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Learning Review Flashcards for Terms on the Test.

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1 Learning Review Flashcards for Terms on the Test

2 Definition The type of learning that occurs when a person observes and imitates others is called…

3 Answer Observational Learning

4 Definition A response that is natural, automatic, or not learned, is called a(n)…

5 Answer Unconditioned Response

6 Definition A(n) ___________ reinforcer increases the frequency of the behavior it follows when it is added to the environment.

7 Answer Positive Reinforcer

8 Definition The method of __________ involves exposing a person to a harmless stimulus until he or she is no longer afraid of it.

9 Answer Flooding

10 Definition On a ___________ schedule, reinforcements are provided only after a certain number of correct responses have been made.

11 Answer Fixed Ratio

12 Definition A type of stimulus that was formerly neutral and takes on new meaning by being associated with something else is called a(n)

13 Answer Conditioned Stimulus

14 Definition This kind of reinforcement occurs when a behavior is reinforced every time it occurs.

15 Answer Continuous Reinforcement

16 Definition ___________ is the method of teaching complex behaviors by breaking them down into manageable parts.

17 Answer Shaping

18 Definition A(n) ___________ reinforcer is learned and becomes effective by first being paired with such reinforcers as food and shelter.

19 Answer Primary Reinforcer

20 Definition Reinforcements are applied with a set amount of time between them on a________ schedule.

21 Answer Fixed Interval

22 Definition __________ is the learning that occurs while a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus and it is repeated over and over. The initial learning of new response.

23 Answer Acquisition

24 Definition Form of classical conditioning in which a food comes to be avoided

25 Answer Taste Aversion

26 Definition This type of stimulus elicits a response not normally associated with it after being paired with an unconditional stimulus.

27 Answer Conditioned Stimulus

28 Definition Form of learning by successive approximations. Used to teach animals tricks.

29 Answer Shaping

30 Definition Act of responding in the same way to stimuli that seem similar. For example, a dog salivates to a bell and to a buzzer with a similar tone.

31 Answer Generalization

32 Definition Elicits no response before conditioning

33 Answer Neutral Stimulus

34 Definition Method of overcoming fears by pairing a pleasing stimulus with a feared one.

35 Answer Counter conditioning

36 Definition A(n) ___________ reinforcer is desired because the animal learns to value it, like praise.

37 Answer Secondary Reinforcer

38 Definition Method of overcoming fear that involves relaxation and gradual exposure to the feared stimulus

39 Answer Systematic Desensitization

40 Definition Revival of an extinguished response when the unconditioned stimulus suddenly reappears.

41 Answer Spontaneous Recovery

42 Definition Form of learning based on the consequences of actions

43 Answer Operant Conditioning

44 Definition Act of responding differently to stimuli that are not similar. For example, a dog salivates to a bell but not a knock on the wooden door.

45 Answer Descrimination

46 Definition When a conditioned response stops occurring because the unconditioned stimulus is no longer presented

47 Answer Extinction

48 Definition Reinforcement that encourages a behavior by meeting an organism's basic biological needs like food, water, or sex drive.

49 Answer Primary Reinforcer

50 Definition A natural stimulus that causes an automatic response

51 Answer Unconditioned Stimulus

52 Definition This person studied cats and came up with the “Law of Effect” that states that animals will repeat behaviors that are rewarded.

53 Answer Thorndike

54 Definition This person conditioned Little Albert to be scared of white fury objects.

55 Answer John Watson

56 Definition This person is the father of operant conditioning and believed that all animals learn through reinforcement and punishment.

57 Answer B.F. Skinner

58 Definition This person’s experiment with rats showed that animals do think during classical conditioning because they need to predict the UCS is coming after the NS.

59 Answer Robert Rescorla

60 Definition This person studied taste aversion in rats using flavored water with a drug that would make the rats sick.

61 Answer John Garcia

62 Definition This person’s rat maze experiment where rats formed a cognitive map of the maze showed that animals learn without reinforcement demonstrating the concept of latent learning.

63 Answer E.C. Tolman

64 Definition This person studied how children learned through observation in his famous Bobo Doll Experiment

65 Answer Albert Bandura

66 Definition His experiment with dogs proved that animals can learn reflexive behaviors to unnatural stimuli.

67 Answer Ivan Pavlov

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