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Scoliosis By: Doug Rust SBI3U ISU Mr. Watts 2007.

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1 Scoliosis By: Doug Rust SBI3U ISU Mr. Watts 2007

2 A bit about the Spine… Two main functions of spine 1. spinal cord is critical carrier of messages containing functions for the body 2. spinal column holds the body erect Consists of 33 separate bones called vertebrae which comes from the Latin word “to turn” A normal spine has 4 separate curves, top is Cervical Vertebrae, chest curves are Thoracic and Lumbar, bottom is Sacrum and Coccyx

3 More about the Spine Spine is surrounded by a complex of ligaments and muscle making it possible for body to bend and straighten Within vertebral column are rubbery cylinders of cartilage call disks Cartilage disks absorb shocks which relieve body from pressure movements

4 What is Scoliosis? Scoliosis is defined as an abnormal curvature of the spine, often being progressive which can result in severe deformity and other related medical problems

5 History Physicians have been trying to treat this deformity for centuries Idiopathic scoliosis means the origin of the disorder is unknown 85% of the scoliosis is classified as Idiopathic Because the disorder is usually genetic, it is difficult to trace the origin of the disorder

6 Causes of Scoliosis Many other diseases or problems can lead to scoliosis Considered to be a genetic problem in most cases Imbalance of muscle around vertebrae High arches in the feet which cause an imbalance Defects in co-ordination during growth may cause asymmetrical growth Lack of melatonin in blood that may affect muscle tone and development during sleep 2 physical causes are : 1. unequal leg length 2. muscle spasms

7 Other Factors Leading to Scoliosis
Tumors, growths or other small abnormalities on spinal column Muscle paralysis and deterioration from muscular diseases (eg. Cerebral palsy or polio) Injury to spinal cord Stress factors and hormonal abnormalities that affect bone growth in young athletes

8 Birth Defects Causing Scoliosis
Spina Bifida (an open spinal cord) Spina Bifida Cystica (a hernia of the central nervous system) Turner’s Syndrome Other diseases such as : Marfan’s syndrome, freiedreich ataxia, albers-schonberg disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cushing’s syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta

9 Effects Effects the back bones, musculoskeletal system and spine
May be chronic and progressive Mild scoliosis will cause few problems and require no treatment Rotation of vertebrae will caused misalignment of the ribs Lung problems can develop of many years Scoliosis usually painless 

10 Symptoms Tilted head that does not line up over hips
Shoulder blade sticks out One hip/shoulder is higher than the other Un-even neck line Person leans more to one side In girls, breasts appear to be unequal size When child bends, one side of back is higher than the other *In some cases, there are NO visible symptoms 

11 Diagnosis Visual examination is usually enough to recognize condition
X-Rays of spine will determine extent of curve Some schools have screening programs to detect disorder

12 This x-ray shows a slight curve which is called dextroscoli-osis
This x-ray shows a slight curve which is called dextroscoli-osis. It is a curve on the right side in the Thoracic region of the spine.

13 This x-ray shows the uneven shoulders that result in some cases of scoliosis

14 Treatment For some cases of scoliosis where the curvature is severe it will require close observation Exercises have no affect on scoliosis Small curves do not require special treatment

15 Treatment with a Brace If the curve is becoming more clear and larger, the curve will be treated with a brace

16 Treatment by Surgery If the curve is too severe, they will treat it with surgery by a specialist During the surgery, a rod will be inserted along the spine after aligning the spine as much as possible The rod with prevent any further curvature Surgery Video

17 Future Outlook Researches are looking for a main cause
Studies are taking place in genetics, growth and structural biochemical alterations in discs and muscles and central nervous system changes Changes in discs seem to be the result and not cause of scoliosis Hope that studying central nervous system will lead to cause Recent research has said the first gene associated with scoliosis has been found

18 Research Researchers are currently researching how variety of braces, surgical procedures and instruments can be used to straighten the spine or prevent further curvature They are currently studying the long-term effects of scoliosis fusion and untreated scoliosis

19 Facts About Scoliosis Affects about 2% of the population
Usually runs in families, 20% more chance of having scoliosis if a family member has it Majority of scoliosis starts in children It develops before puberty, mostly in girls In adults, it is usually caused by having it as a child and not treating it In the elderly, scoliosis is usually caused by Osteoporosis (bone softening)

20 References Finley, Thomas K. (2002). Scoliosis. In Magill’s Medical Guide (Vol.3, pp – 2022). New Jersey : Solem Press Inc. (1996) Scoliosis. Mayo Clinic Family Health Book. New York : William Morrow and Company, Inc. (Vol. 2, pp 906 – 907). University of Maryland Medical Centre. (2002) What are the symptoms of scoliosis? Retrieved April 9, 2007 on the World Wide Web : University of Maryland Medical Centre. (2002). What causes scoliosis? Retrieved April 9,2007 on the World Wide Web : American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. (2000). Scoliosis. Retrieved April 9, 2007 on the World Wide Web : Video from Real X-rays courtesy of my Mom’s friendly chiropractor.

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