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2 Overview of databases Database = structured storage for your data Each database can have several tables sidcidgrade 9319050003614.0 9319050003623.0 9319050013614.0 9319050013624.0 9319050014963.0 9319050023612.0 sidonidname 931905000cjonesC. Jones 931905001amorgan2A. Morgan 931905002rholdtR. Holdt cidprofcredcaptitle 361cscaffid470SE I 362agroce470SE II 496cscaffid470Mobile/Cloud Courses Students Grades

3 Setting up a database Simple approach: Get an ENGR database Go to, log in, click Web Database on the left. It give you the sample PHP code to use as well as database names and passwords.

4 Database table overview: primary keys cidprofcredcaptitle 361cscaffid470SE I 362agroce470SE II 496cscaffid470Mobile/Cloud Usually, your table will have a "primary key" – a column that is unique for each row. Usually, you will use an integer as your primary key. It is also possible to have a "composite key" – two or more columns that as a combination are unique for each row.

5 Other columns in the table cidprofcredcaptitle 361cscaffid470SE I 362agroce470SE II 496cscaffid470Mobile/Cloud Other columns in the table can be strings (aka "varchars"), ints, etc. The data types supported vary by database. MySQL supports these…

6 Foreign keys cidprofcredcaptitle 361cscaffid470SE I 362agroce470SE II 496cscaffid470Mobile/Cloud Sometimes, a non-primary column in one table references the primary key in another table. This is called a "foreign key constraint." sidcidgrade 9319050003614.0 9319050003623.0 9319050013614.0 9319050013624.0 9319050014963.0 9319050023612.0

7 Example Connection <?php $mysqli = new mysqli("","scaffidc-db","mYRBEDC15SlLJXmv","scaffidc-db"); mysqli_close($mysqli); ?> Current ONID Database Settings Database Namescaffidc-db Usernamescaffidc-db PasswordmYRBEDC15SlLJXmv

8 Queries mysqli object has a query() method Use with caution, does nothing to protect against injection Generally you will just provide a query as a single argument to this function

9 Queries Continued Return values: – FALSE on failure – For successful SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE or EXPLAIN queries returns a mysqli_result object – For other successful queries returns TRUE

10 Let’s create some tables! <?php $mysqli = new mysqli("","scaffidc-db","mYRBEDC15SlLJXmv","scaffidc-db"); $mysqli->query("drop table grades"); $mysqli->query("drop table students"); $mysqli->query("drop table courses"); /* watch out for, and remove, extra carriage returns below */ if (!$mysqli->query("create table courses(cid integer, prof varchar(64), cred integer, cap integer, title varchar(200), primary key(cid))") || !$mysqli->query("create table students(sid integer, onid varchar(32), name varchar(200), primary key(sid))") || !$mysqli->query("create table grades(cid integer, sid integer, grade decimal(3,2), primary key(sid,cid), foreign key(sid) references students, foreign key(cid) references courses)") ) { printf("Cannot create table(s).\n"); } $mysqli->close(); ?>

11 Let’s insert some rows! … /* watch out for, and remove, extra carriage returns below */ $mysqli->query("insert into courses(cid,prof,cred,cap,title) values(361,'cscaffid',4,70,'SE I')"); $mysqli->query("insert into courses(cid,prof,cred,cap,title) values(362,'agroce',4,70,'SE II')"); $mysqli->query("insert into courses(cid,prof,cred,cap,title) values(496,'cscaffid',4,70,'Mobile/Cloud')"); $mysqli->query("insert into students(sid,onid,name) values(931905000,'cjones','C. Jones')"); $mysqli->query("insert into students(sid,onid,name) values(931905001,'amorgan2','A. Morgan')"); $mysqli->query("insert into students(sid,onid,name) values(931905000,'rholdt','R. Holdt')"); … /* watch out for, and remove, extra carriage returns above */

12 Reading all the rows from a table … /* watch out for, and remove, extra carriage returns below */ echo " "; if ($result = $mysqli->query("select cid,prof,cred,cap,title from courses")) { while($obj = $result->fetch_object()){ echo " "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->cid)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->title)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->prof)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->cred)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->cap)." "; echo " "; } $result->close(); } echo " "; …

13 Updating one row in the table … $mysqli->query("update courses set cap=80 where cid = 362"); echo " "; if ($result = $mysqli->query("select cid,prof,cred,cap,title from courses where cid >= 300 and cid <= 400")) { while($obj = $result->fetch_object()){ echo " "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->cid)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->title)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->prof)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->cred)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->cap)." "; echo " "; } $result->close(); } echo " "; …

14 Deleting one row in the table … $mysqli->query("delete from courses where cid = 362"); echo " "; if ($result = $mysqli->query("select cid,prof,cred,cap,title from courses where cid >= 300 and cid <= 400")) { while($obj = $result->fetch_object()){ echo " "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->cid)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->title)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->prof)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->cred)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($obj->cap)." "; echo " "; } $result->close(); } echo " "; …

15 Deleting data when you have foreign keys Table X references table Y, delete rows from Y before rows from X. (e.g., delete Grades before Courses.) cidprofcredcaptitle 361cscaffid470SE I 362agroce470SE II 496cscaffid470Mobile/Cloud 494cscaffid420Web dev sidcidgrade 9319050003614.0 9319050003623.0 9319050013614.0 9319050013624.0 9319050014963.0 9319050023612.0 Courses Grades

16 A brief word about security DO NOT trust the data from the server – One of your co-workers might have allowed users to put evil data into the database! – You can remove special characters with htmlspecialchars() DO NOT trust the data from the browser – JS and jQuery form validation can be bypassed! – Used prepared statements if you need to use data from the browser in your SQL statements Bonus: Potential for performance improvement if you need to repeatedly execute an SQL statement.

17 Inserting with a prepared statement /* Imagine, for a moment, that we are working with data from the browser */ if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("insert into courses(cid,prof,cred,cap,title) values(?,?,?,?,?)")) { for ($i = 100; $i < 300; $i++) { $cid = $i; $prof = "Professor X$i"; $cred = 3; $cap = ($cid < 200 ? 150 : 50); $title = "CS Course $i"; /* for five params, pass five character types to bind_param with five values */ $stmt->bind_param("isiis", $cid, $prof, $cred, $cap, $title); $stmt->execute(); } $stmt->close(); } else { printf("Error: %s\n", $mysqli->error); }

18 Types of prepared statement params iinteger ddouble sstring bblob

19 Querying with a prepared statement echo " "; $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("select cid,prof,cred,cap,title from courses where cid >= ? and cid < ?"); $cidmin = 165; $cidmax = 170; $stmt->bind_param("ii",$cidmin,$cidmax); if ($stmt->execute()) { $stmt->bind_result($cid, $prof, $cred, $cap, $title); while($stmt->fetch()){ echo " "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($cid)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($title)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($prof)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($cred)." "; echo " ".htmlspecialchars($cap)." "; echo " "; } $stmt->close(); }

20 Walk through another site skeleton Browse at Download at Good points: Demonstrates PHP-db integration Bad points: No input validation or data-editing; same page title on every page

21 We’re just scratching the surface… Other features supported by databases – Auto-assigned keys (covered later in this course) – Indexes (covered later in this course) – Transactions – Aggregates, grouping, sorting – Views and synthetic/computed columns – Triggers and stored procedures – Import, export, and backup – Replication For details, take the database courses – And/or cover these in your How-To?

22 Activity Spend the rest of class working on homework

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