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Section 2 Relative Dating: Which Came First?

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Presentation on theme: "Section 2 Relative Dating: Which Came First?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 2 Relative Dating: Which Came First?

2 Geologic News Write a news article from the perspective of a geologist
Include all of the key terms from this week Your story must make sense Be creative and have fun!

3 Relative Dating Determining the age and order of particular events or objects.

4 Superposition Younger rocks lie above older rocks in undisturbed sequences.

5 The Geologic Column An ideal sequence of rock layers that contain all the known fossils and rock formations on earth, arranged from oldest to youngest.


7 Disturbed Rock Layers

8 The Missing Piece Unconformity-a surface missing part of geologic column. Nondeposition Erosion Disconformities Nonconformities Angular Unconformities




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