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Published byLesley Chandler Modified over 9 years ago
First-Order Probabilistic Inference Rodrigo de Salvo Braz SRI International
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4 Outline A goal: First-order Probabilistic Inference An ultimate goal Propositionalization Lifted Inference Inversion Elimination Counting Elimination DBLOG BLOG background DBLOG Retro-instantiation Improving BLOG inference Future Directions and Conclusion
5 Outline A goal: First-order Probabilistic Inference An ultimate goal Propositionalization Lifted Inference Inversion Elimination Counting Elimination DBLOG BLOG background DBLOG Retro-instantiation Improving BLOG inference Future Directions and Conclusion
6 How to solve commonsense reasoning How to solve Natural Language Processing How to solve Planning How to solve Vision Domain Knowledge Inference and Learning Language Knowledge Inference and Learning Domain & Planning Knowledge Inference and Learning Objects & Optics Knowledge Inference and Learning Abstracting Inference and Learning Commonsense reasoning Natural Language Processing PlanningVision... Inference and Learning AI Problems
7 Inference and Learning What capabilities should it have? Inference and Learning It should represent and use: predicates (relations) and quantification over objects: 8 X male(X) Ç female(X) 8 X male(X) ) sick(X) sick(p121) varying degrees of uncertainty: 8 X { male(X) ) sick(X) } since it may hold often but not absolutely. essential for language, vision, pattern recognition, commonsense reasoning etc modal knowledge, utilities, and more.
8 Abstracting Inference and Learning Domain knowledge: male(X) Ç female(X) { male(X) ) sick(X) } sick(o121)... Commonsense reasoning Language knowledge: { sentence(S) Æ verb(S,”had”) Æ object(S,”fever”) subject(S,X) ) fever(X) }... Natural Language Processing Inference and Learning Sharing inference and learning module
9 Abstracting Inference and Learning Domain knowledge: male(X) Ç female(X) { male(X) ) sick(X) } sick(o121)... Commonsense reasoning WITH Natural Language Processing Language knowledge: { sentence(S) Æ verb(S,”had”) Æ object(S,”fever”) subject(S,X) ) fever(X) } Inference and Learning Joint solution made simpler verb(s13,”had”), object(S, “fever”), subject(s13,o121)...
10 Standard solutions fall short Logic Has objects and properties; but statements are absolute; Graphical models and machine learning Have varying degrees of uncertainty; but propositional; treating objects and quantification is awkward.
11 Standard solutions fall short Graphical models and objects male(X) Ç female(X) { male(X) ) sick(X) } { friend(X,Y) Æ male(X) ) male(Y) } sick(o121) sick(o135) sick_121 male_o121female_o121 friend_o121_o135 male_o135female_o135 sick_o135 Transformation (propositionalization) not part of graphical model framework; Graphical model have only random variables, not objects; Different data creates distinct, formally unrelated model.
12 Outline A goal: First-order Probabilistic Inference An ultimate goal Propositionalization Lifted Inference Inversion Elimination Counting Elimination DBLOG BLOG background DBLOG Retro-instantiation Improving BLOG inference Future Directions and Conclusion
13 First-Order Probabilistic Inference Many languages have been proposed Knowledge-based model construction (Breese, 1992) Probabilistic Logic Programming (Ng & Subrahmanian, 1992) Probabilistic Logic Programming (Ngo and Haddawy, 1995) Probabilistic Relational Models (Friedman et al., 1999) Relational Dependency Networks (Neville & Jensen, 2004) Bayesian Logic (BLOG) (Milch & Russell, 2004) Bayesian Logic Programs (Kersting & DeRaedt, 2001) DAPER (Heckerman, Meek & Koller, 2007) Markov Logic Networks (Richardson & Domingos, 2004) “Smart” propositionalization is the main method.
14 Propositionalization Bayesian Logic Programs Prolog-like statements such as medicine(Hospital) | in(Patient,Hospital), sick(Patient). sick(Patient) | in(Patient,Hospital), exposed(Hospital). associated with CPTs and combination rules. | instead of :-
15 Propositionalization medicine(Hospital) | in(Patient,Hospital), sick(Patient). (plus CPT) BN grounded from and-or tree: medicine(hosp13) in(john,hosp13) sick(john) in(peter,hosp13) sick(peter)...
16 Propositionalization Multi-Entity Bayesian Networks (Laskey, 2004) in(Patient,Hospital)sick(Patient) medicine(Hospital) in(Patient,Hospital)exposed(Hospital) sick(Patient)
17 Propositionalization Multi-Entity Bayesian Networks (Laskey, 2004) in(Patient,Hospital)sick(Patient) medicine(Hospital) in(john,hosp13)sick(john) medicine(hosp13) in(peter,hosp13)sick(peter) medicine(hosp13)... first-order fragments instantiated
18 Propositionalization Multi-Entity Bayesian Networks (Laskey, 2004) in(john,hosp13)sick(john) medicine(hosp13) in(peter,hosp13)sick(peter)... in(john,hosp13)sick(john) medicine(hosp13) in(peter,hosp13)sick(peter) medicine(hosp13)...
19 Outline A goal: First-order Probabilistic Inference An ultimate goal Propositionalization Lifted Inference Inversion Elimination Counting Elimination DBLOG BLOG background DBLOG Retro-instantiation Improving BLOG inference Future Directions and Conclusion
20 Lifted Inference medicine(hosp13) medicine(Hospital) ( in(Patient,Hospital) Æ sick(Patient) { sick(Patient) ( in(Patient,Hospital) Æ exposed(Hospital) } sick(Patient) exposed(hosp13) in(Patient, hosp13) Unbound, general variable Faster More compact More intuitive Higher level – more information/structure available for optimization
21 Bayesian Networks (directed) epidemic P(sick_john, sick_mary, sick_bob, epidemic) = P(sick_john | epidemic) * P(sick_mary | epidemic) * P(sick_bob | epidemic) * P(epidemic) sick_john sick_marysick_bob P(sick_bob | epidemic) P(epidemic) P(sick_john | epidemic) P(sick_mary | epidemic)
22 Factor Networks (undirected) epidemic_france P(epi_france, epi_belgium, epi_uk, epi_germany) / (epi_france, epi_belgium) * (epi_france, epi_uk) * (epi_france, epi_germany) * (epi_belgium, epi_germany) epidemic_belgiumepidemic_germany epidemic_uk factor, or potential function
23 Bayesian Nets as Factor Networks epidemic P(sick_john, sick_mary, sick_bob, epidemic) / P(sick_john | epidemic) * P(sick_mary | epidemic) * P(sick_bob | epidemic) * P(epidemic) sick_john sick_marysick_bob P(sick_bob | epidemic) P(epidemic) P(sick_john | epidemic) P(sick_mary | epidemic)
24 Inference: Marginalization epidemic P(sick_john) / epidemic sick_mary sick_bob P(sick_john | epidemic) * P(sick_mary | epidemic) * P(sick_bob | epidemic) * P(epidemic) sick_john sick_marysick_bob P(sick_bob | epidemic) P(epidemic) P(sick_john | epidemic) P(sick_mary | epidemic)
25 epidemic sick_john sick_marysick_bob P(sick_bob | epidemic) P(epidemic) P(sick_john | epidemic) P(sick_mary | epidemic) P(sick_john) / epidemic P(sick_john | epidemic) * P(epidemic) * sick_mary P(sick_mary | epidemic) * sick_bob P(sick_bob | epidemic) Inference: Variable Elimination (VE)
26 epidemic sick_john sick_mary (epidemic) P(epidemic) P(sick_john | epidemic) P(sick_mary | epidemic) P(sick_john) / epidemic P(sick_john | epidemic) * P(epidemic) * sick_mary P(sick_mary | epidemic) * (epidemic) Inference: Variable Elimination (VE)
27 epidemic sick_john sick_mary (epidemic) P(epidemic) P(sick_john | epidemic) P(sick_mary | epidemic) P(sick_john) / epidemic P(sick_john | epidemic) * P(epidemic) * (epidemic) * sick_mary P(sick_mary | epidemic) Inference: Variable Elimination (VE)
28 epidemic sick_john (epidemic) P(epidemic) P(sick_john | epidemic) P(sick_john) / epidemic P(sick_john | epidemic) * P(epidemic) * (epidemic) * (epidemic) (epidemic) Inference: Variable Elimination (VE)
29 sick_john (sick_john) P(sick_john) / (sick_john) Inference: Variable Elimination (VE)
30 A Factor Network sick(mary,measles) hospital(mary) epidemic(measles)epidemic(flu) sick(mary,flu) … … sick(bob,measles) hospital(bob) sick(bob,flu) …… … …… ……
31 First-order Representation sick(P,D) hospital(P) epidemic(D) Atoms represent a set of random variables Logical Variables parameterize random variables Parfactors, for parameterized factors Contraints to logical variables P john
32 Semantics sick(mary,measles) hospital(mary) epidemic(measles)epidemic(flu) sick(mary,flu) … … sick(bob,measles) hospital(bob) sick(bob,flu) …… … …… …… sick(mary,measles), epidemic(measles))
33 Outline A goal: First-order Probabilistic Inference An ultimate goal Propositionalization Lifted Inference Inversion Elimination Counting Elimination DBLOG BLOG background DBLOG Retro-instantiation Improving BLOG inference Future Directions and Conclusion
34 Inversion Elimination (IE) sick(P, D) epidemic(D) D measles IE … sick(john, flu) epidemic(flu) sick(mary, rubella) epidemic(rubella) … Grounding … sick(john, flu) epidemic(flu) sick(mary, rubella) epidemic(rubella) … VE Abstraction epidemic(D) D measles sick(P, D) sick(P,D) (epidemic(D),sick(P,D))
35 Inversion Elimination (IE) Proposed by Poole (2003); Lacked formalization; Did not identify cases in which it is incorrect; Formalized and identified correctness conditions (with Dan Roth and Eyal Amir).
36 Requires eliminated RVs to occur in separate instances of parfactor … sick(mary, flu) epidemic(flu) sick(mary, rubella) epidemic(rubella) … sick(mary, D) epidemic(D) D measles Inversion Elimination correct Inversion Elimination - Limitations
37 IE not correct Requires eliminated RVs to occur in separate instances of parfactor Inversion Elimination - Limitations epidemic(D2) epidemic(D1) D1 D2 month epidemic(measles) epidemic(flu) epidemic(rubella) … month epidemic(D2) epidemic(D1) D1 D2 month
38 Outline A goal: First-order Probabilistic Inference An ultimate goal Propositionalization Lifted Inference Inversion Elimination Counting Elimination DBLOG BLOG background DBLOG Retro-instantiation Improving BLOG inference Future Directions and Conclusion
39 Counting Elimination Need to consider joint assignments; Exponential number of those; But actually, potential depends on histogram of values in assignment only: 00101 the same as 11000; Polynomial number of assignments instead. epidemic(D2) epidemic(D1) D1 D2 month epidemic(measles) epidemic(flu) epidemic(rubella) … month
40 A Simple Experiment
41 Outline A goal: First-order Probabilistic Inference An ultimate goal Propositionalization Lifted Inference Inversion Elimination Counting Elimination DBLOG BLOG background DBLOG Retro-instantiation Improving BLOG inference Future Directions and Conclusion
42 Outline A goal: First-order Probabilistic Inference An ultimate goal Propositionalization Lifted Inference Inversion Elimination Counting Elimination DBLOG BLOG background DBLOG Retro-instantiation Improving BLOG inference Future Directions and Conclusion
43 BLOG (Bayesian LOGic) Milch & Russell (2004); A probabilistic logic language; Current inference is propositional sampling; Special characteristics: Open Universe; Expressive language.
44 type Hospital; #Hospital ~ Uniform(1,10); random Boolean Large(Hospital hosp) ~ Bernoulli(0.6); random NaturalNum Region(Hospital hosp) ~ TabularCPD[[0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1]](); type Patient; #Patient(HospitalOf = Hospital hosp) if Large(hosp) then ~ Poisson(1500); else if Region(hosp) = 2 then = 300; else ~ Poisson(500); query Average( {#Patient(b) for Hospital b} ); BLOG (Bayesian LOGic) Open Universe Expressive language
45 Inference in BLOG random Boolean Exposed(hosp) ~ Bernoulli(0.7); random Boolean Sick(Patient patient) if Exposed(HospitalOf(patient)) then if Male(patient) then ~ Bernoulli(0.1); else ~ Bernoulli(0.4); else = False; random Boolean Male(Patient patient) ~ Bernoulli(0.5); random Boolean Medicine(Hospital hosp) = exists Patient patient HospitalOf(patient) = hosp & Sick(patient); guaranteed Hospital hosp13; query Medicine(hosp13);
46 Inference in BLOG - Sampling Medicine(hosp13) #Patient(hosp13) Sick(patient1) Sick(patient73) Exposed(hosp13)... Sampled false Open Universe false
47 Inference in BLOG - Sampling Medicine(hosp13) #Patient(hosp13) Sick(patient1) Exposed(hosp13) Sampled true Open Universe true Male(patient1) true
48 Outline A goal: First-order Probabilistic Inference An ultimate goal Propositionalization Lifted Inference Inversion Elimination Counting Elimination DBLOG BLOG background DBLOG Retro-instantiation Improving BLOG inference Future Directions and Conclusion
49 Temporal models in BLOG Expressive enough to directly write temporal models type Aircraft; #Aircraft ~ Poisson[3]; random Real Position(Aircraft a, NaturalNum t) if t = 0 then ~ UniformReal[-10, 10]() else ~ Gaussian(Position(a, Pred(t)), 2); type Blip; // num of blips from aircraft a is 0 or 1 #Blip(Source = Aircraft a, Time = NaturalNum t) ~ TabularCPD[[0.2, 0.8]]() // num false alarms has Poisson distribution. #Blip(Time = NaturalNum t) ~ Poisson[2]; random Real BlipPosition(Blip b, NaturalNum t) ~ Gaussian(Position(Source(b), Pred(t)), 2));
50 Temporal models in BLOG Inference algorithm does not use temporal structure: Markov property: state depends on previous state only; evidence and query come for successive time steps; Dynamic BLOG (DBLOG); analogous to Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs).
51 DBLOG Syntax Only change in syntax is a special Timestep type, with same semantics as NaturalNum : type Aircraft; #Aircraft ~ Poisson[3]; random Real Position(Aircraft a, Timestep t) if t = @0 then ~ UniformReal[-10, 10]() else ~ Gaussian(Position(a, Prev(t)), 2); type Blip; // num of blips from aircraft a is 0 or 1 #Blip(Source = Aircraft a, Time = Timestep t) ~ TabularCPD[[0.2, 0.8]]() // num false alarms has Poisson distribution. #Blip(Time = Timestep t) ~ Poisson[2]; random Real BlipPosition(Blip b, Timestep t) ~ Gaussian(Position(Source(b), Prev(t)), 2));
52 Similar idea to DBN Particle Filtering DBLOG Particle Filtering evidence at t State samples for t - 1 Samples weighed by evidence resampling State samples for t Likelihood weighting
53 Weighting by evidence in DBNs evidence state t-1t
54 Weighting evidence in DBLOG evidence state Position(a1,@1) Position(a2,@1) #Aircraft t-1t obs {Blip b : Source(b) = a1} = {B1}; obs BlipPosition(B1, @2) = 3.2; BlipPosition(B1,@2) #Blip(a1,@2) Position(a1,@2) B1 Lazy instantiation
55 Outline A goal: First-order Probabilistic Inference An ultimate goal Propositionalization Lifted Inference Inversion Elimination Counting Elimination DBLOG BLOG background DBLOG Retro-instantiation Improving BLOG inference Future Directions and Conclusion
56 Retro-instantiation in DBLOG Position(a1,@1) Position(a2,@1) #Aircraft BlipPosition(B1,@2) #Blip(a1,@2) Position(a1,@2) B1 BlipPosition(B8,@9) #Blip(a2,@9) Position(a2,@9) B8 Position(a2,@2)... obs {Blip b : Source(b) = a2} = {B8}; obs BlipPosition(B8,@2) = 2.1;...
57 Coping with retro-instantiation Analyse possible queries and evidence (provided by user) and pre-instantiate random variables that will be necessary later; Use mixing time to decide when to stop sampling back.
58 Outline A goal: First-order Probabilistic Inference An ultimate goal Propositionalization Lifted Inference Inversion Elimination Counting Elimination DBLOG BLOG background DBLOG Retro-instantiation Improving BLOG inference Future Directions and Conclusion
59 Improving BLOG inference Rejection sampling evidence = ? We count samples that match the evidence.
60 Improving BLOG inference Likelihood weighting evidence We count samples using evidence likelihood as weight.
61 Improving BLOG inference {Happy(p) : Person p} = {true, true, false} Happy(john) = true Happy(mary) = false Happy(peter) =false Evidence is deterministic function, so likelihood is always 0 or 1. So likelihood weighting is no better than rejection sampling.
62 Improving BLOG inference {Salary(p) : Person p} = {90,000, 75,000, 30,000} Salary(john) = 100,000 Salary(mary) = 80,000 Salary(peter) =500,000 The more unlikely the evidence, the worse it gets.
63 Improving BLOG inference {BlipPosition(b) : Blip b} = {1.2, 0.5, 5.1} BlipPosition(b1) = 2.1 BlipPosition(b2) = 3.3 BlipPosition(b3) = 3.5 Doesn’t work at all for continuous evidence.
64 Structure-dependent automatic importance sampling {BlipPosition(b) : Blip b} = {1.2, 0.5, 5.1} BlipPosition(b1)BlipPosition(b2)BlipPosition(b3) Position(Source(b1)) = 1.5 Position(Source(b2)) = 3.9 Position(Source(b3)) = 4.0 = 1.2= 5.1= 0.5 High-level language allows algorithm to automatically apply better sampling schemes
65 Outline A goal: First-order Probabilistic Inference An ultimate goal Propositionalization Lifted Inference Inversion Elimination Counting Elimination DBLOG BLOG background DBLOG Retro-instantiation Improving BLOG inference Future Directions and Conclusion
66 For the future Lifted inference works on symmetric, indistinguishable objects only; Adapt approximations for dealing with similar objects; Parameterized queries: P(sick(X, measles)) = ? Function symbols: (diabetes(X), diabetes(father(X))) Equality (paramodulation); Learning.
67 Conclusion Expressive, first-order probabilistic representations in inference too! Lifted inference equivalent to grounded inference; much faster, yet yielding the same exact answer; DBLOG brings techniques for temporal processes reasoning to first- order probabilistic reasoning.
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