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Inter-War Period (1918-1939) The Failed Recovery.

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Presentation on theme: "Inter-War Period (1918-1939) The Failed Recovery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inter-War Period (1918-1939) The Failed Recovery

2 Main Characteristics: Psychological depression, anxiety and resentment over World War I: Mass destruction betrayed human progress Failure of world peace: –Incompetent ending of WW I led to WWII Political boundaries drawn without consideration of ethnic composition (Crimea) Ignored problems in Asia (Japanese aggression) –Defeat of the Versailles Treaty –Weakening of the League of Nations

3 Japanese Aggression in Asia

4 Rape of Nanking

5 Main Characteristics Cont’d: Great Depression: –Crash of the world economy –Started in the U.S. –Directly contributed to WWII Rise of Fascism: –Angry, undemocratic, warlike nationalism –Reaction to the chaos following WWI –Europe: Hitler, Mussolini, Franco –Asia: Imperial Japan (different circumstances)

6 Normalcy (U.S. Isolationism) President Harding “Let’s get back to business as usual.”

7 Fascism Mussolini: Italy Hitler: Germany Franco: Spain Tojo: Japan

8 Hitler – Germany – Nazism – Hate ethnic minorities - conquer world starting with Europe Tojo – Japan – Unlike Nazism – Hate those who oppose you - conquer world starting with Asia Stalin – Russia – Communism – Conquer areas around Russia - create a dominant economic/political influence in world affairs Mussolini – Italy – Nazism – Hate ethnic minorities - support Hitler Franco – Spain – Friendly to Nazism – Hate those who get in your way - create a dominant economic/political influence in Europe RISE OF FACIST DICTATORS

9 Depression Failure of World Peace Fascism War Fatigue (WWI) U.S. Isolationism WORLD WAR II

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