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Practice Questions What motion of Earth causes day and night? Rotation

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2 Practice Questions What motion of Earth causes day and night? Rotation
What causes seasons to change? Earth’s revolution changes how energy from the Sun spreads out over Earth’s surface

3 Practice Questions What process goes on inside the Sun that creates large amounts of energy? Nuclear fusion _____ combine in the Sun’s core during nuclear fusion The energy released during fusion reaches Earth as light and __________ energy.

4 Practice Questions What is the shape of Earth’s orbit?
Ellipse (nearly circular) What produces Earth’s revolution around the Sun? Sun’s gravitational pull on Earth If no gravity from the Sun… Earth would fly off into space

5 Practice Questions Describe Earth’s rotation, including how long it takes to complete one rotation. Earth rotates in a counterclockwise direction on an imaginary axis called the rotational axis. It takes 24 hours to complete one rotation

6 Practice Questions Describe how the light that strikes Earth is different at the poles compared to the equator Light strikes at right angles at the equator (more direct) and as a result is more intense, making it warmer

7 Practice Questions When is Earth closest to the Sun? Farthest from the Sun? Closest – January (winter) Farthest – May (summer) What direction do the north end of Earth’s rotation axis point when the Northern Hemisphere has summer? Towards the sun

8 Practice Questions What term refers to having “equal days and nights”?
Equinox (‘Equi’ = equal) What other words have “equ” in them? What occurs when the Earth’s rotation axis is tilted most toward or away from the Sun? Solstice (summer and winter)

9 Practice Questions Sec.2
What landforms are found on the moon? Highlands, maria, craters, and rays Explain how the Moon’s craters formed and why they haven’t changed much since their formation. Objects from space collided into the Moon. No atmosphere or water to cause weathering and erosion.

10 Practice Questions Describe the three motions of Earth’s moon.
Moon rotates on its axis; revolves around Earth; and moves with Earth around the Sun

11 Practice Questions Why can we never see the far side of the Moon?
The Moon makes one rotation in the same time as one revolution. That keeps one side permanently facing towards Earth and one side always facing away. (near side and far side)

12 Practice Questions What causes the Moon phases?
The amount of light that is reflected from the Moon that we see from Earth What phases have more of the Moon lit each night? Waxing What are the waning phases? Start after Full Moon. Waning gibbous, 3rd quarter, waning crescent, new moon

13 Practice Questions Sec.3
How are the umbra and penumbra of a shadow different? Umbra = darkest portion; light completely blocked Penumbra = lighter, outer portion; light only partially blocked

14 Practice Questions What happens during an eclipse? The sun is blocked
What two types of eclipses occur? Solar and lunar

15 Practice Questions What happens during a solar eclipse? P.744
Sun blocked during the day Moon casts shadow on Earth Earth – Moon – Sun What phase of the moon would cause this? New moon – only phase when Moon is between Earth and Sun

16 Practice Questions Why doesn’t everyone on Earth see a solar eclipse?
The shadow would not cover very much area. Total eclipse - people in the umbra would be in darkness Partial eclipse - people in the penumbra would be in partial darkness

17 Practice Questions What is a lunar eclipse? P.746
When the moon passes into Earth’s shadow When does a lunar eclipse occur? Full moon phase What parts of Earth would NOT see the eclipse? Any part facing the Sun (daytime)

18 Practice Questions What is a tide? Daily rise and fall of the sea
What affects tides? Primarily the Moon’s gravitational pull causes tides to rise and fall How often do tides occur? Each day, twice a day

19 Practice Questions Spring tide = new and full moon
Neap tide = week after spring tide

20 Chapter Review 8. Revolution 9. Orbit 10. Rotation 11. Tides
12. Rotation axis 13. Solstice 14. Equinox 15. Lunar eclipse

21 p. 754 Multiple Choice A. mass
C. direction of sun’s apparent motion across the sky C. summer D. Earth’s surface more tilted at the poles than equator A. both are produced by gravity B. 1st quarter moon C. moon makes exactly 1 rotation for each revolution C. twice each month B. 1:00 pm B. partial solar eclipse

22 p. 755 – 14, 16, 17 14. The house is located in the southern hemisphere. The sun is higher in the sky at noon in January than it is at noon in July. 16. The moon blocks the entire Sun during a total solar eclipse. The moon blocks part of the Sun during a partial solar eclipse. 17. The moon’s orbit around Earth is tilted compared to Earth’s orbit around the Sun, so shadows do not line up directly


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