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Calls for Action In 1786, Virginia called for a convention at Annapolis, Maryland –Delegates from only 5 states showed up! –Hamilton called for Congress.

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Presentation on theme: "Calls for Action In 1786, Virginia called for a convention at Annapolis, Maryland –Delegates from only 5 states showed up! –Hamilton called for Congress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calls for Action In 1786, Virginia called for a convention at Annapolis, Maryland –Delegates from only 5 states showed up! –Hamilton called for Congress to summon a convention to meet in Philadelphia the next year Not to deal with just commerce, but to fix then entire fabric of the Articles of Confederation

2 “Good God!…Not withstanding the boasted virtue of America, we are far gone in every thing that is ignoble and bad.” —George Washington Men Fighting During Shays‘ Rebellion

3 Shays’ Rebellion August 1786-June 1787 Daniel Shays  Am. Rev. veteran 4,000 member militia called out to contain –6+ people killed, dozens wounded, 2 hanged "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." "You talk, my good sir, of employing influence to appease the present tumults in Massachusetts. I know not where that influence is to be found, or, if attainable, that it would be a proper remedy for the disorders. Influence is not government. Let us have a government by which our lives, liberties, and properties will be secured, or let us know the worst at once." the rural disturbances and the inability of the central government to fund troops in response made "the inefficiency of the Federal government [become] more and more manifest." “What a triumph for our enemies…to find that we are incapable of governing ourselves.”

4 Calls for Action In 1786, Virginia called for a convention at Annapolis, Maryland –Delegates from only 5 states showed up! –Hamilton called for Congress to summon a convention to meet in Philadelphia the next year Not to deal with just commerce, but to fix then entire fabric of the Articles of Confederation * On May 25,, 55 representatives ( states) met in Philadelphia to discuss government  –Hoped to save the revolutionary idealism and make it into a strong political structure –George Washington elected leader

5 Hammering Out a Bundle of Compromises After deciding to scrap the Articles of Confederation, what to do? “ ” vs. “ ” “ ” Slavery – –

6 Compromises cont. – States and national government –Branches of government Constitutional Convention adjourned on 9/17/1787 -Constitution now had to be ratified by voters

7 Ratification Process to ratify the new Constitution  Article VII Voters choose delegates State convention voted on Constitution states needed to pass for Constitution to replace Articles

8 Controversy Over the Constitution When the Constitution was printed in the newspapers people were shocked –Delegates created a NEW constitution Framers set up procedure they thought gave the Constitution the best chance to be ratified Voters choose delegates State convention voted on Constitution states needed to pass for Constitution to replace Articles Bypassed state legislatures

9 Opposing Sides Federalists Liked balance of power between states and national gov’t –Separation of power would protect against tyranny Antifederalists –Lack of protection for individual rights

10 Opposing Sides cont. Both sides tried to gain popular support Letter from the Federal Farmer –Rights that needed more protection Speech, press, religion, trial by jury, searches, etc. The Federalist (Papers) –85 essays defending the Constitution –1787-1788 in NY

11 Bill of Rights – Key to Ratification Federalists promised to add a bill of rights if the Constitution was ratified

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