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The Nutritional Requirements of Bacteria Cellular Respiration Bacteria can be distinguished from one another for either their requirement for or lack.

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2 The Nutritional Requirements of Bacteria

3 Cellular Respiration Bacteria can be distinguished from one another for either their requirement for or lack of oxygen to function. Aerobic bacteria require oxygen in order to function efficiently, while anaerobic bacteria require an absence of it to do the same.

4 Specialized Bacteria Some aerobes and anaerobes can only live in their specific environment and will die if exposed to the other. These type of bacteria are called obligate aerobes and obligate anaerobes

5 Bacterial by products When aerobic bacteria become starved of air, they produce lactic acid which hinders the function of the organism. In anaerobic bacteria the process is called fermentation. Fermentation produces ethyl alcohol which gets us stuff like beer

6 Heterotrophics and autotrophics Heterotrophic bacteria are bacteria which get their nutrients from the environment (they eat) Autotrophic bacteria on the other hand rely on an energy source to make the required nutrients. Some autotrophics are photosynthetic which use the sun to make food, and others are chemosynthetic which require chemicals for an energy source to produce nutrients. An example of this are deep sea thermal vents which host a multitude of chemosynthetic bacteria.

7 External links l l Video dY&feature=related dY&feature=related

8 Vocabulary extreme!!!!!!!!! 1) aerobic - 2)anaerobic- 3)obligate aerobe- 4)obligate anaerobe - 5)latic acid- 6)fermentation- 7)ethyl alcohol- 8) heterotrophic- 9)autotrophic- 10) photosynthetic- 11) chemosynthetic- 12)facultative anaerobes -

9 answers 1)Needing oxygen to live 2) Living in the absence of air or free oxygen 3)An organism that cannot survive without oxygen 4) One that cannot survive with oxygen 5)Causes soreness and stiffness in the muscles 6)Chemical change caused by an organic substance 7)The intoxicating principle of fermenting liquors 8)Capable of utilizing only organic foods as a source of food 9) Capable of utilizing only inorganic foods as a source of food 10)Conversion by plants of carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates 11)The synthesis of organic compounds within an organism 12)Can function even without oxygen

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