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Learning to Take Good Notes

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1 Learning to Take Good Notes
Helpful Tips and Ideas

2 What style of learning works best for you. Inductive vs
What style of learning works best for you? Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning starts with details and builds to an understanding of a bigger idea/concept. Some professors prefer to teach in this “facts to ideas” style and many students learn best when they are given enough information to understand how it all adds up.

3 What style of learning works best for you?
Deductive Reasoning starts with intuitive ideas or concepts and supports them with other information or facts. Some students learn best when they hear the big idea first and then explore the relationship of that idea with other known facts/concepts.

4 What style of learning works best for you?
Many times a mixture of Inductive and Deductive reasoning are used depending on the material being learned. Once you decide which type you prefer you can begin thinking of things in that way. Either start with the big picture and then think about the details or start with the details and think about how they relate to make the big picture.

5 What should you do before class to improve learning?
Test yourself over the previous lecture while waiting for the next one to begin. Skim reading assignments to acquaint yourself with new ideas and terms. Try to sit in the center of the room and focus your attention on the speaker.

6 What should you do during class to improve your learning?
Resist distractions and boredom. When possible translate the lecture into your own words. Ask questions. Pay attention to verbal, postural, and visual cues as to what is important.

7 What should you do after class to enhance learning?
Clear up anything you don’t understand by asking the teacher or a classmate. Fill in missing terms using your text or other source. Edit your notes to label the main points and terms.

8 Methods of Note Taking The Cornell Method: Have 2 ½ inch left margins with a 6 inch space to record your notes. Use the left margin as a recall column to write down the most important words. Later these key words will stick out in your mind. Use the five R’s: record, reduce, recite, reflect, and review. Click here to see the Cornell method

9 Methods of Note Taking Use the ISWAM method to make notes when the teacher talks fast. Integrate all previous notes and readings. Sit as close to the teacher as possible. Write everything the teacher writes. Analyze verbal, nonverbal, and body language cues. Monitor your attention—stay focused.

10 Taking Notes from a Recorded Lecture
Prepare to take notes Have all the necessary material ready before starting the tape. Play the tape in small sections Take notes on each section On your first listen: listen for meaning On your second listen: take notes On your third listen: review

11 Additional Hints for Taking Notes
Use a three-ring binder. You can punch holes in handouts and exams and add them to the binder. Don’t copy every word. Try to put the lecture in your own words. Leave single spaces between lines and double spaces between ideas so later you can add information if necessary and this will make it easier to review. Use asterisks or underlying to highlight main ideas.

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