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What role does courtly love play in the novel? By: Ashley Martin and

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1 What role does courtly love play in the novel? By: Ashley Martin and Katrina Durban

2 Rule 1 Lancelot followed this rule Elaine broke this rule
1.Thou shalt avoid avarice like the deadly pestilence and shalt embrace its opposite. What it really means: Don’t be greedy with your lover. Rule 1 Lancelot followed this rule Lancelot gave all his money to Elaine and told her to keep it to raise Galahad. Elaine broke this rule Even though Lancelot gave her money, she still always wanted more from him and she knew how to get what she wanted from him and used it to her advantage. Example from the book: “And if I do not- and if I have not that feeling for you- hang it Elaine, I am under no obligation to marry you, when it was you who tricked me.” (chapter 22, page 410)

3 Rule 2 Lancelot followed this rule Example from the book:
Thou shalt keep thyself chaste for the sake of her whom thou lovest. What it really means: Don’t sleep with someone who you don’t love. Lancelot followed this rule When Lancelot slept with Elaine, he really thought that he was sleeping with Guenever and he loved Guenever, therefore he followed this rule. Example from the book: “He turned round and found himself looking at the boiled girl Elaine. She lay in the bed her small bare arms holding the bed clothes to her side with her violent eyes fixed on his.” (chapter 14, page 375) Elaine followed this rule She loved Lancelot and she slept with him, even though she tricked him into it. Example from the book: “She walked in the castle garden with her companions dressed in the white clothes of a novice and there was a clumsy action in her walk” (chapter 21, page 405)

4 Guenever broke this rule
Thou shalt not knowingly strive to break up a correct love affair that someone else is engaged in. What it really means: Don’t break up someone else’s love affair if it is legitimate. Lancelot broke this rule Even though Lancelot didn’t intentionally try to break up Guenever and Arthur, he still was. Guenever broke this rule She was trying to break up the relationship between Lancelot and Elaine. Example from the book: “How dare you admit it to me?Take your fancy man and go!” (chapter 18, page 395)

5 Everyone followed this rule
Thou shalt not chose for thy love anyone whom a natural sense of shame forbids thee to marry. What it really means: Don’t be with someone if you are ashamed of being with them. Everyone followed this rule Guenever and Arthur were not ashamed of each other, she just didn’t love him. Example from the book: “In some such way as this Guenever did come to love the Frenchman without losing her affection for Arthur.” (chapter 9, page 362) Even though Lancelot was ugly, Guenever wasn’t ashamed of him and Lancelot wasn’t ashamed of her, and they both loved each other. Lancelot and Elaine were not ashamed of each other, but Lancelot didn’t love Elaine. Example from the book: “Lancelot took her hand and said, “Elaine I don’t know what to say. I can’t very well say anything.” “I know you don’t love me.” (chapter 22, page 409)

6 Rule 5 Elaine broke this rule Lancelot broke this rule
Be mindful completely to avoid falsehood. What it really means: Always strive to be honest. Elaine broke this rule To get Lancelot to sleep with her, she tricked him into thinking she was Guenever. Example from the book: “ ‘Jenny,’ he said, after minutes which seemed to be hours. There was no answer from the bed. He turned round and found himself looking at the boiled girl, Elaine.” (chapter12, page 375) Lancelot broke this rule The only reason he told Guenever that he slept with Elaine was because Guenever knew that he did, but if she hadn’t heard about Elaine having a baby, Lancelot wouldn’t have told her. Example from the book: “Jenny, I wanted to tell you, but it was too difficult to explain.” (chapter 15, page 384) Guenever broke this rule Guenever didn’t tell Arthur about her love affair with Lancelot.

7 Rule 6 Elaine broke this rule Lancelot followed this rule
Thou shalt not have many who know of thy love affair. What it really means: Don’t brag about your love affair to other people. Elaine broke this rule Even though she didn’t come right out and say anything, she still bragged about their love affair by naming their son Galahad, which was Lancelot’s first name. Example from the book: “The news was that Elaine of Corbin, had given birth to a fine son, whom she had christened Galahad.” (chapter15, page 384) Lancelot followed this rule He never bragged about being with the queen, everyone just found out on their own. Guenever followed this rule She never bragged about being with the best knight in the world, everyone found out on their own.

8 Rule 7 Followed by Lancelot
Being obedient in all things to the commands of ladies, thou shalt ever strive to ally thyself to the service of Love. What it really means: Do whatever she asks of you in the name of Love. Followed by Lancelot He stayed in the castle with Elaine even though he didn’t really want to. Example from the book: “He said with difficulty: “I will stay with you, Elaine, if you want me to.” (chapter 22, page 410) He left the castle when Guenever asked him to, even though she was being very cruel and he couldn’t defend himself. Example in the book: “…and jumped straight out the window……and then he was running off through the trees and shrubbery…” (chapter 18, page 396)

9 Rule 8 Lancelot followed this rule Guenever followed this rule
In giving and receiving love’s solaces let modesty be ever present. What it really means: Don’t let being in a relationship get to your head. Lancelot followed this rule He never thought he was better than everyone because he was in a relationship with the queen. Example in the book: “You are making it seem as if there were something wrong between us. It is as if you thought is was me or did not believe in my honor. Please do not mention the subject again.” (chapter 5, page 336) Guenever followed this rule She never thought she was better than everyone because she was in a relationship with the best knight in the world. Elaine broke this rule She named Galahad after Lancelot. She began to need Lancelot and always want him to be by her side.

10 Rule 9 Lancelot follows this rule Elaine follows this rule
Thou shalt speak no evil. What it really means: Don’t intentionally try to hurt the other person with your words. Lancelot follows this rule When Guenever says mean and harmful things to him, he didn’t say anything back and just took it. Example from the book: “She ran back to Lancelot, where he had sat down on a chest and was blankly staring at the floor, with his head between his hands.” (chapter 18, page 395) Elaine follows this rule Elaine praises Lancelot for being the best knight. Example from the book: “Thank you,” she said. “Ought we go to church now and thank God as well as you?” (chapter11, page371) Guenever broke this rule Guenever intentionally tries to hurt Lancelot when they are arguing. Example from the book: “Get out of my castle,” screamed the queen at the top of her voice, “Never show your face in it again. Your evil, ugly, beastlike face.” (chapter 18, page 395)

11 Rule 10 Arthur follows this rule The butler follows this rule
Thou shalt not be a revealer of love affairs. What it really means: Don’t tell of love affairs if you know of them. Arthur follows this rule He knows about the love affair between Lancelot and Guenever, but he doesn’t tell anyone because he doesn’t want to believe it himself. The butler follows this rule He knows about the love affair between Elaine and Lancelot, but he doesn’t tell anyone.

12 Rule 11 Followed by Lancelot Broken by Guenever
Thou shalt be in all things polite and courteous. What it really means: Even in arguments, you should be polite and courteous. Followed by Lancelot When he and Guenever were arguing, he didn’t fight back or talk back. Example from the book: “Lancelot turned his head at each of her stabs, as if he were trying to let them glance off him. He looked on the ground, to hide his eyes.” (chapter 15, page 385) Broken by Guenever When they are arguing, Guenever says many impolite things to Lancelot. Example from the book: “I think what everyone would think- that you are a mean seducer, just a liar, you and your miracles.” (chapter 15, page 385)

13 Rule 12 Guenever follows this rule Elaine broke this rule
In practicing the solaces of love thou shalt not exceed the desires of thy lover. What it really means: Don’t push your lover to do whatever they don’t want to do. Guenever follows this rule She doesn’t force Lancelot to sleep with her. Example in the book: “As a corollary to this belief, he supposed that if he gave into the queen he would lose his tenfold might.” (chapter11, page 368) Elaine broke this rule She persuades Lancelot to stay in the castle with her because she makes him feel guilty and obligated . She tricked him into sleeping with her.

14 The Affect Courtly Love
Had on Camelot Courtly love had a negative affect on Camelot and it was partially the reason for Camelot’s downfall. Courtly love pressured Lancelot into staying with Elaine longer than he had hoped. While he was gone, the Round Table started to fall and Lancelot wasn’t there to help save the table and fight against the Orkney Faction, who ran out of bad people to kill and started to kill good people. At this point, Camelot started to fall.


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