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1968: A Tumultuous Year How does the clash between conservatives & the new left change America.

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1 1968: A Tumultuous Year How does the clash between conservatives & the new left change America

2 Tet Changes Public Opinion 1968’s Tet Offensive proved America not winning in Vietnam Mainstream media, including CBS News Walter Cronkite begin openly criticizing the war https://www.youtu Nn4w-ud-TyE Clark Clifford who LBJ chose to replace McNamara even states Vietnam is unwinnable Democrats thrown into chaos, when LBJ decides not to run

3 The Yippies A radical offshoot of FSM called Youth International Party forms (Yippies) in late 1967 No formal membership, Abbie Hoffman most outspoken leader Yippies opposed war and called for the creation of alternative, counterculture institutions (Co-ops, underground newspapers) Planned “festival of life” at 1968 Democratic Convention

4 1968 Election Battle for Democratic nomination between two anti-war candidates Robert F. Kennedy & Sen. Eugene McCarthy Tight battle between both during primary season but in June Bobby Kennedy wins the important California primary After giving his victory speech, Kennedy is assassinated http://www.histor rt-f- kennedy/videos/t he-assassination- of-rfk VP Hubert Humphrey decides to challenge McCarthy 10K protestors come to Democratic Convention in Chicago Mayor Richard Daley brings in 1200 police, rioting breaks out

5 Nixon’s Peace with Honor For Republicans, former VP Richard Nixon promises “Peace with Honor” to end Vietnam War & restore order to America Nixon easily gains Republican nomination (no chaos in Miami) and will face Humphrey in November Alabama Governor George Wallace also runs as an Independent candidate (hurts Dems in South) Nixon wins the presidency mercials/1968

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