Business and Social Responsibilities. Social Responsibility is the duty to do is what is best for the good of society.

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Presentation on theme: "Business and Social Responsibilities. Social Responsibility is the duty to do is what is best for the good of society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business and Social Responsibilities

2 Social Responsibility is the duty to do is what is best for the good of society

3 Responsibilities to Customers Business have a responsibility to its customers to provide good, safe products or services at a reasonable price. Food and Drug Administration protects consumers Competition is key

4 Responsibilities to Employees Business have a responsibility to its employees to provide them with safe working conditions, equal treatment and fair pay Benefits are: High morale High productivity Low turnover rate

5 Responsibilities to Society Businesses have a responsibility to society by ensuring that they are good stewards of the planet Here are a few of the broad categories of social responsibility that businesses are practicing: Environmental Philanthropy Community Development Educational

6 Responsibilities to Creditors and Owners Businesses have a responsibility to creditors and owners by presenting accurate and true financial information.

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