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Understanding God’s plan for Marriage and the role of sex in it

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1 Understanding God’s plan for Marriage and the role of sex in it
Friday Meeting 9th March 07 Ehab Roufail

2 What are we called to be as God’s Youth?
Let’s do a study of Romans 12 We are asked to offer ourselves and our bodies as a sacrifice to God – v1 To not conform to the pattern of this world, but to do God’s will – v2 To have a ‘body – members’ perspective V5 each member belonging to each of the others Be devoted to one another in brotherly love with honour Always be full of zeal – keeping our spiritual fervour Show love and care

3 What is the World calling Youth to?
Sacrifice themselves for pleasure and self fulfillment Conform to its pattern of a different morality To have a self seeking perspective To be in exclusive relationships To ‘chill out’

4 We are on mission A fiery member of God’s Youth, wholeheartedly seeking Him Growing in unity and purpose to His people Actively doing the bidding of our Captain and Lord So that he can use us as a LIGHTHOUSE to others Work on becoming, a man or woman who, as a single, seeks God wholeheartedly, putting Jesus before anything else. Don't worry about impressing the opposite sex. Instead, strive to please and glorify God and uniting with His people with the same priorities.

5 True Friendship Friendship is about something other than the two people, something other than the two friends being together. The key to friendship is a common goal or object on which both companions focus. As soon as the two people involved focus on the relationship (intimacy), it has moved beyond friendship. Include others (i.e. friends, family, or strangers) instead of isolating yourselves with just one person. Seek opportunities to serve, not to be entertained. Remember we are all soldiers here with a job to do.

6 Practically building an army
We need to grow in true friendship to one another Accepting leadership and taking it on Giving and accepting correction Careful to build each other up in love Honouring with our speech Showing honour and respect with our actions Creating open relationships of reliance Choosing to be in closer committed relationships Relying on others to build us up and us to do the same sharing each others burdens Spurring one another on Creating single sex households

7 Knowing when you’re ready?
Ready for what? Matthew 19:8-12 Both single for the Lord And married in the Lord are acceptable Also in 1 Cor 7 Three factors Evaluate your gift Current circumstances Your life goal Only in the Lord – 2 Cor 6:14-16

8 Ask yourself this: Am I willing, If God so chooses, to remain single with Christ alone as my spouse? Am I willing, if God so chooses, to be married and to allow Him to do the matchmaking Am I willing, if God so chooses, to be married and to allow Him to determine the timetable?

9 What about dating? Dating leads to intimacy, but not necessarily to commitment. Dating tends to skip the 'friendship' stage of a relationship. Dating often mistakes a physical relationship for love. Dating often isolates a couple from other vital relationships. Dating distracts young adults from their primary responsibility of preparing for the future. Dating can cause discontentment with God's gift of singleness. Dating creates an artificial environment for evaluating someone's character.

10 So how do we get to know each other?
By being: a close united, active, fiery group of young Men and Women on Mission In Genesis 24, Rebekah was able to meet God's divine appointment for her life (marriage) because she was faithfully carrying out her current obligations. She had a ready willingness to serve others. These qualities put her in the right place at the right time with the right attitude when God intended to match her with Isaac.

11 Why Sex? For the Family God is Love
The love that the Holy Trinity share, God wanted to give us a taste of that. The trinity of Father, Mother and Children are to be in a lifelong committed loving relationship with each other. To show that love is strong and everlasting. Husband and Wife are to live in love with each other and sex is a gift from God for marriage. Children then grow up in a stable and happy secure environment

12 Why Sex? Because it Bonds
“For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31 - NKJV The act of sexual intercourse has such a strong bonding effect that God describes engaging in it as bringing about such a union of a man and woman as for them to become, as it were, one flesh or one body!

13 Why Sex? It is about sharing
In the act of sex husband and Wife learn to be less selfish and look out more for the others needs? Partners can bless each other and grow closer knowing that they are providing a need for the other. It is about realising the beauty of God’s special creation in my own partner, that God has created for me.

14 Fruits of Marriage Love Expressed
As Images of God we are made to be satisfied only with the best that there is. Love for God and each other. In marriage there are plenty of opportunities to express true unselfish love. Love is not a feeling but an act of will. Companionship A person to share the experiences and trials of life from day to day. A couple who will increasingly grow in understanding each other to a depth not possible in other relationships. Godly Offspring In the same way as God made mankind in His image He grants mankind also to experience his loving Fatherly and Motherly for all. Even self centered people sacrifice themselves for their children’s sole benefit. To join as creators with the Creator.

15 What about sex outside of marriage?
“Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.” 1 Corinthians 7:2 - NKJV “For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God“ 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 – NKJV

16 But why does God say that?
The risk of damaging your future marriage I have several friends who are married, or who are about to be married that have struggled greatly with telling, or learning about, previous sexual encounters. This knowledge causes stress on these relationships because of lack of trust and regret. The risk of sexual dysfunction Every year people spend millions of pounds to correct sexual dysfunction through drugs and psychotherapy. Many people think that once they enter marriage the problems of sleeping around, pornography, and masturbation will stop. However, many find these problems to be more noticeable and controlling once they are in a marriage. I have spoken with several good Christians who have dysfunction because of a current addiction to pornography. Side note: Romance novels are women's pornography and can often cause just as much trouble in a marriage as the woman is expecting unrealistic romance.

17 But why does God say that?
The risk of damaged or lost relationships We are emotionally wired to see sex as a commitment. When a casual sex relationship ends, you and the other person experience guilt and pain of the unspoken promises that were broken. Many people lose good friends after having sex, because boundaries were crossed that no makes their friendship awkward. The risk of depression Pre Marital sex is almost a form of abuse, as the partners are using each other without making the commitment of life long trust and love. This often causes emotional damage that may lead to an increased chance of mental depression and emotional despair.

18 Life to the Full John 10:10 “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” God knows our need for intimacy our need for companionship, deep affection and understanding Let’s find this in Him first. He will give us all good things we need

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