Action Research in the Classroom EDU 5120 Baker University Dr. Christy Ziegler.

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1 Action Research in the Classroom EDU 5120 Baker University Dr. Christy Ziegler

2 Introductions On your index card, please list: Your Name The number of years you’ve taught Your teaching background/position Your school & district Your program – MASL or MAED Your favorite class and why

3 Syllabus Overview Course Resources - Sagor and Schmuck Instructional Strategies - What to expect from our time together

4 Course Outcomes Develop a knowledge base that demonstrates an understanding of scientific research & incorporates research & best practice teaching. Thinking critically & analytically Working collaboratively to develop problem solving strategies

5 Course Outcomes cont. Developing an awareness of the power of “Knowing how, knowing that and knowing why” Making effective changes in classroom proactively.

6 Course Process 1. Develop action research questions 2. Gather information in relation to questions. 3. Design a plan to assess current classroom practice as it relates to the question.

7 Course Process Cont. 4. Gather and analyze data about those practices. 5. Develop effective practices based upon an action plan. Class participants will work cooperatively in action research teams during class sessions to achieve the goal of improving student learning through reflective teacher action.

8 Course Expectations Be HERE, ready to learn. Cell phones remain off and put away unless an emergency. Laptop use is encouraged for note taking and research. Please do not let this become an invitation to check email or conduct other activities. Questions are encouraged and supported at ALL times.

9 Student Work & Assessment Develop a working knowledge of AR theory & process through class attendance and participation - 30 points each - 60 points Gather information on research area & potential action through review of journal publications - 2 @ 20 points each - 40 points Develop an AR project - 90 points Present your AR project - 10 points

10 Action Research Project Abstract of the Project Statement of the Problem Research-based Support for Change Data Collection Method(s) Data Analysis Method(s) Dissemination Plan

11 Action Research Project Rubric Unsatis- factory Basic BasicProficientDistinguished 0-4 pts5-6 pts7-8 pts9-10 pts Total pts possible 90

12 Reflective Processing What issues can you identify in your own classroom instruction and student learning? Are they solvable?

13 Reflective Discussion What issues did you and your partner identify? What potential solutions did you identify? How might you know if they have an effect?

14 Defining Action Research Study YOUR problem Focus on improving the quality of YOUR instruction to improve student learning Form of Professional Growth Designed to connect research w/ classroom instruction

15 Also Known As Reflective Practice Case Studies Collaborative Action Research Proactive Action Research Responsive Action Research

16 What it is not… Scientifically-based research: Studies the problems of others Clinical in identification of variables and controls studied Generalizable truths Not designed to benefit the subjects but the research community

17 Differences & Similarities What others are doing Seek explanation & truth Objective Strive for Knowledge Removed from research site Reflective What one is personally doing Seek continuous change Strive for development & planned change Personally involved Research Methods Inquiry Problem Solving TRAR Both

18 What have others set out to study? Equity - Improving instruction for students of ethnicities, ELL, etc. Student Behaviors Teaching Strategies Student Learning Styles Real-Life Connections Assessments Student Responsibility Single students vs. Entire classrooms

19 AR Examples Ell and Oral Directions at Elementary Setting Writing to Learn, Visual Cues at Middle Setting Student Choice Based on Learning Styles at High School Setting

20 How could you adapt the research study for your own use?

21 Mixed Discussion Groups 1. Jeff, Jessica, Leigh, Lisa 2. Amanda, Stephanie, Jim, Vicky 3. Josh, Linda, Stefani, Kristin 4. Anthony, Molly, Lindsey, Jacqueline, Jennifer

22 Developing Research Questions The Right Question Activity 1. Jim, Anthony, Amanda, Jeff 2. Linda, Jessica, Molly, Josh 3. Lisa, Vicky, Kristin, Lindsey 4. Jennifer, Jacqueline, Stefani, Leigh, Stephanie

23 The “Right Questions” Rules of Engagement The ONLY rule is that you may only right down questions. Brainstorm any question that comes to mind by members of your team. You will be timed and have 5 minutes to begin phase 1.

24 Assignment Read and respond to Chapters 2-3 in Schmuck Complete pages 26, 39-40 Begin researching publications/journals for 2 research articles that you will use for your 2 abstracts. Let me know before you leave if you need an ID card for accessing the Collins Library.

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