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Emergency Action And Fire Prevention

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1 Emergency Action And Fire Prevention
Slide Show Notes Welcome to the Emergency Action and Fire Prevention training session. Your role in an emergency is vital whether it is preventing a fire, reporting an incident, responding to the incident, or evacuating the area.

2 Session Objectives You will be able to:
Understand hazards that lead to an emergency Evacuate an area in an emergency Respond to an emergency Protect yourself from fire and other hazards Prevent fires Respond to fires and spills Slide Show Notes After this training session is completed, you will be able to: Understand hazards that lead to an emergency. Evacuate an area in an emergency. Respond to an emergency. Protect yourself from fire and other hazards. Prevent fires. Respond to fires and spills.

3 Are You Prepared? 200 people die and 5,000 are hurt annually in workplace fires and explosions. How would you react to a fire alarm? Do you know your role if there was a major chemical spill? What would you do in a natural disaster such as a violent storm? Slide Show Notes No one expects an emergency situation to happen; fortunately, they are not common occurrences. But even if there’s just a minute possibility of an emergency where you work, you need to be prepared. Knowing what to do in the event of an emergency could save your life—as well as the lives of your co-workers. According to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), workplace fires and explosions in U.S. workplaces kill 200 and injure more than 5,000 workers each year, at a cost of $2.3 billion annually. Major causes are electrical problems (39%), arson (21%), and smoking (14%). Do you know how to react to a fire alarm? Do you know your role in a chemical spill? What would you do if there was a tornado or other violent storm?

4 Regulatory Requirements
29 CFR to Evacuation and exit routes Alarm systems Protective measures Training Emergency action and fire prevention plans Slide Show Notes Emergency action plans and fire prevention plans are required by federal rules under the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, Sections to Our company is responsible for ensuring that you know what to do in an emergency and how to evacuate the workplace if disaster strikes, and comply with OSHA’s emergency preparedness and response rules concerning exit routes. We must provide appropriate alarm systems to inform you about emergencies. We must provide you with the means to protect yourselves from hazards. We must train you in appropriate emergency response procedures. We must comply with the requirements for employee emergency and fire prevention plans whenever a workplace activity or process covered by a specific OSHA standard requires such plans. OSHA requires certain employers to have written emergency action and fire prevention plans. These plans must contain information such as evacuation procedures, alarm systems, fire hazards and prevention, fire response procedures, fire protection equipment, and training information.

5 Fire Hazards Fuels Flammable and combustible liquids Ignition sources
Machine overheating Welding Smoking Slide Show Notes Now we will discuss the potential hazards that can lead to company-wide emergencies. We’ll start with fires, a leading workplace hazard and cause for emergencies. Fires need three things to start and to stay burning—fuel, oxygen, and an ignition source. If any one of these is missing, a fire will not exist. Examples of fuel sources are: Flammable and combustible liquids like gasoline and naphtha, and combustible solids like aluminum dust. Ignition sources include: Overheated machines. Even your computer could overheat and melt down if the cooling fan failed but the computer remained on. Electrical malfunctions usually go hand in hand with machines overheating; a motor burns up, fuses are overloaded, and wiring is frayed. Welding and torch cutting are obvious fire hazards. Poor smoking habits are another obvious fire hazard. Modify this slide to list fire hazards at your facility. Describe the types of flammable and combustible liquids used by your facility and indicate where each is stored. Describe the smoking policy of your facility.

6 Electrical Fire Hazards
Overloaded electrical systems Frayed or damaged wiring Defective machinery or power tools Slide Show Notes Have you ever overloaded an outlet with Christmas lights? You can also overload a circuit by putting too much electrical load on the wires. If you have to use extension cords, make sure they are rated for the load you plan to put on them. Have you ever blown a fuse when you turned on a hair dryer? You just came close to overloading the electrical circuit; however, instead of burning up a wire, the protective fuse popped. Have you ever put too much load on a motor and tried to make it do more than it is capable of doing? You are overloading the motor, which could cause it to overheat and create a hazardous situation. Do you look for damaged wiring before plugging in an appliance? A toaster or coffee machine could easily overheat if the electrical cord is damaged. Never use a power tool that has a damaged electrical cord. Describe the electrical fire hazards that are specific to your company. Describe your company’s electrical hazard prevention policies. Ask trainees what they do if they encounter a damaged power tool or frayed wiring.

7 Flammable Chemical Hazards
Don’t smoke around flammable chemicals Store properly Dispense properly Read MSDSs and labels Know the flash point Know the NFPA label system Respond properly to spills Slide Show Notes Another type of hazard and potential cause for an emergency is flammable chemicals. We have “No Smoking” signs near our flammable liquids and gases. Don’t smoke when these chemicals are in use. Flammable and combustible liquids and gases must not be stored near heat sources such as hot machinery. When dispensing flammable chemicals, follow proper procedures. Make sure the containers are properly grounded and bonded. The material safety data sheet (MSDS) contains information on proper storage, dispensing, flammable limits, reactivity hazards, and fire-fighting procedures. Labels may also provide information similar to that on the MSDS, but probably not as detailed. The flash point is the temperature at which a liquid chemical gives off enough vapors to ignite. A lower flash point indicates a more flammable substance. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) labels also help determine a chemical’s fire hazard. A 4 in the red portion of the label indicates a severe hazard, and 3 indicates a serious hazard. Don’t attempt to clean a chemical spill unless you’ve been properly trained. Notify your supervisor of a chemical spill immediately!

8 Chemical Discharge Hazards
Leaking container Strong odor Visible spill Dust cloud Slide Show Notes Some signs of a chemical spill that can lead to an emergency include: A leaking container with a hazardous substance A strong chemical odor A visible discharge of liquid A cloud of dust around a work area known to contain combustible solids Describe the types of chemicals used at your facility. Provide a map (if available) so employees can picture the locations of chemicals. Describe the color, odor, or viscosity of certain chemicals located in your facility so employees can recognize a leak. Emphasize the dangers of hazardous chemicals, where the chemicals are located, and how a leak is most easily detected.

9 Natural Disaster Hazards
Earthquake Flooding Tornado Hurricane Slide Show Notes The best way to manage a natural disaster is to have a plan in place that can be implemented when an event occurs. In an earthquake, seek protective cover (i.e., under a table or in a doorway). Once the earthquake has subsided, evacuate the building. Earthquakes may result in structural damage to the building, equipment, or chemical storage tanks. Shut off natural gas and electrical services. Do not reenter the building until the “all-clear” signal has been given by the evacuation coordinator. For flooding: Have flood shields or sandbags on hand. Board up windows. Raise machinery or stored goods off the ground or remove from a basement. Shut off gas and close valves to any tanks. In a tornado or hurricane: Board up windows. Bring in loose items from outside or secure them. Inspect roof coverings to make sure they are secure. Have radios, flashlights, and other emergency items available. Take shelter. Modify this slide to cover natural disasters specific to your location. Discuss natural disasters that may occur in your area and describe your company’s emergency procedures related to such an event.

10 Violence Hazards Civil disturbance Workplace violence Slide Show Notes
Other causes of emergencies in the workplace are violent acts, including: A civil disturbance, such as a riot or violent protest. Violence that results in bodily injury or trauma to an employee. About 1,000 people die each year as the result of violent acts in the workplace.

11 Identifying Hazards Any questions about specific hazards that can cause an emergency? Slide Show Notes Do you have any questions about specific hazards that can cause an emergency associated with our company? Conduct an exercise that helps trainees identify specific hazards in their workplace that can lead to an emergency.

12 Evacuation— Sound the Alarm
Remove yourself from danger Alert others, activate alarm system Backup alarm Automatic notification Slide Show Notes When a workplace emergency is discovered, your first action should be to remove yourself from imminent danger. Then, alert others to the danger. This can be done by [insert your procedure here, such as yelling, phoning, paging, or triggering an alarm]. The backup alarm system can be activated by [describe the activation procedure]. [Once the automatic fire suppression system is activated, it will automatically alert the fire department to deploy.] In case of fire, most companies’ fire suppression systems are connected to security agencies that notify the fire department if the system experiences a flow or a drop in pressure. This way the fire department will be on its way if, for example, a sprinkler head discharges. Modify this slide to describe the company’s alarm system and procedures for reporting an emergency. Discuss your company’s procedures for sounding the alarm and for activating the backup alarm system, if applicable.

13 Evacuation— Emergency Contacts
Fire department Police department Ambulance Medical clinic Hospital Slide Show Notes These are the phone numbers that should be readily available in all areas of the company: [Provide numbers either verbally or hand out a photocopy of important numbers.] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tell trainees where they can find emergency notification numbers and describe the procedures for notification.

14 Evacuate Evacuation coordinators Head count Medical
Shut down equipment Fire/chemical responders Slide Show Notes During an evacuation, every employee will have a specific role. Specific assignments include: Evacuation coordinators. Someone to ensure that all evacuated employees are accounted for. Evacuation does not mean that you can sit in your car and listen to the radio or go run some errands. Evacuation means going to the assembly area so the head-count person knows that you are safely out of the building. Medical treatment or first-aid coordinator. Someone to ensure that specific equipment is shut down. Some employees may stay behind to shut down critical operations. Fire and chemical incident responders. Describe the evacuation assignments for each trainee or group of trainees.

15 Evacuation Preparedness
Keep fire exits clear Participate in drills and provide feedback Become familiar with evacuation coordinators and head-count personnel Slide Show Notes Evacuations are successful when workers are prepared for them. It is extremely important to keep all fire exits clear. Drills will be conducted [specify interval]. It is important for you to provide feedback on drills. Did you hear the alarm? Were exits clear? Are there any other important details? Know who the evacuation coordinators are, and respond to personnel responsible for accounting for everyone after the evacuation. Provide an evacuation map and go over the assembly areas with employees. If possible, insert a slide here with the map scanned in or a picture showing the assembly area.

16 Evacuation Procedures
Recognize the evacuation signal and listen for instructions Shut down equipment using the emergency stop Go directly to the nearest safe exit Proceed to the assembly area Slide Show Notes Follow these steps during an evacuation: Recognize the evacuation signal and listen for instructions. Shut down equipment using the emergency stop. Go directly to the nearest safe exit. Proceed to the assembly area. Modify this slide to describe your company’s evacuation procedures.

17 Designated employees shut down non-essential operations
Emergency Shutdown Designated employees shut down non-essential operations Slide Show Notes Designated employees should shut down all nonessential operations during an emergency. Modify this slide to describe your company’s emergency shutdown procedures, if applicable.

18 Rescue and Medical Treatment
Leave rescue work to trained professionals Designated first-aid workers perform first aid Follow medical emergency procedures Slide Show Notes If a worker is trapped or badly injured, leave the rescue work to trained and certified first responders. If you or a co-worker is injured, provide medical help for which you are trained. Whenever possible, alert designated first-aid providers or medical personnel to your needs or the needs of co-workers. Follow the company’s written medical emergency procedures. Modify this slide to describe your company’s medical emergencies procedures.

19 Notification and Evacuation
Any questions? Slide Show Notes Any questions about evacuation procedures, emergency shutdown, or medical emergency procedures? Does everyone understand his or her role in an evacuation? Conduct an evacuation drill, if appropriate.

20 Fire Prevention Housekeeping
Keep your work area clean and organized Keep dusts away from motors and hot machinery Dispose of oily or solvent-soaked rags appropriately Don’t let combustible materials accumulate Keep exits clear Maintain access to fire response equipment Slide Show Notes Now we’ll discuss fire prevention and housekeeping. Housekeeping plays a critical role in fire prevention. Keeping your workplace clean and organized not only prevents the ignition and spread of a fire, it also helps keep exits clear and fire response equipment accessible. Keep all dusts under control, particularly around motors and hot machinery. Dispose of rags contaminated with oils or solvents in appropriate metal containers. Don’t allow combustible materials such as cardboard, paper, or wood to accumulate. Keep exits clear. Keep access to emergency response equipment clear. Describe your facility’s largest housekeeping concern related to potential fire hazards (e.g., combustible dusts, accumulation of cardboard boxes or wooden crates, or oily or solvent-soaked rags). Discuss housekeeping issues that are specific to your company.

21 Respond to Chemical Spills
Evacuate the area Notify a supervisor or the emergency response team Remove ignition sources (if safe to do so) Slide Show Notes If a chemical spill occurs, don’t attempt to clean it unless you’re part of an emergency response team. Immediately evacuate the area and help others get out. Notify a supervisor or the emergency response team. Remove ignition sources only if it is safe to do so. Discuss your company’s specific emergency response plan and the procedures to spot a spill, report a spill, and evacuate. Describe the process for spotting a spill or leak, how to report it, and how to evacuate the area. Discuss what types of spills or leaks might occur at your company.

22 Respond to Fires Remove yourself from danger
Notify others; trigger the alarm Retrieve a fire extinguisher Call for additional help If fighting a fire, continually evaluate for the necessity of evacuation Don’t fight structural fires yourself Slide Show Notes When a fire is discovered, your first action should be to remove yourself from immediate danger. Then, alert others to the danger. This can be done by [insert your procedure here, such as yelling, phoning, paging, or triggering an alarm]. Find a fire extinguisher or fire hose. Even if you are not trained to use the extinguisher or are not comfortable using the extinguisher, go get one. Bring it back to the scene so someone else or your supervisor can use the equipment. If necessary, call for additional help. When fighting a fire, the supervisor or incident commander will continually evaluate the situation to make sure it is still safe to fight the fire. Don’t fight a large fire or a structural fire unless trained to do so as a member of a fire brigade that meets OSHA requirements. Fight “incipient” stage fires only. These are fires that are just beginning and can be controlled by the use of portable fire extinguishers. Provide a copy of the company’s FPP, if appropriate. Modify this slide to describe the emergency notification and fire response process at your company.

23 Fire Response— Extinguishing Equipment
Portable extinguisher Fire hose Fire suppression systems Slide Show Notes There are three primary categories of fire extinguishing equipment: Portable extinguisher Fire hose Fire suppression systems Modify this slide to describe your company’s fire-fighting procedures. Describe the fire-fighting equipment used at your facility, if applicable. Show the locations of fire extinguishers and fire hoses (if possible, bring a map showing their locations).

24 Extinguisher Types A—For combustibles such as trash, wood, or paper
B—For flammable liquids or gases C—For electrical fires D—For combustible metals such as magnesium Slide Show Notes. “A” extinguishers, used for combustibles such as trash, wood or paper, must be located so that the travel distance for employees to the extinguisher is 75 feet or less. “B” extinguishers, used for flammable liquids or gases, must be located so that the travel distance for employees to the extinguisher is 50 feet or less. “C” extinguishers, used for electrical fires, are grouped with either an “A” or “B” class extinguisher, so its location is based on the pattern required by the extinguisher class it is grouped in. “D” extinguishers, required in areas where combustible metal powders, shavings, or similarly sized products are generated at least once every 2 weeks, must be located so that the travel distance for employees to the extinguisher is 75 feet or less. OSHA requires fire extinguishers to be maintained within certain distances from every point within a facility (29 CFR ). However, your local fire department may have different requirements

25 Extinguisher Use Pull the pin Aim at the base of the fire
Squeeze the trigger Sweep back and forth Slide Show Notes These four steps can easily be remembered by thinking about the word PASS: Pull the pin. Aim at the base of the fire. Squeeze the trigger. Sweep back and forth. Most extinguishers are emptied in less than one minute, so aim carefully. Bring an extinguisher to show the class. Let the employees hold the extinguisher if they wish. Ask them if they have ever had to use an extinguisher before.

26 Fire Prevention and Response
Any questions about responding to an emergency? Any questions about your role? Slide Show Notes Does everyone understand how to respond to an emergency? Are there any questions about your role in this response? Conduct an exercise, drill, or scenario that tests the trainees’ ability to respond to an emergency.

27 Key Points to Remember Fires, chemicals, natural disasters, and violence are causes of emergencies Prevention better than reaction Protect yourself; alert others Know your role in an evacuation Use fire-fighting equipment only if trained Ask your supervisor Slide Show Notes Here are some key points to remember from this training session: Fires, chemical discharges, natural disasters, and workplace violence are leading causes of workplace emergencies. Measures to prevent emergencies are much easier and safer to implement than emergency response. The first thing to do in the event of an emergency is to remove yourself from danger and alert others to the hazard. Use fire-fighting equipment only if trained. Know your role in an evacuation. If you have any questions or concerns, ask your supervisor.

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