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The “New South”… More like the OLD SOUTH. Origins of the Term New South Henry Grady  newspaper editor Urged the South to out produce the North commercially.

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Presentation on theme: "The “New South”… More like the OLD SOUTH. Origins of the Term New South Henry Grady  newspaper editor Urged the South to out produce the North commercially."— Presentation transcript:

1 The “New South”… More like the OLD SOUTH

2 Origins of the Term New South Henry Grady  newspaper editor Urged the South to out produce the North commercially & industrially

3 The New South Some industrial gains in – Textiles…mill towns – Tobacco Trust  James Buchanan Duke

4 The New South But for the most part, South remains primarily AGRICULTURAL WHY? South had never been industrial…this was all new to them Lack of strong education system…the know-how More concerned with maintaining a racial hierarchy


6 The New South Politics  Democratic Party Dominated…HOW? Disfranchisement of freedman via literacy tests, poll tax, and grandfather clause


8 The New South Economics  Sharecropping Stuck in a cycle of debt




12 The New South Socially  Jim Crow Laws Required separation of facilities **As you can see, everything from politics, to economics, to social remains in the power of…

13 Does anyone attempt to speak out?

14 Booker T Washington

15 Born a slave…after emancipation family moved to West Virginia Family = destitute; began working in the salt & coal mines @ age 9 Determined to get an education, enrolled @ Hampton Normal & Agricultural Institute in VA…worked as a janitor to pay for tuition Tuskegee Institute (now Tuskegee University) in Atlanta – Skill focused  leading to economic security

16 “Atlanta COMPROMISE” Presentation: What is Booker T’s tone? What does he argue? Facts & inferences What is your favorite quote? “In all things that are purely social we can be separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress.”

17 W.E.B DuBois (William Edward Burghardt)

18 Well educated; well traveled “I was in Harvard but not of it.” Father of Social Science “Talented Tenth” – “educate & agitate” Niagara Movement 1906 = NAACP 1909  right in the middle of Jim Crow The Crisis (25 years) Russian Revolution 1917  embraces Communism – Shades of Washingtonianism? Dies August 27, 1963 (importance of year?)

19 The Niagara Movement Presentation: What is W.E.B’s tone? What does he argue? Facts & inferences What is your favorite quote?

20 Take a Stand… Who do you agree with and why? In-class debate

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