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Foundation year Nervous system MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY T. SANAA ABD ELHAMED.

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1 Foundation year Nervous system MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY T. SANAA ABD ELHAMED

2 OBJECTIVES Are to should be able to: 1.Label a diagram showing the structural organization of the nervous system. 2.Label a diagram of neuron. 3.Label a diagram of spinal cord. 4.List some common symptoms of neurologic disorders. 5.Interpret case studies involving the nervous system. 6.Identify and use word parts pertaining to the nervous system. 7.Describe the major disorders of the nervous system. 8.Define abbreviations used in neurology.



5 MEDICAL TERMS RELATED TO THE N.S 1. Cranial (adj) means pertaining to the skull. The combining form crani/o means skull. 2. Brain (n) means the cranial part of the central nervous system, situated inside the skull, also known as encephalon. The combining form encephal/o means brain.

6 3. Cerebrum (n) the largest and most highly developed part of the brain, composed of two hemispheres. The combining form cerebr/o means cerebrum or brain. Cerebral – adj.

7 4. Cerebellar (adj) referring to the cerebellum. The combining form is cerebell/o. 5. Craniotomy (n) means incision of the skull.

8 6. Nervous (adj) referring to the nervous system (also can means worried or tense). The combining form is nerv/o means nerve. And the suffix –ous is an adjective marker. 7. Neural (adj) referring to the nerve or the nervous system. The combining form is neur/o.


10 8. Neuralgia (n) pain which runs along a nerve. The suffix –algia means pain. 9. Neurology (n) study of the nervous system and its diseases. Neurological – adj.

11 10. Neurosurgery (n) surgery on the nervous system including the spinal cord and brain. 11. Neurosurgeon (n) a surgeon who operates on the nervous system including the brain.

12 12. Meningitis (n) inflammation of the meninges. The combining form is mening/o.

13 13. Myelogram (n) record of the spinal cord. Myelography is an x-ray examination of the spinal cord after a radio- opaque substance has been injected. The combining form myel/o means spinal cord.

14 14. Hydrocephalus (n) an excessive quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain.

15 15. Concussion (n) [ kon-kush-on] means that the brain is not working properly due to a violent shaking or jarring of the brain caused by a direct blow or explosion. The combining form is concuss/o 16. Coma (n) a state of unconsciousness from which a person be awakened by eternal stimuli.

16 17. Amnesia (n) partial or total loss of memory. 18. Dura mater (n) means the thick outer membrane of the meninges. The combining form is dur/o.

17 19. Epidural (adj) means located outside the Dura mater. The prefix epi- means above or upon. The combining form dur/o means Dura mater. The opposite is subdural. 20. Encephalitis (n) means inflammation of the brain.

18 21. Electroencephalography: EEG (n) the process of recording brain wave activity. The resulting record is called electroencephalogram.

19 22. Microcephaly (n) a condition where a person has an abnormally small head. The opposite is macrocephally.

20 23. Spine (n) means a series of bones (the vertebrae) linked together to form a flexible column running from the pelvis to the skull. The combining form is spin/o.

21 24. Poliomyelitis (n) a viral infection of the grey matter of the spinal cord that may result in paralysis. Poli/o means grey matter of the brain and the spinal cord.

22 25. Syncope (n) losing consciousness for a short time because of reduced flow of blood to the brain, also known as fainting. 26. Trephination means the process of cutting a hole in the skull using a trephine.


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