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Child Birth.

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1 Child Birth


3 Child birth Target: I will be able to describe the 3 stages of birth
Pre-Birth Testing: Amniocentesis: test in which a needle is inserted through the uterus to extract fluid from the amniotic sac to test for any genetic defects. Pg. 35

4 Ultrasound: test used to monitor fetus growth and size.
Chorionic Villi Sampling: test in which a sample of placenta is extracted and used to reveal whether a baby has a genetic or chromosomal condition

5 Stages of Childbirth Stage 1: Dilation of the Cervix Labor: the process of childbirth; the start of uterus contractions The cervix enlarges to 8-10 cm: wide enough for the baby to move through

6 Stage 2: Delivery of the Baby
The baby moves down the birth canal (usually head first) The mother pushes and the muscles of the uterus contract to push the baby out Crowning: the appearance of the baby’s head during delivery Birth: the emergence of a baby from the body of its mother

7 Once the baby is out and starts breathing, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut.
The stump remains at the navel; it will dry up and fall off in a few days

8 The baby is given an APGAR Score: The rating of physical characteristics of an infant at 1, 5, and 10 minutes after birth to determine the health of the baby Heart Rate, Color, Respiratory Effort, and reaction to sucking are scored 7-10 is normal, 4-7 might need some resuscitative measures, and 3 and below require immediate resuscitation


10 Stage 3: Delivery of the Placenta
After Birth: When the placenta is expelled after the delivery of the baby. Child Birth Animation Live Birth- Start at 1 Hour 33 Min

11 Complications with Child Birth
Ectopic Pregnancy: a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus Stillbirth: a fully developed baby that is born dead May be caused by a defect in the baby or a medical condition of the baby or pregnant female

12 Breeched Birth: the birth of a baby in which the baby exits the pelvis with the butt or feet first.
Cesarean Section: Baby is born by making an incision through the mother’s abdomen and uterus. The baby may be too big, breeched, or vaginal delivery may be harmful to baby or mother. Summary:

13 How Babies are Born Divide your page into 3 sections Label the sections: Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 In each stage, draw the process of child birth (what is happening) Below each picture write a 1-2 sentence description of the stage Use a minimum of 4 colors. Pg. 34

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