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Presentation on theme: "INTERACTIVE SMARTBOARD CLASSROOMS Dana Berg, ESA2."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives  Show you examples  Provide Resources  Allow time for collaboration and research  Be available for guidance

3 Why Interactivity?  Generational Learning  Motivation  Engagement  Differentiation  Active Learning

4 The Technology Continuum EaseEnrichExtend

5 Smart Made Simple

6 Integration Ideas  Enhancing Classroom Discussion  Modeling Demonstrating  Collaborating

7 Enhancing Class Discussion  Images as a stimulus for discussion  Ex. Frogs life cycleFrogs life cycle  Brainstorming/Notetaking  Sorting

8 Modeling  Model a skill or concept  Ex. Virtual LabVirtual Lab  Create your own notebook template  Record notes on the interactive whiteboard  Ex. Math problems, diagrams, outlines

9 Demonstrating  Teaching a new concept or skill  Ex. HaikuHaiku  Peer Teaching  Annotating with additional information or notes

10 Collaboration  Collaborative Writing  Ex. Notebooks, blogs, wikis  Have students create their own notebook template after modeling the process with the class  Group Problem Solving  Ex. Perimeter ActivityPerimeter Activity

11 When Planning, Consider…  Academic Needs  Age and Ability Appropriateness  Set Up  Grouping  Assessment

12 Ongoing Assessment and Evaluation  Listen for understanding  Look for engagement  Ask open ended questions  Collect evidence of success which reflects skill and concept development  Give genuine, specific and immediate feedback and praise

13 Curriculum Resources and Ideas

14 Math  Build graphsgraphs  Explore patternspatterns  Equivalent fractions Equivalent fractions  Percentages Percentages  Time Time

15 Science  Explore habitats, landforms, etc.habitats  Compare characteristics and properties (ex. rocks/minerals, plant/animal cells )plant/animal cells  Conduct a dissection (ex. owl pellet)owl pellet  Explore science visuals and processes (ex. cell parts, electrical circuit, life cycle, water cycle)water cycle  Explore solar systemsolar system  Go on virtual field trips (ex. Google Earth)  Record science data (ex.wind, temperature, etc.)

16 Social Studies  Build timelines Build timelines  Compare time periods, groups, and civilizations Compare time periods, groups, and civilizations  Compare political parties  Examine primary resource materialsprimary resource  Label maps Label maps  Identify branches of governmentbranches of government  Show development of cities, movement of people developments of products (ex. food from farm to city)movement of people  Take virtual field trips

17 Communication Arts  Check authenticity of a website  Explore editing and proofreading marks  Highlight words in sentences and paragraphs - use online literatureonline literature  Use highlighter tool to show parts of speech  Use a story starter (1, 2); write a class story12  Show a book cover for predicting and analysisbook cover

18 A Few Good Sites to Bookmark  Whiteboard links Whiteboard links  SMART - Education SMART - Education  Starter Activity from Eduscape Starter Activity from Eduscape  Electronic Whiteboard Electronic Whiteboard  National Whiteboard Network National Whiteboard Network  Whiteboard bookmarks Whiteboard bookmarks  Whiteboard wiki Whiteboard wiki  SMARTboard Lessons Podcast SMARTboard Lessons Podcast

19 SmartBoard +_______________  Notebook  Google  Lit Trips  Maps  Earth  Sketch Up  Graphic Organizers/Notetaking  Digital Storytelling  Voicethread  Presentations

20 Your Task  Work individually or with others  Brainstorm ideas for lessons you could make “Smart”  Spend time visiting the provided links and resources and researching ideas  Share ideas with colleagues


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