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Learning/Behaviorism Operant and Observational learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning/Behaviorism Operant and Observational learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning/Behaviorism Operant and Observational learning

2 Operant conditioning Association between a behavior and a consequence

3 E.L. Thorndike Puzzle box paradigm –Learning curve for escape Law of effect –Successful behaviors are likely to be repeated

4 B.F. Skinner Major pioneer of behaviorism –All responses can be scientifically measured Skinner box –Used to shape complex behaviors

5 Learning and association between a response and a consequence Consequence must follow a behavior Reinforcement - increases the likelihood of the response Punishment - decreases the likelihood of the response

6 Reinforcement Positive reinforcement + –Adds something desirable Negative reinforcement - –Takes away something unpleasant –NOT punishment!!

7 Reinforcement Primary reinforcers - innately satisfying Secondary (conditioned) reinforcers - associated with satisfaction

8 Punishment Positive punishment + –Adds something unpleasant Negative punishment - –Takes away something desirable

9 Punishment Not simply the opposite of reinforcement Creates several unwanted side effects –Suppresses all behaviors –Creates fear –Teaches/increases aggression & cruelty

10 Extinction In the absence of a consequence, behavior will diminish

11 Shaping Complex behaviors are created by reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior –Each response that comes closer to the desired behavior is rewarded –Discreet segments of the behavior eventually comprise the whole behavior

12 Reinforcement schedules Affect speed and retention of learning Continuous reinforcement Partial reinforcement –Fixed ratio –Variable ratio –Fixed interval –Variable interval

13 Generalization and discrimination Generalization –Organism makes the response beyond the reward-related context Discrimination –Organism learns the context in which the behavior will result in the consequence

14 Applications of operant conditioning Behavior modification –Applied behavioral therapy –Animal training –Teaching children good behaviors and basic skills –Increasing employee productivity

15 Classical and Operant conditioning Contrast –Classical conditioning creates an automatic response –Operant conditioning teaches an association between behavior and consequence Compare –Associative learning, involving: Acquisition Extinction Generalization Discrimination –Both influenced by biological and cognitive predispositions

16 Biological predispositions Learning is constrained by biology –Associations are learned when they are naturally adaptive –Training that override biological tendencies is short-lived Example: Performing pig

17 Biological predispositions Animals learn associations between biologically relevant stimuli very quickly –John Garcia - taste aversion & one-trial conditioning

18 Cognitive processes - Latent learning Depends on and demonstrates cognitive processes in operant conditioning Tolman’s hungry rats Memory processes store the learning –Not all learning is an immediate behavioral response to a stimulus or potential consequence

19 Cognitive processes - Motivation Affects behavioral performance Intrinsic motivation –Intrinsic rewards Extrinsic motivation –Extrinsic rewards

20 Motivation Rewards may undermine intrinsic motivation –Humans have a tendency to view external rewards as the motivation to perform a task –Intrinsic interest is diminished Rewards for good work do not diminish intrinsic motivation –Reward based on confidence and pride in hard work can support intrinsic motivation

21 Motivation Rewards undermine intrinsic motivation by turning a naturally rewarding situation into a “job” –People focus on external rewards –Obscures the value of intrinsic rewards

22 Observational learning Animals and humans learn through watching and imitating others Part of typical development

23 Observational learning Observational learning utilizes mirror neurons –Neurons in the frontal cortex –Respond to observation of activity and emotion

24 Albert Bandura Observational learning relies on watching another’s behavior and observing the outcome Bobo doll study

25 Positive observational learning Modeling/observation of prosocial behaviors increases the occurrence of those behaviors –Children who observe regular prosocial behaviors engage in those behaviors and exhibit prosocial attitudes –Adult behavior can also be influenced by prosocial behaviors

26 Negative observational learning Modeling/observation of negative behaviors can have antisocial effects –Children exposed to violence are more aggressive Immediate and delayed effects of exposure to violence Likelihood of abused children becoming abusers

27 Negative observational learning Television is a model of many negative behaviors –Correlation –Causation Effects of media violence on attitudes and behaviors –Imitation Media provides a script –Desensitization Overexposure diminishes the meaning of violence

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