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Room Reminder challenge #3 Maddison W 11 Mississippi.

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1 Room Reminder challenge #3 Maddison W 11 Mississippi

2 Describe the problem you want to solve. **This step is required. A lot of people forget where there things go or if something is on the ground in there room. If something is out of place, you don’t really realize it.

3 Room reminder specific laser lines camera monitor that you have to check ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lasers **This step is required.

4 Draw pictures and diagrams to show your invention and how it might work. **This step is required.

5 Build your prototype. Write down each step so that you will remember exactly how you built your model. 1.I built a box out of a piece of board 2.I poked a whole through the box big enough to put and empty role of toilet paper. 3.I put some plastic wrap around the top of the toilet paper role. 4.I put black duck tape around the whole thing to give it a camera look. 5.I made the monitor by: taking a piece of board and putting some construction paper around the picture of a dirty room and the picture of a clean room. 6.Monitor: my final touch to my monitor was I put a Christmas light in each of the monitors.

6 How can you improve your prototype? I could improve my invention by making it child proof or making it unbreakable. I would make it child proof by making it a small camera that you cannot see. I can make it unbreakable by making it out of the hardest metal ever found.

7 Give your invention a name and explain why people should buy it. **This step is required. The name of my invention is going to be Room Reminder because it reminds you that something is out of place in your room by texting you and telling you what it was. People should buy it because it could help you not get yelled at by your parents and it would help you not have a dirty room.

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