7 th Grade Social Studies CBA Packet Name: ___________________________Teacher: __________ This entire packet is for your 7 th Grade Social Studies CBA.

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Presentation on theme: "7 th Grade Social Studies CBA Packet Name: ___________________________Teacher: __________ This entire packet is for your 7 th Grade Social Studies CBA."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 th Grade Social Studies CBA Packet Name: ___________________________Teacher: __________ This entire packet is for your 7 th Grade Social Studies CBA Project. Please do not misplace this as it is of huge importance and if lost you will need to download a new copy off schoolwires. The final products will include writing an essay in the lab and creating a timeline of 6 key events with dates and explanation in your own words. Due Dates:  Note Check off (Graphic Org and Timeline): ____________________________________  Introduction : ____________________________  Body Paragraphs: _________________________  Conclusion _________________________________  Editing: ____________________________________  Final Copy: __________________________________ CBA = Classroom Based Assessment 7 th Grade Topic: Causes/Effects of Historical Conflicts My Topic is: ___________________________________

2 You are a reporter for the Seattle Times, and a recent conflict has occurred in WA State. You have been assigned one of the conflicts below to present to the editor in chief. Your task includes researching one of the conflicts and writing a multi-paragraph news article using historical textual evidence explaining the causes and effects of the conflict. Performance Task CBA 7 th Grade= CONFLICT 7 th Grade CBA Conflict Topics: 1.Makah versus (WA State) 2. Kennewick Man (WA State) Let’s Practice Identifying Conflicts. Read the passage below and highlight the conflict. 1. Source: WA in the Pacific Northwest Owls and Logging In 1990 the US Fish and Wildlife Services ruled that the owl was a threatened species. Environmentalists tried to halt the logging in forests where the owls lived annually. As a result annual timber harvests on the Olympic Peninsula dropped by 85 percent. 2. Source: World History Journey Across Time Zhou Empire Falls "Over time, the local rulers of the Zhou territories became powerful. They stopped obeying the Zhou Kings and set up their own states. In 403 BC the fighting broke out. For almost 200 years, the states battled each other. Historians call this time the, Period of Warring States." Resource Hints: During your research you may encounter primary sources (letters, pictures, diary, treaties, formal agreements) and secondary sources (WA Textbook, encyclopedia, online articles, magazine).

3 Graphic Organizer for Timeline: Write 6 dates and explanation of that event minimum on your timeline. At the bottom write your source. Resources I used for gathering this information: (Note you must have a book and internet source) Book _________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Internet ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

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