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Discursive writing: persuasive techniques S5 Higher Folio.

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1 Discursive writing: persuasive techniques S5 Higher Folio

2 It’s not what you say – it’s the way that you say it. Please hand in your ceilidh money by Tuesday It is a requirement that all S5 students who wish to attend the ceilidh on 10.12.15 must have paid their ticket in full by Tuesday 24.11.15. Guys! Ceilidh money by Tuesday, please!!! Hand in yer ceilidh money by Tuesday – or else.

3 When presenting your side of the argument, use persuasive techniques to subtly manipulate the reader into agreeing with you. Look into my eyes – you will agree with me

4 1. Emotive word choice Frequently, we see newspaper reports about dogs causing trouble in their communities Barely a week goes by without a canine crazy staring at us from the pages of our local paper next to a tragic story about a mauled infant at death’s door after being left alone for 5 minutes with the family’s pooch.

5 1. Emotive word choice Frequently, we see newspaper reports about dogs causing trouble in their communities Barely a week goes by without a canine crazy staring at us from the pages of our local paper next to a tragic story about a mauled infant at death’s door after being left alone for 5 minutes with the family’s pooch.

6 2. Rhetorical question It is time this was ended. Can we really expect the public to put up with this for much longer?

7 3. Repetition Dogs attack all sorts of people, even babies. We see dogs biting postmen. We see dogs attacking young families out enjoying a picnic in their local park. Most shockingly, we even see dogs turning on the most vulnerable members of their own family: defenceless babies in prams.

8 4. Hyperbole Frequently, we see newspaper reports about dogs causing trouble in their communities Soon, for some vulnerable members of our community, it will be impossible to even leave the house due to the threat posed by untamed, untrained dogs wandering the streets. Trick in using hyperbole: don’t lie. 1. Pick the most extreme real example, or 2. The most extreme hypothetical possibility.

9 5. Irony (really hard to do) Anyone’s dog can be a killer. But it’s not your dog who does this, right? Your beloved Fido is curled up in front of the fire, gently snoring after a fun-filled walk. Your lovely pooch couldn’t hurt a fly. It’s other people’s dogs who eat babies for breakfast – not yours.

10 6. Use of I / we / you Everyone should look after their own dog. However much we love our dogs, we all need to be responsible dog owners; and that means never ever forgetting to supervise our dogs in public places.

11 7. Stating opinion as fact Many think that dogs are not violent by nature. Clearly, dogs aren’t born bad. They learn it, from their interactions with humans, from their training (or lack of it), from being deprived of affection and attention in the home.

12 7. Stating opinion as fact 8. Tricolon (groups of three) Many think that dogs are not violent by nature. Clearly, dogs aren’t born bad. They learn it, from their interactions with humans, from their training (or lack of it), from being deprived of affection and attention in the home.

13 9. Minor sentences (use with care) People would miss their dogs, but we shouldn’t waste too much sympathy on them. Irresponsible dog owners undoubtedly love their dogs as much as the rest of us do, and if the dog was taken away, they’d undoubtedly be heartbroken. Tough. The needs of the community have to come first.

14 10. Climax We need to protect people and ban these dangerous dogs. It is time to put the needs of the community first. It is time to let our pensioners walk the streets without fear; to encourage young families to enjoy the outdoors; and above all, to ensure that no child is ever again under any sort of threat from an animal which is only one step away from the wild. It is time to ban devil dogs.

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