. They went through this process over 200 times!!!

17 In 1903 after conducting many experiments over a period of 5 years they flew for the first time. On that one day they made four flights. The first flight last 12 seconds for a total distance of 120 feet (36.5 m) less than the distance of a football field. They learned some things from the first flight and the second flight one went 175 feet. They learned something's from the second flight and on the third flight they went 200 feet, almost twice the distance of their first flight. They learned something from their third flight and they went 852 feet and flight lasted 59 seconds!!! On that day aviation was born! When other people saw that it was possible to fly they studied the successes that the Wright brothers had achieved and improved on them. Aviation went from the first flight of flying 120 feet and lasting 12 seconds to this--

18 Apollo 11. In 1969 we put a man on the moon
Apollo 11. In 1969 we put a man on the moon. Within a period of 66 short years we went from flying 120 feet in 12 seconds to going to the moon.

19 The Apollo 11 space flight landed the first humans on Earth's Moon on July 20, 1969.
This is a tremendous accomplishment. Neil Armstrong – first man on the moon.

20 We went from a wagon train going 2 miles an hour to a jet flying 567 miles per hour and going from the east coast to the west coast in less than four hours. Tremendous accomplishment. Flys at the peed of 567 mph, it has an intercontinental range of 8,350 miles.[13] The passenger version can accommodate up to 524 passengers.

21 Now you may ask what does this have to do with the Bahá'í Faith and the 5 Year Plan and Learning to translate what we have written into reality.

22 …in 1935…Shoghi Effendi called upon national communities to adopt formal teaching plans.
He described meetings to promote world unity as “an experiment to test the efficacy of the indirect method of teaching” Over time certain approaches – such as firesides and pioneering– proved through experiments to be more effective than others, all communities were encouraged to adopt them and they became mainstays of propagation. Pg 68 Revelation & Social Reality: Learning to Translate What Is Written into Reality. In 1935 the Beloved Guardian called for the first nation-wide, systematic, sustained efforts in (the) teaching field.

23 Steady flow of fresh recruits followed by Entry by troops and
The Beloved Guardian explained that the growth of the Faith would go through three stages Steady flow of fresh recruits followed by Entry by troops and Mass Conversion We have already experienced entry by troops in various countries like Africa, India, and even in the United States but we have not been able to sustain that growth because we could not reach the right balance between expansion and consolidation. The Beloved Guardian emphasized that expansion and consolidation are twin and inseparable aspects of teaching and must proceed simultaneously. We have not yet learned to consolidate our gains very well – but we’re getting better.

24 “advance in the process of entry by troops.”
In 1996 the Universal House of Justice focused all Bahá'ís the world over with a new course of action: “advance in the process of entry by troops.” Revelation & Social Reality – Learning to Translate What Is Written into Reality Pgs The is where the Universal House of Justice called for the development of a “well defined sequence of courses” and “well-organized, formal programs consisting of courses that follow appropriately designed curricula.” – the purpose of these courses is to assist with the process of expansion and consolidation. Many communities developed different courses but over time the Ruhi courses proved to be the best and in 2000 the International Teaching Center started promoting them.

25 The Four Year Plan, the Twelve Month Plan, The Five Year Plans beginning in 2001 and and the subsequent Plans that will unfold until the year 2021 are a series of progressive steps… in which the Bahá'í world is learning how to advance the process of entry by troops. “culture of learning” Revelation & Social Reality – Learning to Translate What Is Written into Reality Pgs Today we are in a “culture of learning”

26 Process in a “culture of Learning” for the:
Individual Institutions Community

27 Act Plan Check Do Remember that previously it was mentioned that the Wright brothers had a scientific process for learning.

28 The Bahá'í Culture of Learning (Process)
The Word is the first instructor in the school of existence…Every word that proceedeth out the mouth of God, Is endowed with such potency as can instill new life into every human frame” Baha’u’llah Study of the Writings Of everything I read in the book understanding this process of learning was the most exciting thing. I had some general knowledge about it but I had never seen it spelled out before any place as clearly as in this book. This process is good for an individual, for an institution or for a community. If you are on an assembly and you want to teach and you have an idea how to do it you can use this process. If you are in individual and you want to get married you can use this process, if you want to able to better raise your children, or get a job, or select a profession, or get along better with your wife or husband. It doesn’t matter where you at or what you want to do this process works.

29 The Bahá'í Culture of Learning (Process)
"The purpose of consultation is to show that the views of several individuals are assuredly preferable to one man, even as the power of a number of men is of course greater than the power of one man… Thus consultation… hath been enjoined upon the believers, so that they may confer upon ordinary and personal matters, as well as on affairs which are general in nature and universal…In short, consultation…in all things and on all issues." Abdu’l-Baha Study of the Writings Consultation

30 The Bahá'í Culture of Learning (Process)
The attainment of any object is conditioned upon knowledge, volition and action. Unless these three conditions are forthcoming there is no execution or accomplishment. Abdu'l-Baha Study of the Writings Consultation Action

31 The Bahá'í Culture of Learning (Process)
Through the faculty of meditation man attains to eternal life; through it he receives the breath of the Holy Spirit -- the bestowal of the Spirit is given in reflection and meditation. (Abdu'l-Baha) Reflection Study of the Writings Action Consultation

32 The Bahá'í Culture of Learning (Process)
Reflection Study of the Writings Action Consultation This is the learning process if we want to learn to do something. Just as the Wright brothers used their scientific learning process of Plan, Do, Check, Act, over and over again, in order to make the first flying machine. We can use this learning process in the Faith in our own individual lives to do whatever needs to be done or in our assemblies and other institutions or in our communities.

33 There so many things to do in the Faith, so many things that we need to learn to translate what is written into reality. Where do I start. Abdu’l-Baha says.

34 …the Cause has so many burdens to bear at this time, we are forced to do as 'Abdu'l-Bahá said -- give up the important for the most important. (Compilations, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 117)

35 Say: O people, the first duty is to recognize the one true God -- magnified be His glory -- the second is to show forth constancy in His Cause and, after these, one's duty is to purify one's riches and earthly possessions according to that which is prescribed by God. Bahá’u’lláh, Huqúqu'lláh Compilation 2007 #2 There are so many things that we have to do in the Five Year Plan and in all future plans. So what are some of the most important things that we need to do. Baha’u’llah and Universal House of Justice tell us what those things are. At this point I would like to share with you some things about the Huquq’u’llah, or the Right of God. Here is what Baha’u’llah has to say about the Right of God.

36 What is the Huqúqu'lláh After one has paid all his necessary expenses 19% of what is left is then taken by him and given as Huqúq. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Huqúqu’lláh, C46

37 Khums – “one-fifth of wealth” Huqúqu'lláh - 19%
God Abraham Krishna Moses Zoroaster Buddha Christ Muhammad The Báb Bahá'u'lláh Tithing – 10% Giving Alms Khums – “one-fifth of wealth” Huqúqu'lláh - 19% Huqúqu'lláh - 19% after necessary expenses Similar laws have been revealed in previous Dispensations. In compliance with these laws, a portion of a believers wealth, in accordance with their financial ability, is offered as a token of gratitude to God.

38 Huqúqu’lláh Is Incumbent Upon All
Huqúqu’lláh is indeed a great law. It is incumbent* upon all to make this offering, because it is the source of grace, abundance, and of all good. Bahá’u’lláh, Huqúqu’lláh, C13 The Right of God is an obligation upon everyone… (Bahá'u'lláh, Compilations, Huqúqu'lláh p. 14) *Meaning of incumbent: Obligatory

39 With humility before our sovereign Lord, we now announce that as of Ridván 1992, the beginning of the Holy Year, the Law of Huqúqu’lláh, the Right of God, will become universally applicable. All are lovingly called to observe it. The Universal House of Justice, Ridván Message, 1991, Huqúqu'lláh Compilation 2007, #28 Some people ask if the Huquq’u’llah a part of the 5 Year Plan, the answer is the Huquq’u’llah is a part of every plan, just like obligatory prayer, fasting and saying the Greatest Name 95 every day!

40 Payment of the Right of God is a spiritual obligation that is fulfilled voluntarily. Just as the laws of obligatory prayer, daily recitation of the Greatest Name, and fasting are left to the conscience of the believer…observance of the law of the Right of God is a devotional practice left to the faith and conscience of the individual.

41 To demand the Huquq is in no wise permissible….
(Compilations, Huqúqu'lláh)

42 Income $1000

43 “Necessary” Income Expenses $900 $1000
Necessary expenses, i.e. food, clothing, home, etc. Who determines what your necessary expense are? You do.

44 Income $1000 “Necessary” Expenses $900 Savings $100

45 Income $1000 “Necessary” Expenses $900 Savings $100 $19 Right of God $81 Belongs to you

46 Huqúqu’lláh Is Incumbent Upon All
Huqúqu’lláh is indeed a great law. It is incumbent* upon all to make this offering, because it is the source of grace, abundance, and of all good. Bahá’u’lláh, Huqúqu’lláh, C13 The Right of God is an obligation upon everyone… (Bahá'u'lláh, Compilations, Huqúqu'lláh p. 14) *Meaning of incumbent: Obligatory

47 $4000 Income with “necessary” expenses of $4000
Person calculates to see if they owe the Right of God $4000 Income with “necessary” expenses of $4000 This person has a lot of necessary expenses: mortgage on the house, children in college, her husband is very sick etc. Has this person observed the law of the Right of God?

48 $4000 Income unknown amount of necessary expenses
Person does not calculate to see if they owe Right of God $4000 Income unknown amount of necessary expenses This person has a lot of necessary expenses: mortgage on the house, children in college, her husband is very sick etc. Has this person observed the law of the Right of God?

49 Person “A” Savings of$5,000 This person has wants to buy a motorcycle because he has no other way to get to work and has no other transportation. He figures it will cost less than a car to operate and will cost less for gas.

50 Person “B” Savings of$5,000 This person has a couple of cars which he uses to go to work and run errands etc. He determines it not a necessary expense but something that he would really like to have so he can go out and have a lot fun.

51 Should a man wish to adorn himself with the ornaments of the earth, to wear its apparels, or partake of the benefits it can bestow, no harm can befall him, if he alloweth nothing whatever to intervene between him and God, for God hath ordained every good thing, whether created in the heavens or in the earth, for such of His servants as truly believe in Him.

52 Who Decides What is a Necessary Expense?
... we wish to let you know that in these days it is not deemed advisable to enact detailed rulings for Huqúqu’lláh. Thus the friends are left free, and whenever no definite rulings exist they may fulfil in each case that which they understand from the texts, and may honour their Huqúqu’lláh obligations according to their own judgement and the promptings of their own conscience. The Universal House of Justice, Huqúqu’lláh, C62

53 Huqúq offering is a test
...the Huqúq offering is but a test applied by Him unto His servants and maidservants. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Huqúqu’lláh, C26 [75] …with fire We test the gold, and with gold We test Our servants. Bahá’u’lláh, Hidden Words, Arabic #55

54 Right of God Takes Priority to Donations to Bahá'í Funds
Contributions to the funds of the Faith cannot be considered as part of one’s payment of Huqúqu’lláh; moreover, if one owes Huqúqu’lláh and cannot afford both to pay it and to make contributions to the Fund, the payment of Huqúqu’lláh should take priority over making contributions. The Universal House of Justice, Huqúqu’lláh, C105 The Huquq’u’llah and Fund The difference between the Huqúqu'lláh and the other Funds can best be illustrated by the difference between the Daily Obligatory Prayers and the wealth of all the other prayers… We are …strongly urged, to enrich and sanctify our lives with frequent recourse to those prayers; but they do not take the place of the Daily Obligatory Prayer. One is a legal obligation, the other a moral obligation. Talk given by Dr. Amin Banani Member of the Board of Trustees

55 What is the priority of debts & the Right of God
Thou hast asked which is to take precedence: the Huququ'lláh, the debts of the deceased, or the cost of burial. It is God's command that the cost of burial take precedence, then payment of debts, then the Right of God. The settlement of debts is a most important command set forth in the Book. Well is it with him who ascendeth unto God, without any obligations to Huququ'lláh and to His servants. (Compilations, Huququ'llah)

56 Give them [the children] the advantage of every useful kind of knowledge…Bring them up to work and strive, and accustom them to hardship. Teach them to dedicate their lives to matters of great import, and inspire them to undertake studies that will benefit mankind. (Abdu'l-Bahá, in Bahá'í Education: Compilation, p. 30)

57 Methods for Calculating the Right of God
The minimum amount subject to Huqúqu’lláh is reached when one’s possessions are worth the number of Váhid (19); that is, whenever one owneth 19 mithqáls of gold, or acquireth possessions attaining this value, after having deducted therefrom the yearly expenses, the Huqúq becometh applicable and its payment is obligatory. Bahá’u’lláh, Huqúqu’lláh, C44

58 Understanding the Huqúqu'lláh
Methods for Calculating the Right of God After one has paid all his necessary expenses 19% of what is left is then taken by him and given as Huqúq. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Huqúqu’lláh, C46 October, 2009 Understanding the Huqúqu'lláh

59 Methods for Calculating the Right of God
Nothing that existeth in the world of being hath ever been or ever will be worthy of mention. However, if a person be graciously favoured to offer a penny-worth—Nay—even less…, this would in His sight be…superior to all the treasures of the earth…Beesch ye God that He may enable everyone to discharge the obligation of the Huqúq… This implies that there is no functional minimum before payment is allowable. Any believer may pay the Right of God, when offered with the proper spirit. (Baha’u’llah Compilations, Huququ'llah)

60 The Bahá'í Culture of Learning (Process)
Reflection Study of the Writings Action Consultation The Universal House of Justice says that over a life time we will learn to calculate the Huquq’u’llah.

61 The time and conditions of payment are left to each individual.
The Universal House of Justice, Huqúqu’lláh, C56

62 If one spontaneously offereth Huqúq with the utmost joy and radiance it will be acceptable, and not otherwise. Bahá’u’lláh, C27

63 It is clear and evident that the payment of the Right of God is conducive to prosperity, to blessing, and to honour and divine protection. Bahá’u’lláh, Huqúqu'lláh Compilation 2007, #12

64 We are back to this -- Learning to Translate what is written into reality.

65 The Bahá'í Culture of Learning (Process)
Reflection Study of the Writings Action Consultation The Universal House of Justice says that over a life time we will learn to calculate the Huquq’u’llah.

66 The institution of Huqúqu’lláh will, during the course of this Dispensation, contribute to the spiritualization of humanity through the promotion of a new attitude to the acquisition and use of material resources. It will provide the material resources necessary for great collective enterprises designed to improve all aspects of life, and will be a powerful element in the growth of a world civilization. The Universal House of Justice, Huqúqu’lláh, C31

67 Isaiah 2 King James Version
Isaiah "they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks, and nation shall not rise up against nation, neither shall they learn war no more?“ Isaiah 2 King James Version

68 Painted by Leonardo da Vinci
This is where we started, the Apostles of Christ went out changed the world, they translated what Jesus said into reality. Now we are called to become apostles of Baha’u’llah, the Beloved Guardian is even calling to outshine and dwarf the accomplishments of the early Apostles. We are being called to learn to translate what Baha’u’llah has written into reality – In the words of Abdu’l-Baha— Please God ye may achieve it. Thank you for your time. Painted by Leonardo da Vinci

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