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The Presidential Election of 1960 The Candidates….

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2 The Presidential Election of 1960

3 The Candidates….

4 Background…… Richard Nixon –Born 1913 in Yorba Linda, California –Whittier College and Duke Law School –Lt. Commander in US Navy during WW II. –Elected to House in 1946, Senate 1950. –Vice-President under Ike for 8 years John Kennedy –Born in Brookline, Massachusetts in 1917 –Harvard –Lt. in US Navy; Pt109 Commander –Elected to House in 1946, Senate 1952 –Published Profiles in Courage 1957 – wins Pulitzer Prize

5 The race for the office… Both men were young, military veterans, lawyers, had political experience and similar views. However, many historians believe there were (2) important factors that decided the race…..

6 Televised Debates First televised debates in history. 70 million viewers tuned in, more on radio. The first debate, the telegenic Kennedy won the image battle over Nixon who, recovering from the flu, appeared pale and refused make- up.

7 JFK and MLK… When Reverend Martin Luther King was arrested in Atlanta, Kennedy called to offer his sympathy. This garnered Kennedy substantial African-American support in the 1960 election.

8 Election results….


10 Kennedy’s Inaugural Address President John F. Kennedy delivers his inaugural address at Capitol Hill in Jan. 20, 1961. Kennedy said, "We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty."

11 The Camelot Years Set a tone for a new era in the White House One of grace elegance and wit

12 The Kennedy Mistique Critics argued Kennedy’s presidency lacked substance Nation could not get enough of the family –Jackie’s eye for fashion –Kids playing in the White House

13 The Best and the Brightest Kennedy surrounded himself with a team of advisors Some journalists called “the best and the brightest”

14 A New Military Thought Eisenhower administration had not done enough about the Soviet threat –Especially in Third World Nations Moved away from mass retaliation Key points-build up of nuclear weapons-develop special forces in the military

15 Crisis Over Cuba Cuba became communist Fidel Castro new leader

16 The Cuban Dilemma Castro gained power in 1959 Promised a democracy Castro seized American business’ US erected a trade embargo (especially sugar) What was Castro like as a leader- Brutal dictator- people had no rights

17 The Bay of Pigs Cuban exile trained and armed by the CIA Attempted to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro What happened- Absolute disaster-the Cuban exiles were either killed or captured



20 The Cuban Missile Crisis October 1962 Cuba began receiving aid from USSR Some of the aid included nuclear missiles Kennedy warned this could lead to all out war

21 The Cuban Missile Crisis Kennedy went on TV to tell American people Seemed like the world was headed to World War III

22 The Cuban Missile Crisis What happened- –USA would leave Castro alone –USA remove missiles from Turkey –USSR promised to remove missiles –USSR promised not to put missiles in Cuba



25 Kennedy and Khrushchev Take the Heat Both leaders criticized for their handling of the affair Closest world ever came to World War III Khrushchev lost power in the USSR

26 Crisis Over Berlin 1961 Berlin in turmoil 3 million East Germans have fled since the Berlin Airlift Why was this a problem for Khrushchev and communism- embarrassing that the best and the brightest were fleeing to democracy

27 Crisis Over Berlin There was a summit in Vienna It did not go well Kennedy addressed the American people about a crisis in Berlin How was crisis avoided-The Berlin Wall was built by communists

28 Searching for Ways to Avoid Tensions Both leaders realized that showdowns were dangerous and could lead to nuclear disaster Hot line between the Kremlin and the White House Nuclear Test Ban Treaty- barred nuclear testing in the atmosphere

29 The New Frontier May 5, 1961 Alan Shepard became the first American in space

30 The Promise of Progress JFK set out to transform his vision of progress called the ‘New Frontier” What were two main articles –Lack of support of Southern Democrats –Close election meant the country was divided

31 Stimulating the Economy Increased government spending and tax cuts Increased minimum wage to $1.25 per hour

32 Addressing Poverty Abroad JFK created the Peace Corps –A program of volunteer assistance to developing nations –Asia, Africa, Latin America Was successful

33 Addressing Poverty Abroad Alliance of Progress- offered economic and technical assistance to Latin American countries (12 billion) Was not successful

34 Race to the Moon April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became fist human in space JFK said we would surpass the Soviets by being the first to the moon

35 July 1969, on July 20, Neil Armstrong took the first steps on the moon What was the impact of the space program on the US- Increased the national pride of the American people

36 Addressing Domestic Problems Worked to end poverty because of the number of poor Civil Rights (segregation) injustices Most Americans do not support this

37 Tragedy in Dallas John F. Kennedy was assassinated November 22, 1963 Four days in November –JFK was visiting Texas to mend fences with state’s Democratic Party –Surprise to receive such a warm reception

38 Tragedy in Dallas JFK was shot in the head as motorcade proceeded through Dallas Doctors unable to revive JFK Lyndon Johnson took the oath of office on Air Force One

39 Tragedy in Dallas Air Force One carried JFJ’s body Authorities took Lee Harvey Oswald into custody Charged his with JFK’s Murder Who killed Oswald? –Jack Ruby

40 Unanswered Questions Chain of events made people wonder if Oswald was part of a conspiracy What was the Warren Commission –Chief Justice Earl Warren led a government investigation into the assassination- their conclusion was that Oswald acted alone

41 Results Americans learned from Kennedy’s assassination Their system of government was sturdy Explain- The Constitution allowed for a peaceful and calm change of power, even in the most extreme condition

42 The End

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