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THESEUS Hero of Athens. Early Myths of Athens Cecrops – serpent shaped, founder of Attica Erichthonius – serpent shaped son of Ge and Hephaestus Athena.

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Presentation on theme: "THESEUS Hero of Athens. Early Myths of Athens Cecrops – serpent shaped, founder of Attica Erichthonius – serpent shaped son of Ge and Hephaestus Athena."— Presentation transcript:

1 THESEUS Hero of Athens

2 Early Myths of Athens Cecrops – serpent shaped, founder of Attica Erichthonius – serpent shaped son of Ge and Hephaestus Athena Chest daughters of Cerops, driven mad, threw themselves off Acropolis first Panathenaia & first wooden statue

3 Early Myths of Athens Erechtheus – grandson of Erichthonius, ruler, bulls sacrificed Erechtheum – place of worship Eleusianians – sacrifices daughter(s) Kills son of Poseidon Struck by Poseidon Euripides - ‘Ion’ = daughter, Creusa, escapes death

4 Philomela, Procne & Tereus Tereus aids Pandion (Athenian king) daughter Procne Itys Philomela, sister, violated : tongueless and shut up in building Sisters revenge Tapestry, taken to Procne Festival of Dionysus, madness (faked), rescues Philomela, brought to palace Death of Itys, stabbed & throat cut, ripped apart, Hmmm, dinner Procne – nightingale; Philomela – swallow, Tereus – a bird of prey

5 Theseus Alternative father = Poseidon violated Aethra King Aegeus childless – Delphi “do not open a wineskin’s mouth” Troezen, Pittheus, Aethra – gets drunk & loves her Two tokens of recognition sandals & sword (under stone) for the (possible) son of his Theseus born

6 Theseus Earlier links weakened Scarcely known before 6 th cent BCE In 6 th BCE, appears more on art epic ‘Theseis’ (lost) Similar deeds famous because Athenian writers writings still exist, so we know more

7 Theseus Deeds of Pisistratus (6 th BCE) Unification of Athens, coinage Panathenaic games friendly to refugees – Oedipus, Orestes Parallels increased reputation of Pisistratus Credited with democracy, Cleisthenes introduced it 490 BCE, Miltiades pushes Persians back

8 Labors of Theseus Theseus claims sword way to Athens - performs various heroic tasks 1. Periphetes – Corynetes (club man) 2. Sinis – Pityocamptes (pine-bender) 3. A man-eating sow 4. Sciron – feet-washer 5. Cercyron – the wrestler 6. Procrustes – “one bed fits all”

9 Arrival at Athens Witch Medea & son Medus (by Aegeus – cured infertility) poison Theseus Recognized sword Pallas and sons Medea and Medus leave for Asia winged chariot, pulled by snakes/dragons

10 Bull of Marathon Same as Heracles Sacrifices to Apollo

11 Minotaur a half man /half bull son of Pasiphae, wife of Minos and bull Daedalus = Labyrinth

12 The Minotaur Androgeos killed - Panathenaia games: too successful Minos sends army, defeats Megara Treaty with Athens: 7 youths & 7 maidens Chosen by lot, Theseus volunteers On route: Minos attacks maiden, Theseus intervenes Theseus tested : ring overboard, Theseus follows, dolphins Amphitrite - purple robe & wreath Returns to ship

13 The Minotaur Ariadne - thread Alternate version: Wreath Sails back home with youths & maidens

14 Ariadne on Naxos Naxos – deserted Dionysus arrives & marriage constellation “Ariadne’s wreath” killed by Artemis she eloped with Theseus betrothed to Dionysos die in childbirth Theseus sets up ritual and cult Delos - sacrifices to Apollo – crane dance (labyrinth)

15 Theseus and Pirithous Centauromachy Wife selection Theseus kidnaps Helen – retrieved with Aethra, becomes nurse - until end of Trojan war Theseus & Pirithous - Hades Pirithous & Persephone –magical chairs Theseus released by Heracles

16 Minos Daedalus Kills Perdix - invented saw Crete, works for Minos Minos’ trick Pasiphae’s love for bulls Hollow bull and maze

17 Icarus Leaving Crete Wax wings - for himself and son Icarus Icarus flies to close to the sun Mare Icarium Daedalus - Sicily Minos drowned

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