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The procedures for project under Measure 1.2 submission for SF financing Joint Seminar “Capacity building for designing projects dealing with sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "The procedures for project under Measure 1.2 submission for SF financing Joint Seminar “Capacity building for designing projects dealing with sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 The procedures for project under Measure 1.2 submission for SF financing Joint Seminar “Capacity building for designing projects dealing with sustainable energy under SF programmes” November 28-29, 2005, Krakow Valentinas Klevas, Dalia Streimikiene Lithuanian energy institute

2 EU SF administration in Lithuania

3 Project cycle in Lithuania

4 The main procedures for project under Measure 1.2 Priority ID 1-2.3: Local and Renewable Energy Sources are defined by Rules adopted by the Order of Minster of Finance No 1K-204 on 31.05.2004 and Guidelines for applicants for business projects (promotion of business and investments adopted by the Order of minster of Economy Nr. 4-2422 on 11.06.2004.

5 The main procedures for project under Priority ID 1-2.3: Local and Renewable Energy Sources Submission of application Procect evaluation and selection Decision regarding support allocation The contracting procedures

6 The main forms for application The common part of application (A) adopted by the Order of Minister of Finance No 1K-033 on 28.01.2004 The special part of application (B2) adopted by the Order of Minister of Economy No 4-244 on 11.06.2004

7 Submission of application The applications can be submitted from 02.07.2004 until 1.09.2006 16:00 h. The application can be submitted according call to submit application being announced in website of Business Support Agency, Ministry of Economy and in the annex “Information communications of newspaper “Government news “ The call for proposals No 2 was addressed for business projects since 02.07.2004

8 Requirements for applications submission The applications should be submitted to regional departments of Business Support agency; The applications should be sent by registered mail, by currier services or by applicant directly; The applicant should submit the original set of documents and 2 copies and indicated where is copies and where is original and also electronic version Submitted applications are registered and included in data base by allocating identification number and the letter confirming registration of application is submitted to the applicant

9 Evaluation of the project (not longer than 3 months after registration) The Business Support Agency evaluates projects based on the following criteria; Eligibility according administration Eligibility for financing from SF Quality (technical, economic and financial) evaluation The reports on project valuation are submitted to Ministry of Economy The Committee of project screening established by MoE submits the following conclusions to MoE: to allocate support, to reject, to return project for repeated evaluation, to postpone recommendations until other meeting

10 The decision on support allocation by Ministry of Economy LT Based on recommendations of Committee of project screening; The order is issued where the following issues are addressed: The background to allocate support The budget programmes and codes from which support should be allocated Committee of project screening The sum of support allocated The date and number of Project screening committee meeting and the number of registration of report of Bussines Support Agency; The list of projects and institutions for which the support is being allocated The amount of support allocated for each project The reasons for projects which were recommended by Committee of project screening rejections The decision on rejection with explanation is submitted to applicant during 10 days by Business Support Agency.

11 Contracting procedures The decision to support project and proposal to make contract is submitted to applicant by Business Support Agency The contract should be made according deadlines established by Business Support Agency If applicant fails to make contract according the established deadlines the support is not allocated The contract is being signed by representative of MoE, Business Support Agency and Applicant The information about allocated support and signed contracts is being presented in website of Business Support Agency: the name of applicant, the title of project, the short description of project, the support allocated

12 Thank you for your attention! Contact: Lithuanian energy institute Name: Valentinas Klevas and Dalia Streimikiene E-Mail: ;

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