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The path to a healthier, wealthier you.

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1 The path to a healthier, wealthier you.
ARBONNE FIT The path to a healthier, wealthier you.

2 ARBONNE Fit The Bioidentical Hormone Handbook puts you on the path to health and fitness as Dr. Deanna Osborn shows you the vital interplay between hormone balance, detoxing, exercise, and nutrition, and as the foundation for life-long good health.

3 30 Days to Fit Intro

4 Uncontrollable Eating?
Is it just a lack of willpower? According to David Kessler, former commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, over-eating maybe more insidious - the combination of fats, sugars and salt used by food manufactures to trigger a ‘bliss’ point in the human brain. For millions of us, the real problem is modern food is impossible to resist. Kessler - who is professor of paediatrics, epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California – says it all comes down to the bliss point, foods that change brain chemistry. Instead of satisfying hunger, the salt-fat-sugar combination will stimulate that diner's brain to crave more, Kessler said. For many, the come-on offered by Lay's Potato Chips -- "Betcha can't eat just one" -- is scientifically accurate. And the food industry manipulates this neurological response, designing foods to induce people to eat more than they should or even want, Kessler found. Washington Post Monday, April 27, 2009

5 Forks Over Knives

6 Chef Pam Leveritt Chef Pam walks her clients through a 4-step process
Session 1 – Pantry Check & Kitchen Organization: Take all pantry items out and together, Chef Pam will advise you to remove food products that are prepackaged, contain harmful preservatives, dyes, colorings, sugars, starches and gluten — anything that is unnatural. Chef Pam also evaluates kitchen organization to allow a new to provide a better environment for upcoming changes. (approximately 1-2 hours) Session 2 – Grocery Shopping Field Trip: Chef Pam takes you through the aisles of the grocery store, discussing your current habits and teaching you how to shop around the perimeter of the store, where the freshest foods are. Chef Pam educates you about products and read labels to recognize what ingredients to avoid. (approximately 1 hour) Session 3- Healthy Cooking Techniques: Chef Pam visits your home to go over basic cooking techniques to get you started with your new food purchases. She will also talk about menu planning and converting your favorite recipes to more healthy versions by substituting appropriate ingredients (approx 1-2 hours) Session 4 – Equipment and Specialty Stores: Chef Pam takes you to specialty stores for kitchen equipment, knife sharpening, and local foods such as farmers markets and local CSA farms. The destination during this time together is dependent upon where the need is to meet your goal. (approximately 1 hour)


8 30 Days to Fit: SAD to Fit Bridges the gap between S.A.D. and FIT:
Only ONE meal per day, 2 shakes/or bars. Detox from processed-junk-fast foods, artificial sweeteners, HFCS, transfats, alcohol, sugar, carbs, and clean the blood from toxins with 7 Day Cleanse. No cravings, not hungry, full of energy, not stressed and losing weight at 1250 calories a day.

9 30 Days to Fit: Detox Food Allergies
Dr. Hyman, “food allergies cause inflammation and make us gain and hold weight.” Top 6 offending foods: Gluten, Dairy (milk, butter, yogurt, cheese), Yeast (baked goods, bread, beer, wine, cheese, vinegar, and on surface of many fruits), Eggs, Corn and Peanuts.

10 Vegan Protein Only protein satisfies hunger. Dr. Perricone says every meal without protein ages us. Dr. Barbara Beaty says it is very difficult to find a protein as good as Arbonne’s vegan fructose free, without artificial sweeteners, soy leciithin and carrageenan...PLUS they are NON GMO... Arbonne’s tasteless Fiber provides critical fiber simply in two scoops a day (important when detoxing). Fizz sticks boost energy, make the body alkaline and are loaded with vitamins. Testing for colon cancer is important, but prevention is the first and best defense. by John R. Lee, M.D. and Virginia Hopkins Some years ago, Katie Couric, then co-host of NBC’s Today show, elevated public awareness of colon cancer. Understandably upset by her husband’s death from colon cancer at age 42, she became a powerful advocate for early detection and prevention of the disease. She even had her own colonoscopy broadcast live on the Today show to emphasize the often-heard litany that early diagnosis and timely surgery can cure colon cancer and greatly reduce its death rate. From this, the following syllogism has emerged: Some 150,000 people per year are diagnosed with colon cancer and 55,000 per year die of it. Colon cancer rates are steadily rising. Early diagnosis (prior to symptoms) could save 90 percent of them. Therefore, everybody should undertake early diagnostic screening tests. If one waits until suggestive symptoms occur (blood in the stool, irregular bowel movements, pain, weight loss), the colon tumor is likely to be advanced, and cure much less likely. The problem is that the population at risk involves 200,000,000 people, and the best early diagnostic test is by flexible colonoscopy that costs $1,000 per test. Ideally, the test should be performed yearly for best results. The annual cost would be $200,000,000,000 ($200 billion per year). This is, to say the least, a bit unrealistic, which is why the various organizations that create medical standards recommend a colonoscopy at ages 50, 60 and 70. Obviously what is needed is a better, less intrusive, less expensive screening test for colon cancer. The fecal occult blood test (FOBT) can detect hidden blood in the stool, one of the first symptoms of colon cancer, and they can be done at home once a year, more if you have colon cancer in your family. But by far our best option is prevention. Fortunately, we know a lot about prevention. Diet is probably most important. Let’s take a closer look. Eating to Prevent Colon Cancer Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death and the third most common cancer in both sexes in the United States. This form of cancer doesn’t get the media attention that, for example, breast cancer does, but it’s more common and just as deadly. Even when it doesn’t kill, the consequences of bowel surgery can compromise quality of life. It’s worth it to make the simple lifestyle changes that can help prevent this cancer—and will help prevent other cancers, heart disease and diabetes in the process! In a nutshell: to prevent colon cancer we need to increase our fiber intake, eat a variety of fresh vegetables, maintain good levels of antioxidants, avoid processed foods, drink plenty of good water, and get some exercise. All of these factors have shown up again and again as preventive in studies of colon cancer. Exercise has been shown to prevent colon cancer more than any other cancer. Fiber Keeps the Colon Clean and Moving The colon is also known as the large intestine, and it is the last area of the digestive tract that waste matter passes through before elimination. It’s where your body reabsorbs water and minerals for recycling, and where it absorbs vitamin B12, as well as the fat-soluble vitamins A and E. The bacteria in the colon manufacture vitamin K, which plays a role in blood clotting. Fiber is what keeps all of these processes moving along in the bowel. Fiber refers to the indigestible residue of plants. It consists of complex carbohydrates that we are unable to digest. They encompass a wide variety of molecular structures that differ in their degree of solubility in water. They add to the bulk of bowel contents and stimulate the passage of waste matter through the colon. Shorter transit times (time of ingestion of food until its elimination via defecation) are related to decreased incidence of colon cancer. In other words, constipation increases your risk of colon cancer, and fiber prevents constipation. Drinking plenty of water also helps prevent constipation. Until the past six or seven generations, humans ate a diet filled with vegetable and grain fiber. With industrialization our diets changed radically: the processing of foods for commercial sale resulted in the loss of much of the fiber, especially of grain foods. Comparing the illnesses occurring in industrialized and non-industrialized populations, it is apparent that many common illnesses rarely occur in less industrialized areas that eat high fiber diets. Such illnesses include diabetes, constipation, diverticulitis, colon cancer, heart disease, obesity, gall bladder disease and gallstones, pancreatitis, hiatus hernia, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and even breast cancer. There is an unmistakable epidemiologic relationship between these diseases to low dietary fiber. Fiber reduces the conversion of primary into secondary bile acids, which are potential cancer promoters; it absorbs more bile acids and dilutes them within a larger stool mass, thus protecting against colon cancer. With fiber, the bile itself is more soluble and less likely to form gallstones; similarly, fiber protects against pancreatitis by preventing biliary sludge. Fiber reduces fat absorption and lowers cholesterol levels. It even helps lower excess estrogen by speeding up transit time, thus reducing the likelihood that estrogen will be recirculated back into the body. What’s Your Transit Time? A good way to test your need for more fiber is the bowel transit time test. Bowel transit time is the time it takes for food to travel from ingestion to exit. All you need to do is eat some food that can serve as a marker when it appears in the stool. Fresh corn on the cob is one such food; we digest the starch within the kernels but not the kernels themselves, which will be visible in the bowel movement when they are passed. Simply eat some corn and watch your bowel movements until you see the kernels. That is your bowel transit time. A healthy transit time is 18 to 24 hours. In the U.S., common bowel transit times are found to be two to three days, a good indicator of the need for more fiber and water in the diet. Nutrients and Colon Cancer Fiber isn’t the only thing you eat that affects your colon cancer risk. A deficiency of some nutrients can also predispose one to colon cancer.

11 Why Is Protein Important?
Protein is essential for growth and repair and makes up about 15% of the mass of the average person. Much of the human body is constructed from protein molecules, which play a crucial role in virtually all of the body’s biological processes. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Some of these amino acids are produced naturally by the body; however nine amino acids are essential, meaning that the body does not make them and has to consume these amino acids from animal- or plant-food sources. 

12 Arbonne Fit: Vegan Protein
Most vegetable proteins are incomplete proteins and only offer a few essential amino acids, while animal proteins offer all essential amino acids and are considered complete proteins. Arbonne Essentials Protein offers a 100% amino acid score, supplying all essential amino acids from vegetable sources, satisfying nutritional needs for omnivores, vegetarians and vegans alike. The Arbonne Essentials Protein blend provides 20 grams of protein from three different sources: pea, cranberry and rice proteins.  ArbonneEssentials Protein is soy-, lactose- (whey), and gluten-free. 

13 How Much Protein Is Enough?
  An average, a healthy adult needs 1 gram of protein per 2.2 lbs of body weight per day (roughly half your body weight).  For example, a 150 lb adult would need 70 grams per day divided between meals for basic nutrition.   Each serving of Arbonne Essentials Protein is 20 grams of protein (2 scoops), nearly one meal’s worth. You can use the Arbonne Essentials Protein to lose, gain, or maintain weight.   

14 Arbonne Fit: Weight Loss
Arbonne's 30 Days to Fit program, is designed primarily for weight loss by implementing nutritious meal replacements with Protein Shakes for 2 out of 3 meals each day for 30 days.  One bag of Arbonne Essentials Protein contains 30 servings. Two bags will last 30 days at 2 shakes a day for meal replacements. Add Arbonne Fit Essentials Fiber Boost to increase your daily fiber intake and assist your liver in detoxing as your body reduces. 

15 Exercise and Muscle Lack of exercise is tied to worldwide killers such as heart disease, diabetes and breast and colon cancer. If just a quarter of inactive adults got enough exercise, more than 1.3 million deaths could be prevented worldwide annually, researchers said. Half an hour of brisk walking five times a week would do the trick. Protein consumed within an hour after working out will provide amino acids for the building and repair of muscle tissue.  Tara Johnson, Physical Trainer

16 Healthy Shakes for Children
Children can also benefit from Arbonne Essentials Protein, particularly when included in smoothies made with whole foods like: For a 30 lb child, the recommended serving would be approximately 5 grams or a half scoop of Protein Powder. spinach kale berries avocado banana

Arbonne’s Protein Powders are naturally sweetened with cane sugar and stevia, a natural herb with no side effects. However, many comparable products on the market save calories in their protein shakes by using artificial sweeteners, a popular solution for anyone counting calories to lose or maintain weight.  But ironically, mounting evidence shows that artificial sweeteners, besides having many serious side effects: may actually contribute to weight gain increasing food cravings instruct your body to store fat3

According to Dr. Mark Hyman, “…Artificial sweeteners disrupt the normal hormonal and neurological signals that control hunger and satiety (feeling full).  Alarmingly, Dr. Hyman references a study that found: “rats offered the choice of cocaine or artificial sweeteners always picked the artificial sweetener, even if the rats were previously programmed to be cocaine addicts.”

19 Replace Expensive Energy Drinks and Soda
Arbonne’s Energy Fizz Sticks are free of artificial sweeteners, offering an alternative to energy drinks and diet sodas.  Arbonne Energy Fizz Sticks make the body alkaline (opposite of acidic) reducing your risk of heart disease, arthritis, cancer, diabetes and other disease and they are rich in brain and heart boosting Vitamin Bs. Additionally, Arbonne Energy Fizz Sticks provide antioxidants and B vitamins for a healthful pick-me-up.  Popular energy drinks cost between $1.99-$6.99 per serving, while Energy Fizz Sticks can cost as little as $1.04.

20 The 8 Steps to Health A number of factors contribute to the deterioration of the body-nutritional deficiencies are right at the top of the list…the food we eat is responsible for taking us up or taking us down. It is truly that simple. Somer’s 8 steps to wellness begins: Imbalances of hormones accelerate aging; Toxins and poor quality food accelerate the aging process at a cellular level.

21 Balancing Estrogens & Progesterone
Indicators of Hormone Imbalance: Irritability, Fatigue, PMS, Hair Loss, Depression, Disturbed Sleep, Mood Swings, Endometriosis, Infertility, Night Sweats, Weight Gain, Dry Skin, Low libido, Fibromyalgia, Unexplained Weight Gain, Heart disease, Osteoporosis, Fluid Retention, Irregular Periods, Migraines, Vaginal Dryness, Hot Flashes, Thyroid Dysfunction, Anxiety, Heavy or Painful Periods, Prostrate Problems….

22 Hormone Imbalance How do hormones become imbalanced?
Stress: Go, go, go – body perceives crisis and no ovulation – no progesterone. RX’s: Birth control pills, HRT, cause imbalance Diet: Animals are fed estrogen – growth hormone – can pass to consumer. Sugar & refined starches act as false estrogens. Environment: Pesticides, herbicides, household cleaners, petroleum based personal care products contribute to hormone imbalance. Dr. Liberman write of Dr. Hertoghe’s emphasizing balance of no less than the top 15 hormones, if we want to achieve optimal health. Taking a look at the different patterns of your signs and symptoms and then measuring the suspected hormone levels in your blood, urine and salvia. More Evidence Links Diabetes To Alzheimer's Risk WASHINGTON — You've heard that diabetes hurts your heart, your eyes, your kidneys. New research indicates a more ominous link: That diabetes increases the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease and may speed dementia once it strikes. Doctors long suspected diabetes damaged blood vessels that supply the brain. It now seems even more insidious, that the damage may start before someone is diagnosed with full-blown diabetes, back when the body is gradually losing its ability to regulate blood sugar. In fact, the lines are blurring between what specialists call "vascular dementia" and scarier classic Alzheimer's disease. Whatever it's labeled, there's reason enough to safeguard your brain by fighting diabetes and heart-related risks. "Right now we can't do much about the Alzheimer's disease pathology," those sticky plaques that clog patients' brains, says Dr. Yaakov Stern, an Alzheimer's specialist at Columbia University Medical Center. But, "if you could control these vascular conditions, you might slow the course of the disease." The link has staggering societal implications: More than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer's, and cases already are projected to skyrocket in the next two decades as the population ages. The question is how much the simultaneous obesity-fueled epidemic of Type 2 diabetes may worsen that toll. There are about 18 million Type 2 diabetics who are considered to have at least two to three times a non-diabetic's risk of developing Alzheimer's. Still, Type 2 diabetes often leads to heart disease and other conditions that kill before Alzheimer's typically strikes, in the 70s. Don't panic if you're diabetic, stresses Dr. Ralph Nixon of New York University, vice chairman of the Alzheimer's Association's scientific advisory council. Genetics still are the prime risk factor for dementia. "It by no means means that you're going to develop Alzheimer's disease, and certainly many people with Alzheimer's don't have diabetes," he cautions. Story continues below But the latest research strengthens the link, and has scientists asking if diabetes and its related "metabolic syndrome" increase risk solely by spurring brain changes that underlie Alzheimer's _ or if they add an extra layer of injury to an already struggling brain, what Nixon calls "essentially a two-hit situation." Among the findings: _Brain functioning subtly slows as Type 2 diabetics' blood-sugar rises, well before people have any obvious memory problems. In a major national study, doctors gave a battery of cognitive tests to nearly 3,000 diabetics. Every 1 percentage point increase in their A1C score _ an average of glucose control over a few months _ meant small but meaningful drops in memory, the ability to multitask, and other cognitive tasks, Wake Forest University scientists wrote last month in the journal Diabetes Care. The government-funded study is testing whether better treatment to lower those A1C scores in turn improves brain function. _At Columbia, Stern is co-directing a powerful study: Hundreds of aging New York City residents agreed to regular testing while they were still healthy, allowing scientists to catch the earliest signs of dementia. Stern tracked yearly changes in 156 who developed Alzheimer's, and found that those who had a history of diabetes and high cholesterol worsened faster, he reports this month in a special issue of Archives of Neurology dedicated to the link. _Type 2 diabetes occurs as a result of insulin resistance, as the body gradually loses sensitivity to this hormone that's essential for turning blood sugar into energy. A similar effect in the brain helps explain the dementia link, Dr. Suzanne Craft of the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System concludes in a research review also published in that journal. Insulin influences memory in a variety of ways, and an insulin-resistant body in turn affects brain cells' insulin-related activity. Other factors _ such as brain inflammation and cell-damaging oxidative stress _ may play a role, too. But clearly more affected is a silent dysfunction of glucose control, not something that suddenly begins after diabetes is diagnosed. "You want to think of it more as a continuum than just whether or not you have diabetes," Stern says. While scientists sort out exactly what's going on, the research does point to some common-sense protections: If you have diabetes, closely follow your doctor's advice for controlling it. Try to lower high cholesterol and blood pressure that can harm the brain's blood supply and exacerbate memory problems. And if you're still healthy, Nixon advises "hedging your bets against Alzheimer's" with the same steps that help prevent both diabetes and heart disease _ a good diet and plenty of exercise. ___ EDITOR's NOTE _ Lauran Neergaard covers health and medical issues for The Associated Press in Washington. X


24 Arbonne Fit: Detoxing Vital to the anti-aging regimen is cleansing the body from heavy metals and other cellular waste, while fiber cleanses the gut. Arbonne personal products don’t add toxins. Products are formulated without: animal products or animal by-products, parabens, formaldehyde-donating preservatives And the following petroleum-based ingredients: benzene mineral oil petrolatum phthalates toluene PABA

25 Weight Loss and Toxicity
If you have a difficult time ridding yourself of toxins you may have a difficult time losing weight. Excess body fat is synonymous with liver disorders. Research from the University of Occupational and Environmental Health in Kitakyshu, Japan, indicated that obesity is more closely related to liver dysfunction than to any other abnormality. A 15 week study by Laval University in Quebec discovered that environmental pollutants increased in the blood by as much as 23% during weight loss.

26 Fiber for Detoxing Daily fiber in your diet not only improves bowel motion and re-establishes normal bowel function and strengthens adrenal function. As the body’s responses become more efficient, your liver often begins to detoxify more rapidly. This means that more toxic constituents are contained in the bile that is secreted by your liver and emptied into your intestinal tract for elimination. Fiber prevents bile from becoming toxic in your large intestine by binding with it and moving it along the digestive tract. In this way, fiber helps eliminate fat-soluable toxins from your body. Without sufficient fiber present, these poisons may be released from the bile and reabsorbed through your intestines. James L. Wilson, N.D., D.C., Ph.D., Adrenal Fatigue, Smart Publications, Petaluma, CA, 2007, p. 203.

27 LIVE-R is the Largest Internal Detoxifying Organ
The LIVER filters out toxins and chemically converts them so they may be eliminated safely. If your LIVER takes in more toxins than it can eliminate, it malfunctions causing a variety of symptoms.

28 External Signs of Sluggish Liver
Coated tongue Bad breath Flushed facial appearance Excessive facial blood vessels Acne Psoriasis Eczema Oily skin Rosacea Yellow conjunctiva (eyes) Red swollen itchy eyes Dark circles under the eyes Brownish spots and blemishes (liver spots) Rashes and itchy skin Inability to lose weight

29 Digestive Problems are Signs of a Overburdened Liver
Gall stones and gall bladder disease Intolerance to fatty foods Intolerance to alcohol Indigestion Reflux Nausea Abdominal bloating Constipation Irritable bowel syndrome Hemorrhoids

30 Emotional and Neurological Signs of Toxicity
Depression Mood changes, anger and irritability Poor concentration and "foggy brain“ Recurrent headaches with nausea

31 Toxicity, Immune Dysfunction
Allergies Sinus Hay fever Asthma Dermatitis Hives Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue Chemical and food sensitivities Auto-immune diseases Recurrent infections

32 Arbonne Fit: Skincare Regimens
Internally hormone balance, de-toxing and de-stressing products work with protein and fiber support, nutritional supplements to counter the effects of accelerated aging feed the body internally via nutritionally rich supplements and protein powders. Externally antioxidant and mineral support is then applied onto the skin for deep absorption via nanotechnology in the RE9 system for restoring aged skin; and via fresh cell technology in the FC5 system for pausing the aging process in more youthful skin. Both technologies deliver antioxidant and mineral support directly to the skin penetrating deeply enough to reach into the whole body.

33 Inflammation-Aging Connection Theory
A growing number of researchers are reporting that the inflammation-aging connection is the single greatest cause of aging and age-related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, certain forms of cancer, diminished mental and physical energy, the loss of muscle mass and wrinkled, sagging skin. The presence of inflammation produced by lifestyle factors, like eating a pro-inflammatory diet (i.e., high glycemic carbohydrates); stress; weakened immune system and hormonal changes along with environmental stressors, like excess exposure to ultraviolet light (UVA & UVB) can result in accelerated aging. A steady regimen of anti-oxidants both on the body and inside the body, coupled with lifestyle changes that include an antioxidant rich diet and moderate exercise is an excellent way to do our part to prevent and protect ourselves from accelerated aging. Arbonne incorporates antioxidents in their topical and internal product formulas from nutritional supplements, RE9 REsist, Heart Formula, Hybrids, and skincare, RE9 Nutrimin C, to cosmetic colors.

34 What are Free Radicals? Free radicals are cellular renegades; they wreak havoc by damaging DNA, altering biochemical compounds, corroding cell membranes and killing cells outright. Such molecular mayhem, scientists increasingly believe, plays a major role in the development of ailments like cancer, heart or lung disease and cataracts. Many researchers are convinced that the cumulative effects of free radicals also underlie the gradual deterioration that is the hallmark of aging in all individuals, healthy as well as sick.— TIME, April 6, 1992

35 What are Antioxidants? “A family of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients – compounds produced by the body that occur naturally in many foods. Antioxidants work together in the body to maintain our health and vigor well into the late decades of life. They do this by protecting us from damage caused by free radicals…Scientists now believe that free radicals are causal factors in nearly every known disease…In fact, free radicals are a major culprit in the aging process itself…By controlling free radicals, antioxidants can make the difference between life and death, as well as influence how fast and how well we age…There is overwhelming scientific evidence demonstrating that those who eat a diet rich in antioxidants and take antioxidant supplements will live longer, healthier lives…” p. 8.

36 “Antioxidant Network”
Lone antioxidants are not enough to do the job. There is a dynamic interplay between five key antioxidants work to strengthen us and protect us from disease: Vitamins C & E, glutathione, lipoic acid and Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Vitamins C & E are not made in the body and must be supplemented. Glutathione, lipoic acid and CoQ10 are made in the body, but decline as we age. All must be supplemented. Arbonne’s Collagen Support contains vitamins A, C, E. Bilberry fruit extract, quercetin, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, vitamins A, C, D and E. Healthy Mitochondria for Healthy Life The New Straits Times THE human body is made up of trillions of cells. How you feel and function depends on how all these cells feel and function. To stay healthy, each cell must produce its own energy. Cells cannot borrow energy from each other. This energy is created by microscopic structures called mitochondria. "Mitochondria are the power plants of our cells," says Simon Melov, director of the genomics core at the Buck Institute for Age Research in Novato, California. "They convert food into energy in the form of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), which the body uses to live." For this to happen, cells require a vitamin - like substance called Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Most cells contain between 500 and 2,000 mitochondria which account for as much as 60 per cent of the volume of muscle cells and 45 per cent of the volume of heart cells. Mitochondria are unusual because they have their own genes and their own DNA. (All other DNA is found inside the cell's nucleus.) Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is more likely to get damaged in the course of everyday living. This damage has been implicated as a major contributor to the ageing process. Some researchers believe that damage to the mitochondria may be the ultimate cause of aging. "Mitochondria have been called the Achilles' heel of the cell in ageing," says lifespan researcher Tory Hagen of the Linus Pauling Institute in Corvallis, Oregon. Damaged mitochondria can also lead to disease. In fact, more than 200 inherited diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke, have been associated with impaired mitochondrial function. Every time mitochondria make energy, they produce harmful free radicals which, if not neutralised, can cause damage to the mitochondria. The mitochondria membranes are the key to energy production. If the membranes are damaged, less energy is produced and toxins build up. To prevent free radical damage, cells recruit a set of antioxidants like a combination of Alpha Lipoic Acid, Acetyl L- Carnitine and CoQ10. "It's possible that weakened mitochondria leave people more susceptible to Parkinson's Disease or accelerates the progression of Alzheimer's," says Mark Mattson, chief of the cellular and molecular neurosciences section of the National Institute on Aging. 1. CoQ10 is a vital ingredient in energy production. As we grow older, our body produces less CoQ10 and that's when our energy- producing system starts to slow down. Our brains are no longer sharp, our hearts do not beat as efficiently and we tire easily. Low levels of CoQ10 affect every aspect of life. It also affects health, which brings on diseases and speed up ageing. It is not surprising that scientists have regarded the body's energy- producing system as the most basic system. It is also the master energy system that runs all our body's functions - circulatory system, immune system, endocrine system and everything else that keeps us alive. Yet this most important system has largely been ignored, and the result has wrought havoc on the lives of almost everyone that has past the age of 30. What causes deficiency? CoQ10 is produced by the body in a 17-step process that requires at least eight vitamins, trace minerals and the amino acid tyrosine. A lack of one can hinder the production of CoQ10. Also, after age 20, CoQ10 level starts to decline and the accelerated drop is seen after 40. 2. Acetyl-L-Carnitine or Alcar is a natural constituent of the inner mitochondrial membrane, especially in heart, brain, and muscle. Since the levels decline with age, supplementation of Alcar is vital as it also helps restore mitochondrial function. Alcar also helps burn fatty acids (fats) for energy and is involved in the transportation of long chain fatty acids into the mitochondria for conversion of energy. Heart function is affected because the heart becomes starved of its major fuel source, fats. 3. Alpha Lipoic Acid is a potent antioxidant. Studies found that using LA will dramatically lower oxidative stress, decreasing damage to the mitochondria. The combination of LA and Alcar can help improve memory and cognitive (thinking) performance in older adults. Again it involves the mitochondria. There is evidence that the mitochondria in the brain are very important in memory and cognitive functions. This article is courtesy of Stay-well to ve-well by Pahang Pharmacy Sdn Bhd. For more information, please call: Stay-well to Live-well TOLL-FREE LINE: (Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm) or to: Antioxidants protect against all types of cancer and all of the chronic degenerative diseases that plague Western cultures, such as heart disease, arthritis and diabetes. Your first source of antioxidants should be fresh fruits and vegetables. A good multivitamin can give you added protection. The most important antioxidants are vitamin C (take 1,000 mg daily), vitamin E (400 IU daily), and vitamin A (take 5,000 to 10,000 IU daily). Other types of antioxidants can be found in the bioflavonoids found in fruit, especially berries, and supplements made from grape seed extract, quercetin, and green tea extracts. Again, these types of supplements, as powerful as they can be, are no substitute for eating fresh fruits and vegetables. The trace minerals zinc (10 to 15 mg daily) and selenium (200 micrograms) daily, are also powerful antioxidants, and are essential to the health of the colon. Studies have repeatedly linked selenium deficiencies to colon cancer. One study showed a 40 percent reduction in new colon cancer cases in populations who took selenium supplements. Onions and garlic are a great source of selenium. Calcium is another mineral that has been repeatedly shown to have a beneficial effect on the colon. It is thought to help prevent colon cancer by binding with bile salts and fatty acids that can damage the colonic epithelium and enhance cell proliferation. I’m not a big fan of mega-doses of calcium, but 300 mg daily combined with at least 150 mg of magnesium should confer protection for colon cancer. Milk, while it is a good source of calcium, should be avoided by adults since it often causes a chronic inflammation of the gut that potentially increases the risk of cancer. For details, please read my book, Optimal Health Guidelines. Vitamin D is essential to good colon health, and sunshine is the best place to get your daily dose. Vitamin D is so essential to preventing colon cancer, that the risk of getting it is doubled in those who have the lowest levels. People who can’t get outside much or who live in northern latitudes can take up to 2,000 mg daily, although if you take that much get a vitamin D test after a few months. Folate (folic acid) is a B vitamin that is well known for preventing birth defects, and I recommend it for preventing and treating cervical dysplasia. The Harvard Nurses’ Study showed that women who supplemented with folate long-term have a significantly reduced risk of colon cancer. A good multivitamin will contain 400 mcg (micrograms) of folic acid. Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria found in the colon. There are at least 400 species of these “good” bacteria, and hundreds of billions of them live in your large intestine. They keep “bad” bacteria in check, and help process waste as it moves through the large intestine. A lack of probiotics, usually caused by taking antibiotics that indiscriminately kill off good and bad bacteria, can lead to inflammation in the bowels, gas, constipation, and generally poor digestion. If you take an antibiotic, follow it up with a week of eating yogurt or kefir daily, which contain live cultures of the probiotics (it should say on the container that it contains live cultures), or you can take a probiotic supplement, easily found at your local health food store. It is difficult to imagine a more cost-effective way of reducing the risk of colon cancer (and degenerative diseases in general) than to return to a high fiber diet and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. I can think of no better example of the axiom that prevention is far better than treatment. Garland C, Barrett Connor E, Rossoff A et al, “Dietary vitamin D and calcium and risk of colorectal cancer: 19-year prospective study in men,” Lancet, Feb 9,1985. v.1 (8424) p Here's where to get an FOBT test, the EZ Detect™ Test.

37 Wrinkles as Wounds? …Injury to the skin requires adequate body levels of specific vitamins, minerals, and protein. Vitamin B5 and C, copper, zinc, magnesium, and manganese are the principle nutrients needed to repair any type of tissue damage, from serious wounds to unwanted wrinkles. Also Omega 3 studies show essential fatty acids assist in wound healing, make one less susceptible to infections, face and body hydrate better. Lack of essential fatty acids can cause sterility in men, miscarriages, arthritis like problems, and some heart and circulatory problems. The Perricone Prescription p. 61, 154.

38 Skincare & Vitamin C RE9 is a combination of creams and serums, contains a stable form of Vitamin C, is readily absorbed by the skin and promotes production of collagen and elastin. “Recent studies suggest that Vitamin C applied externally to the skin may do what was once considered impossible: stimulate the growth of new collagen.” Topically applied Vitamin C improves blood supply to the skin, giving the skin a more youthful glow…serums are stronger than the creams and are therefore more effective…for added antioxidant boost…the best protection is a combination of creams and serums applied externally and or tablets taken orally.” The Antioxidant Miracle p

39 FC5 Arbonne has encapsulated fruit cells full of active antioxidant and supportive mineral, flavinoid and carotenoid properties - never exposed to the air - or oxidation - until released upon the skin by you. Fruits can withstand hours in the sun because of their cell’s phytonutrients. These same phytonutients respond perfectly to the skins needs and are biocompatible: the skin recognizes these rich and natural fruit nutrients and absorbs them into the skin, your circulatory systems and throughout your body.

40 Problem Skin Despite Medicine’s denial, a high gylcemic (sugars), bad fats (Omega 6 not enough Omega 3s) diet is casual to poor skin also hormones imbalance and toxicity play a large role in acne, according to Dr Cordain. Accutane and birth control have harmful side effects. However, the side effects of an anti-acne diet reduces your risk for heart disease, high blood cholesterol, hypertension, type-2 diabetes, cancer – autoimmune disorders that afflict almost 70% of all adults. Also an alkaline diet will allow calcium to be better absorbed. Using Clear Advantage along with the detoxing line, fiber and nutritional supplements is recommended.

41 Clear Advantage Beautiful Skin
1% Salicylic acid for topical use and in the supplement penetrates the skin so the benefits work above and below the skin’s surface, allowing treatment deep down. Other ingredients include: Alfalfa, dandelion leaf, licorice root, peppermint, orange peel, mallow flower, wild pansy, hops extract, vitamins A, C and E Special Acne Spot Treatment with 2% salicylic acid. A unique dietary supplement for troubled skin with rich sources of zinc, unique botanical extracts and antioxidant vitamins C and E, helps to maintain healthier skin and immune function. Zinc, vitamins C and E, gugglesterone, saccharomyces boulardii, reservatrol, Coenzyme Q10, grape skin extract, rosemary extract

42 Baby Skin Sensitive skin — at five months or 55 years — requires special skin care. Pampering delicate baby and extra-sensitive adult skin is as elementary as ABC: Arbonne Baby Care. Includes six products: Arbonne Baby Care Hair & Body Wash; Body Lotion; Body Oil; Herbal Diaper Rash Cream, Sunscreen SPF 30+ plus an Arbonne Intelligence™ Rejuvenating Cream for mom … a $46.75 value!

43 Arbonne Fit From the Inside Out

44 Anna Joy

45 Brenda McCall

46 Brenda’s Testimony

47 Bioidentical Hormone Handbook
$16.95 Bulk Rates Consultant’s Only Section – (password: getfit)

48 Suggested RSVP $700 for $350 RE9 Advanced set $323.00
Protein Shake Mix (vanilla) Protein Shake Mix (chocolate) Energy Fizz Sticks (citrus) Energy Fizz Sticks (pomegranate) 7 Day Body Cleanse Daily Fiber Boost Purifying Sea Soak SeaSource Detoxifying Rescue Wash Pure Mint Deodorant Retail Total $700.00 Your price during your start month or following month $ (+tax & s/h) Become a Preferred Client for $20 and receive 20% off all catalog prices for the next year. (Only $15 to renew for the following year) Place a $150 retail order in your start month and qualify for a FREE product of your choice, up to $100.

49 Presentation Preparation
Give everyone a catalog and make reference to the catalog page numbers when talking about each product group. Two Games: "What Do You Use Game" at the beginning of the presentation.  Give everyone 2 minutes to write down as personal care products they can think of used daily on and in their body. The person with the most products listed gets a free Arbonne product.  This game is great to get people thinking about how they can "Arbonnize" their home. Have the “Arbonnize” list to hand out. It can be printed from the Arbonne website.  The "Name" Game runs through the presentation. Have every person write down all the people they can think of who they wish could hear the presentation as you present. Again, the person with the most gets a free Arbonne product.  The Name Game greatly encourages people to book a presentation at their home, or to invite people to come to your weekly presentation.

50 Monthly Income Potential
DM $500 - $1,500 AM $1,500 - $4,000 (3-6 months) RVP $4,000 - $12,000 (12-15 months) NVP $12,000 and up (18-24 months) To receive monthly checks keep $100 in personal * These estimates are based on 6 to 10 classes per month. Estimated Average Override Income does not include personal sales. Arbonne guarantees no income. Income is dependent upon individual consultant effort.

51 Discover The Arbonne Concept
There are many cover and concealment “cosmetic” skincare lines in the marketplace today, but only Arbonne’s 7 distinct product groups work together to promote optimum function at the cellular level - both internally and externally – to ultimately result in healthy and beautiful skin. Hormones are cellular messengers and they must be balanced. Bioidentical progesterone cream is a key to regaining balance lost through stresses and toxins. Detoxing products include tea, fiber shakes, colon cleanse, and now the addition of the Seasource Products. Weight Management products from fiber to easy to assimilate protein powders rich in nutrients, Arbonne knows that weight management is key to any beauty and health regimen. Nutritional Supplements work in concert with the weight management line and supports the detox line. Getting the right nutritional support today can be challenging.

52 Discover The Arbonne Concept
Arbonne includes vital digestive enzymes, brain boosting B vitamins, antioxidants, Omega 3 essential fatty acids and mineral support and more. Skincare: Skin is the largest detoxifying organ of the body and Arbonne’s skincare is free of mineral oils allowing the antioxidant support and essential oils to penetrate the skin and be carried throughout the body. RE9 and FC5 are the daily skin regimens and Clear Advantage for problem skin; Before Sun: Arbonne’s anti-aging sun care system is the first line of defense against environmental stressors like the sun. Sun is an important additive to health and 20 minutes of sun can produce 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D, but too much sun can be aging and skin damaging. Aromatherapy formulas are rich in essential oils derived from plants in scrubs, sprays, candles, to assist in soothing and de-stressing. Colors: Arbonne’s classic cosmetic colors are fortified with antioxidant support and are perfect for the finishing touches to a radiant canvas, your face, made beautiful by Arbonne’s comprehensive view to healthy skin, from the inside out.

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