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ProStart Year One Chapter Three Preventing Accidents and Injuries.

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Presentation on theme: "ProStart Year One Chapter Three Preventing Accidents and Injuries."— Presentation transcript:

1 ProStart Year One Chapter Three Preventing Accidents and Injuries

2 Why Safety?  Customers  Employees

3 Workers’ Compensation  State administered program designed to help employees who are injured in accidents at work or become sick due to job-related reasons.

4 OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration Federal Agency that creates and enforces safety related standards in the workplace. Employers are required by law to inform employees of the job safety and health protection provided.

5 Mandatory for Foods Services OSHA Poster 2203 or 3167

6 MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets Describe hazards of chemicals. Each product has its own MSDS. Most can be found on the internet.

7 For Example Clorox Bleach

8 Class of Fire Extinguisher  A: Ordinary combustibles  B: Flammable liquids  C: Electrical Equipment

9 PASS Pull Pin Aim at the base Squeeze the trigger Sweep from side to side

10 Evacuation  Mark each route with…  signs and lights  Provide emergency…  lighting  All exit doors should open…  outward  Exit steps and ramps should be kept…  clear and repaired

11 Preventing Burns  Protective clothing and equipment  Traffic patterns  Check equipment, repair  Pot handle location on the stove  Hot fat  Lifting Lids

12 Preventing Falls  Verbally Warn  Block Area  Clean Area  Leave sign until safe

13 Lifting and Carrying Safely  Wear good shoes  Wear good clothes  Check the weight of the load  Look for hand holds  Check the balance of the load  Ask for help is necessary  Use hand trucks  Use proper lifting techniques

14 Broken Glass  Wear gloves  Use a dust pan and brush  Dispose of properly

15 First Aid  Accidents can be prevented  CPR – restores breathing and heartbeat  Heimlich maneuver (abdominal thrust) removes food from airway if choking  Get proper training

16 Safety Audit Inspection of facilities, equipment, practices and management. In the form of a checklist.

17 Kitchen Shoes  Skid resistant soles  Low heels  Lace up tightly or no laces  Heat, water and grease resistant  Closed toe style

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